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Q&A for How to Survive a Charging Elephant
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QuestionDoes an elephant gets scared by the noise of a car?Community AnswerYes, elephants are scared of loud noises.
QuestionIf I stab the elephant with my ninja sword, is that a better idea than running away?Community AnswerNo. A sword is likely not enough to stop the elephant and may only enrage it further.
QuestionHow can I escape an elephant attack in a mountain area?Community AnswerLook for the nearest big rock, and climb to the top (like a tree). Wait there and call for help, or escape when the elephant loses interest in you.
QuestionWill an elephant chase after you in the water, or swim? Can they swim?Community AnswerYes. In fact, they are experts at it and can use their trunks as snorkels. Fun fact: Pigs can swim, too.
QuestionHow do I survive an elephant attacking a car at night?Community AnswerIf the car is on, driving away is the best option. If you're on a rocky terrain or unable to drive away, I would suggest trying to make loud noises with the car like honking or revving the engine. This might scare the elephant away. If that doesn't work, try to escape the car without the elephant seeing you and get to an area where you're safe.
QuestionWill making a fire or using firecrackers near elephants makes us safe from attack?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerNot necessarily, no. While the loud noises produced by firecrackers may scare off elephants, they may also be inclined to attack the source of the unknown sounds. Curious elephants may also be drawn to a fire to see what's caused it.
QuestionHow fast can an elephant run?Community AnswerAn elephant can run 10 to 15 miles per hour for short spurts but possibly up to 25 miles per hour at their fastest. They can not keep that speed up for very long.
QuestionWhat happens if you scream as hard as you can and take few steps towards an elephant as you would towards a predator?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerIf the elephant is making a mock charge, that would likely be enough to drive it off. However, don't take too many steps towards the elephant, or it may think that you're attacking it. It's better to remain still while shouting.
QuestionWhat happens if there is more than one elephant?Community AnswerFollow the same steps here; they can be applied to more than one.
QuestionDo elephants eat people?Community AnswerNo, elephants are herbivores, which means that they are total vegetarians. They do not eat people and they do not eat flesh.
QuestionCan you scare the elephant away by shooting it with a handgun? Or only specialized hunting guns could do the trick?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerHandguns aren't strong enough to seriously hurt an elephant. If you shoot an elephant with a handgun, you'll only make it angry. But, if you fire into the air (or ground), the loud sound may help to drive off a charging elephant.
QuestionWhen are elephants in musth?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerMusth is a state that bull elephants enter when they're ready to reproduce. Bull elephants in musth have very high levels of testosterone and can be extremely aggressive. There's no specific season or time of year in which elephants are in musth. But, look high on an elephant's head up behind its eye: if you see a fluid draining down the side of its face, the elephant is in musth.
QuestionCan I scare it with water?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerNo. Elephants are strong swimmers and often spend time in the water. You will not be able to scare off an elephant using water.
QuestionHow can an elephant attack a man when he climbs high in a tree?Community AnswerIt may charge the tree and knock you out of it. Other than that, a tree would be safer than the ground where you could be trampled.
QuestionCan I use fire to escape from an elephant attack?Community AnswerYes, you can. Animals are usually scared of fire, but it would be hard to find fire in the middle of a jungle.
QuestionWhy would an elephant charge at you?Community AnswerThere are many reasons, either you somehow threatened the elephant or its baby, or they perceive you as a predator, or the elephant is scared and trying to flee.
QuestionWhat makes an elephant charge in the first place?Community AnswerAn elephant will charge if it feels threatened, or if it feels its babies are being threatened.
QuestionWhat if I don't know how to climb?Community AnswerThen avoid this option and follow the other on-the-ground steps mentioned above.
QuestionAre elephants scared of a group of people?Community AnswerThey could be. Sooner or later they will get used to you, but do not do anything to make them mad.
QuestionIf I climb a tree, will the elephant knock it down?Community AnswerYes, the elephant will attempt to knock you off the tree.
QuestionDoes singing count as a scary noise?Community AnswerIt does not matter if the noise you make is scary. Elephants have sensitive ears, if the sound you're making is loud, it doesn't matter if you're singing, shouting, etc., it should work.
QuestionHow can I tell if an elephant is going to charge at me?Community AnswerYou see if the elephants trunk is curved or not. If it is, it is more likely to charge at you. Also, see if its ears are rested (open,wide). If not, it's also more likely to attack you.
QuestionIs there a side a charging elephant won't turn toward?Community AnswerMost charging elephants will not turn to their left, as that is the side they keep their children on. If they turn to the left, they risk crushing their newborn.
QuestionWill an elephant kill a person to defend itself?Community AnswerAn elephant may attack to defend itself or keep people away, but its intent is not to kill. However, they're extremely large and strong, so may unintentionally kill those it attacks.
QuestionWill a machine gun of any specific kind kill or scare the elephant?Community AnswerIt may scare an elephant if shot into the air, but it's unlikely to kill one.
QuestionIf I don't move or make noise, will an elephant not see me?Community AnswerNo, that's a T-Rex you're thinking of. Elephants are not blind, they can see you just fine even when you're standing still. Your best bet is to stay downwind.
QuestionIf I jump over the ditch will the elephant fall in the ditch?Community AnswerElephants along with rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses can't jump so that means the elephant will go around it. Go up on a mound or a sturdy tree if at all possible.
QuestionWhat would a charging elephant do if I bowed down to it? Would I be less threatening?Community AnswerNo, the elephant would attack you. Stopping won't really make a change, or it could possibly feel more threatened.
QuestionDuring the run for survival, uphill run or downhill will be more safe? In other way, which direction is difficult for elephant to run?Community AnswerElephants can't climb up steep slopes and hills because they are heavy. They would tire themselves out if they went up, so uphill is a fairly good bet. It will also allow you to keep an eye on them.
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