Q&A for How to Start a Farm

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    Is farming really a business, or just a hobby?
    Top Answerer
    Farming certainly is a business when you have to analyze your costs of what goes into producing food for yourself and the community, and the money you get from selling that food product. But farming can certainly be a hobby too, and perhaps a side source of income, nothing wrong with that.
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    What do I need for goat farming?
    Top Answerer
    A solid fence and good feed, for starters. You'll also need a business plan and some tips from other experienced goat producers.
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    Where do I purchase the animals for my farm?
    Top Answerer
    You can buy them directly from other farmers, or indirectly from auction sales. It all depends on what's easiest for you and what kind of sale points you have easiest access to.
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    It is possible to start business without tractor?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. But expect a little extra work and a lot of clever thinking when having to move items that could be easily moved with a tractor.
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    Which crops are most profitable?
    Top Answerer
    That all depends on where you live. Also, remember that if a crop seems profitable, that profit can be offset remarkably by the higher costs needed to grow that crop, from fuel, fertilizer and pesticide, to costs for labor, machinery depreciation, machinery costs, land rent, etc. Every cost counts. Corn or soybeans may seem most profitable, but if more loans are needed to pay for fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, and machinery costs, then it may not be that profitable. The most profitable may be forage instead. (Just some things to think about.)
  • Question
    What can I start with on a farm?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    It entirely depends on what sort of farm you want. A livestock farm, vegetables or maybe an orchard? Or you could have a bit of everything. You need to have money to start up a farm and definitely shelter. The easiest income you will make from farming is from chickens. These animals are easy, cheap and are guaranteed to get you eggs. Vegetable growing may be a little more difficult depending on where you live and the type of climate you get. And orchards will take a lot of time, space and money (but will give you great profits).
  • Question
    Which livestock is more profitable to start with?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Start small - preferably with poultry. You can sell the eggs and mark them free-range. Free-range eggs are more popular as people fight for welfare standards. You can decide whether to expand with more animals as you go from there.
  • Question
    Can I start a farm with an orchard and some livestock?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You may want to expand after the livestock have grown and bred, but that is certainly enough to start with.
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    How many tractors does a beginner farmer need to start with?
    Community Answer
    Depends on how much land you are working with and if you have anyone working with you. Starting out, you will probably just need one, but make sure to maintain it and keep it in good working order. As your farm grows, you might consider buying another tractor if you can afford it.
  • Question
    Do I need any licences or permits to start a farm in Canada? Also, do I need to register a business or can I grow and sell vegetables and chicken without any permits?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Check your local laws and regulations via phone contact or online. Specific rules apply for specific areas. If you are signing up as a business then you will most likely need a permit. However, the rules on selling chickens and vegetables are very easy-going in most countries.
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    What if I don't want to start a farm?
    Top Answerer
    Don't. No one is going to stop you if you don't want to start a farm.
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    How do I start a farm when I'm too busy with other activities to supervise?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps farming isn't for you. If you believe you would like to be a farmer, you will need to devote much of your attention & time to it to become successful & profitable. If you are too busy to supervise, consider volunteering on a farm to learn about other ways you can get involved. There are limitless facets to farming.
  • Question
    Do I need to file a business name with the county to claim expenses as deductions on a farm?
    Community Answer
    If you want to claim deductions on your schedule A tax form, you should speak to an accountant. Typically to do this, you need a business license, a business tax I.D. number, and be listed through your agricultural department.
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    How do I get funding to start a farm?
    Community Answer
    Funding a beginning farm starts with going to your local agricultural extension office. There they can assist you in navigating possible grants, USDA loans, & learn about viable means to get you started.
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    What is the highest CAPEX and OPEX when starting a farm?
    Community Answer
    Land is the most expensive investment, including equipment. With regards to OPEX, the running of the farm is the highest, whether you are farming livestock or crops.
  • Question
    How do I pick what type of farm I want to start?
    Community Answer
    If you're trying to decide on what to farm, consider your areas climate, terrain, what nearby farms produce, & what you think you may be good at. Take into consideration your amount of land, capital & startup costs, and your time. If farming interests you, go introduce yourself to some farmers in the area where you may want be, talk to them & ask questions. Go ask for advice from your local Cooperative Extension office, or even the agriculture department at your nearest university. Your areas climate should be your first consideration of what you can farm. Get a few ideas and write them down. Now research your ideas and decide if any of these interest you.
  • Question
    How do I become a farmer? Do I need to go to school?
    Top Answerer
    While it is not required, some education is really useful to operate your farm profitably. You will have to inform yourself about what crops or animals grow well in your area, how and when to use the correct fertilizer, and so on. You will also need to know how to do the necessary tasks on your farm. Usually, you also need to manage legal and financial matters. While there are informational events to learn about these things, they may build upon something you learned in school. Check out the wikiHow to Become a Farmer Without Experience for more detailed instructions.
  • Question
    What is the minimum space needed to start up a cow farm?
    Community Answer
    If planning to pasture the cow, then instead of processed hay, one cow would need 1 acre average area to feed on grass. And make sure that the cow shed provides enough space for the cow or cows.
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