Q&A for How to Remember What You Read

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    What if I'm having trouble understanding what I'm reading?
    Josh Jones
    CEO, Test Prep Unlimited
    Josh Jones is the CEO and Founder of Test Prep Unlimited, a GMAT prep tutoring service. Josh built the world's first and only score guarantee program for private GMAT tutoring. He has presented at the QS World MBA Tour and designed math curricula for Chicago Public Schools. He has over 15 years of private tutoring and classroom teaching experience and a BA in Math from the University of Chicago.
    CEO, Test Prep Unlimited
    Expert Answer
    You may need to brush up on your fundamentals. You can't start building a skyscraper at the 5th floor—you have to start at the ground floor and build up from there.
  • Question
    If I start reading late for an exam, what advice can you give me to catch up?
    Community Answer
    Focus on the main ideas, things you think will likely be on the test, and material you don't know as well. Skim everything else.
  • Question
    How much time should I take for a break while studying?
    Community Answer
    Five to 15 minutes per hour is a decent time.
  • Question
    Why do I read something but forget it when I am in the exam hall?
    Community Answer
    Exam anxiety i.e the fear of "I haven't prepared", "I might go blank when the paper comes", "I know nothing" or simply when you start to hyperventilate by seeing whats on the exam, that's when panic starts to engulf you and you start forgetting stuff. Ironically, this panic attack is not termed as "I remember nothing" but in fact it is called exam anxiety that leads to brain closure on temporary basis. To overcome it read through the entire paper and attempt the questions you know the answers of or might know because some of the information is always stored up in your subconsciousness through which you are capable of remembering at least some part of what you read!
  • Question
    I am not able to remember what I read and I get confused! What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you are reading too much information at a time. Slow down and read for shorter segments, for example 10 to 15 minutes. Try to visualize or put into words what you just read. Then, move on to the next section.
  • Question
    Why do I feel sleepy when I want to read books?
    Community Answer
    You could be tired and sitting still causes your body to feel more sleepy. Try sitting in an uncomfortable place or position with good lighting, read out loud, or eat a light snack. Drink water or coffee to energize yourself.
  • Question
    Can I answer a question in an exam in my own words?
    Community Answer
    Yes. That's what you should always try to do. You would be plagiarizing otherwise.
  • Question
    How can I calculate various problems faster?
    Community Answer
    The faster you read, the faster the information gets pushed from your eyes to your brain, and can get cramped, and sometimes pushed to unreachable places. Try reading slower, giving your eyes and brain time to sort the information, so you can remember it faster when you need it.
  • Question
    How can I remember things?
    Community Answer
    By reading slowly for 10-15 minutes and recapture what you have read. Take notes while reading and make your own sentences.
  • Question
    What about my reading speed as visual learner?
    Community Answer
    Start by reading in short segments, for example 10 to 15 minutes. After you read, try to make sense of and visualize what you just read. Then, progress your reading endurance by reading in longer segments, like 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Question
    How can I read a subject quickly and remember it?
    Community Answer
    Try to write short notes and think about what you are reading in images. And, if this doesn't help you, read out loud and ask yourself questions about the subject.
  • Question
    How do I memorize formulas without cramming?
    Community Answer
    Start learning and reviewing formulas long before an exam to avoid cramming. Write each formula on a flashcard and review it starting on the first day you learn it.
  • Question
    How can I read without feeling sleepy?
    Community Answer
    If you notice that you are feeling sleepy, take a short break. Do some jumping jacks or step outside for fresh air, then begin reading again. Repeat if necessary.
  • Question
    How can I remember things for a longer amount of time?
    Fox Nike
    Community Answer
    Reread it and quiz yourself every 2-3 days or once a week. It doesn't have to take much time. Just read through the key points and see if you can remember the details.
  • Question
    How can I remember chemical equations for my chemistry class?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend making flash cards with the equation on one side and what it's used for on the other. Then, quiz yourself several times a day until you've got all of the main equations memorized. Also, working through several problems using each equation is helpful because it allows you to practice applying the equation in different ways.
  • Question
    How do I improve my memory?
    Community Answer
    For some great tips, check out the wikiHow articles Improve Your Memory and Increase Memory Power .
  • Question
    How do I remember what I read and also understand it?
    Community Answer
    You should try to have a mental picture of the material you are reading. Highlight and write down key concepts and ideas. Ask yourself questions, write down what you have read in your own words, and then quiz yourself.
  • Question
    When should I read when I want to remember what I've read?
    Community Answer
    Different times work for different people. If you tend to wake up refreshed and alert in the morning, it would be a good idea to read then. If you feel like you concentrate better in the afternoons or evenings, read at those times instead.
  • Question
    How do I remember all that I have read and understand while reading?
    Community Answer
    While reading, create images in your mind about what you are reading and it will be easier for you to remember what you have read. Also try putting yourself in a role around what you read as this can help sustain your memory of what you have read.
  • Question
    What are some good reading materials to help me with good reading?
    Community Answer
    Begin with short stories and comics. Then magazines, novellas and practise reading more. E books are good, you can get any books you want.Then find out the genres of your interest and read as much as you can. Remember: Readers are leaders.
  • Question
    I don't remember anything I read. What might be the cause?
    Aditi Mahanti
    Community Answer
    There could be several reasons why you're having trouble remembering what you read. It could be due to poor reading habits, such as reading too quickly, not focusing on the material, or not actively engaging with the text. Other factors that could contribute to poor memory include lack of sleep, stress, and poor nutrition. Certain medications or medical conditions, such as ADHD or depression, can also affect memory. Additionally, it's possible that you simply have a natural tendency toward forgetfulness or a difficulty with retaining information. It's important to identify the underlying cause of your memory difficulties and address it appropriately.
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