Q&A for How to Steep Tea

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    Is it unhealthy to leave tea in water all day?
    Community Answer
    No. In fact, that's how many iced teas are made. However, leaving it at room temperature for more than 3 days isn't a good idea if it's made with unfiltered water. For iced tea, just make sure to keep it refrigerated after fully steeping.
  • Question
    When is the proper time to add milk when steeping tea?
    Community Answer
    Once it is done steeping and you have it in the cup. Add as much milk as you'd like then.
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    While you are steeping, do you need to put a lid or cover over the tea?
    Community Answer
    You don't necessarily "need" to but it keeps the temperature at a more consistent level. Improperly steeped tea (not high enough temperature or insufficient duration) can result in bacterial contamination. (CDC, 1996)
  • Question
    What effect does tea have on the body?
    Community Answer
    Caffeine is a mild stimulant. Aside from that, there are different antioxidants, depending on whether your tea is green or black. This should be same for all brands of black or green teas.
  • Question
    How many times can one tea bag be steeped?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what type of tea it is. Many green and floral teas are made for multiple steeps (increase each steep by 1-2 minutes). However, nutty teas and black teas don't usually turn out very well after more than one steep.
  • Question
    How do I prepare Valerian root and bark as a tea?
    Community Answer
    With any dried or whole herb, you would steep it like any other tea. Use a tea ball or an empty teabag to put the herbs in to prevent too much floating debris. Put the filled tea ball or bag in a cup and pour the hot water over it, steeping for 10-15 minutes. Use 1-2 tablespoons of herb for each batch, twice as much if using as a medicinal tea.
  • Question
    How do I steep green tea with fresh ginger root?
    Community Answer
    Just like you normally would a green tea (this thread suggest 2-3 minutes). Ginger is very strong though, so limit the amount of ginger you put in the tea.
  • Question
    My green tea is some times bitter, why is that?
    Community Answer
    It's likely that the tea is burnt. You may be steeping it in boiling water. Instead, leave the water for a few minutes before adding and infusing the tea leaves.
  • Question
    How do I remove the tea leaves when steeping tea?
    Community Answer
    Either use an infuser while steeping the tea (infuser baskets are better than infuser balls), or pour it through a strainer when serving.
  • Question
    How much room should be left empty in a tea ball for expansion, for black tea?
    Community Answer
    Regular-sized tea balls do not really work with more than a heaped teaspoon of tea leaves. If you want stronger tea than that with a tea ball, use half the amount of water you would ordinarily.
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