Q&A for How to Prune a Mango Tree

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    What organic nutritional spray should I use on young avocado trees?
    Sunny Mahanand
    Community Answer
    Avocados need nitrogen, first and foremost, and a little zinc. You can use a citrus tree fertilizer as an avocado fertilizer, or go organic and use compost, coffee, fish emulsion, etc.
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    I have 6 to 9 fruit on a shoot, will they be to heavy to grow without breaking ?
    Community Answer
    Depends on what type of fruit. The different types of fruits can affect it. If it is a cherry or plum tree, then you shouldn't worry about it but if it is a mango, apple, orange, or any other big heavy fruit tree, then you should remove them or support them with something to relieve the pressure on the shoot.
  • Question
    Does a 3 year old mango tree still grow if all of the tip is removed?
    Community Answer
    No, your tree requires that tip. However, it is possible to grow back that tip.
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    Is it necessary to apply nitrogen fertiliser for trees grown more than 5 years of age?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on what pH balance your soil is. You can send your soil off to be tested, or get a test kit for at home. Then, you can determine where to go from there.
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    My mango tree has produced a bumper crop of over 120 mangoes, average weight 800gms but of late it flowers profusely, produces lots of little fruits, which all fall off over a period.
    Ganesha Gupta
    Community Answer
    It may because the plant green branches are too weak to hold the fruit...or the fruit is too deficient. You can try tying the fruit connected with the branches to a strong support and leave it.
  • Question
    Is tip pruning effective for mango trees because they are terminal bearing fruits?
    Ganesha Gupta
    Community Answer
    No, but if you want to maintain the beautification of your tree, then there is no harm. However, don't prune too much, as it would need to recover.
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    Best time of day to prune fruit trees?
    Community Answer
    Any time is fine, preferably in the morning so it can dry in the sun if the day is warm. However, there’s no right or wrong time of day really.
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    Should I trim the bottom leaves of a young potted mango tree that is 2 to 3 feet tall? If so, how high should I prune, and when should I do it?
    freda perry
    Community Answer
    Trim the bottom leaves of a young, potted mango tree to promote healthy growth, prevent disease, and improve air circulation. Trim when the plant is established and actively growing, typically in late spring to early summer. Remove the bottom third of the plant's growth, which is about 8 to 12 inches for a 2- to 3-foot-tall plant. Use sharp, sterilized scissors or pruning shears, cutting close to the main stem without damaging it. Regularly check for new growth, and remove any dead or yellowing leaves promptly. Monitor the plant for signs of stress after trimming and adjust care as needed.
  • Question
    What should I do if my insurance company demands cutting back a mango tree when fruit is forming? Will it cause shock and affect fruit growth?
    Bob Anderson
    Community Answer
    If your insurance company demands cutting back the tree just as fruit is forming, it's essential to assess the situation carefully. Cutting the tree back during this critical growth stage may indeed cause shock and impact fruit growth. To minimize potential damage, consider negotiating a compromise with your insurance company, such as delaying the pruning until after the fruit harvest. Alternatively, consult with a professional arborist to determine the best course of action to ensure both the tree's health and your insurance requirements are met.
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