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Q&A for How to Stage Kiss
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QuestionHow do I stage kiss without being uncomfortable?Lesly Kahn is an acting teacher and coach based in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder and owner of Lesly Kahn & Company, Actor Training, which focuses on preparing actors for employment in film, television and theatre. With well over 30 years of experience, Ms. Kahn has coached hundreds of actors who have become household names. She also ran the BFA Program in Acting at Marymount Manhattan College, and worked in television as well as New York and regional theatre. Lesly holds a BFA from New York University and an MFA from The Yale School of Drama.If you have to kiss, find somebody to kiss and practice kissing. Don't just wait until you get to set. Talk to the person beforehand and discuss the kiss and ask if you can practice in a professional manner. This way, you can do it a few times and get rid of any discomfort you might have.
QuestionDo you have any tips to stop giggling and stuff during rehearsal? Also, how early should the kiss be introduced during rehearsal?Baker and MakerCommunity AnswerJust focus on the performance, and act it out. Block out the whole world and feel like nothing else is happening. The kiss should be introduced when the cast members have gotten to know each other and are okay to do possibly embarassing things together.
QuestionWhat if it is going to be my first kiss, but I want my first kiss to be with someone else?Community AnswerIf this is in a play, you should tell the other person and the director. Then work it out from there.
QuestionHow can I be more comfortable with kissing someone of the same sex?Tea N BiscuitsCommunity AnswerNo doubt, it's probably going to be awkward, but good actresses and actors can hide their discomfort. Just imagine the person you are kissing is someone that you are really attracted to.
QuestionWhat if I am in a middle school play and the person I kiss is older or younger than me?Community AnswerIt really doesn't matter, as long as you both understand that it is just a stage kiss, it means nothing in real life. Just be mature and ask your scene partner to be mature as well.
QuestionI'm a little nervous because I have to kiss someone on stage, and I haven't even had my first kiss yet. I'm afraid I'm going to do it wrong. What can I do?Cool⚡️KIDCommunity AnswerDon't be afraid. Relax your mind. If you want to learn how to kiss, then just read one of our wikihow articles on how to kiss.
QuestionHow do I apply lip balm?Community AnswerFirst, apply one coat on each lip, then rub them together. After that add any touch ups that you think are necessary.
QuestionWhat if I want to fake a kiss with my best friend? How would I do that?Community Answerif you're comfortable with it, actually kiss them. If you're not, you can grasp their face with your hands and put your thumbs on their lips, then kiss your thumbs. You can also kiss just shy of their mouth, right on the edge of their lips. Another way is to wrap the arm facing your audience around to the other side of their face to go over their mouth.
QuestionI have a crush but have to kiss someone else and I don’t want to. What to do?Community AnswerIt's called acting for a reason––you are pretending to kiss and you do not mean the kissing or anything else. Have a joke about it with your crush after, saying something like: "Play kissing is such a bore. It'd be so cool to kiss for real. Wanna try?".
QuestionHow do I cope when my boyfriend/girlfriend has to kiss someone else instead of me?Community AnswerDon't be jealous. It's not a real kiss and it will mean nothing. They're just acting!
QuestionI’m in a play where I have to kiss a classmate (my friend), but when I even practice with an audience, they always giggle and whisper to each other, which makes me feel really awkward. What do I do?Community AnswerYou're acting. It's not real. There's no reason to feel awkward. Your characters are kissing, not you in real life.
QuestionHow do I approach the topic of kissing on stage with my co-star when the director has given us the option to kiss or hug instead?Community AnswerJust be mature about it, and address what you would prefer. Also, tell your co-star if you think that it would be better to stage kiss according to the context of the scene.
QuestionThe person I have to kiss for an assessment has never kissed anyone before and I'm not sure how to tell them our kissing scene lasts 2 minutes. How do I make it not awkward?Community AnswerJust remind them that it's only acting, and it's not real. And also remember to be very mature about it. Maturity is key for this kind of stuff. And it's for marks, not sparks!
QuestionI have to kiss this guy and it will be my first kiss... He’s really shy and I want to get to know him better so I can be more comfortable when I kiss him. What can I do to make this not awkward?Community AnswerGet to know him! Do you have any classes with him? Practice your scenes together and while you do that get to know him. You guys will need to be good friends for it to not be awkward.
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