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Crocodilians--alligators, crocodiles, caimans, and their kin kill hundreds of people each year. While most of these attacks occur in Africa and Asia, these powerful reptiles are also found in parts of South America, Australia, Mexico, and the southern United States. Crocodilians typically do not include humans in their diet, but in truth they will eat just about anything if given the opportunity. They will also defend their territory vigorously, especially during mating season. The best way to stay safe in these animal's habitat is to give the creatures space and exercise caution around water where they may live. In the event that you are attacked, you may be able to survive if you fight back strategically.

Surviving a Crocodile or Alligator Attack

Keep as much distance between you and the crocodile as possible and get away from it as quickly and calmly as you can. If it charges, run away immediately. If attacked, poke, jab, or punch sensitive areas like the crocodile’s eyes, head, and palatal valve (a flap of tissue behind the tongue).

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Avoiding an Attack

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  1. The only sure way to survive an encounter with a crocodile or alligator is to never meet one in the first place. Crocodilians live in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia, and depending on the species, can live in both fresh and salt water. If you live in or visit a tropical region, ask local residents and authorities about the presence of crocodiles, alligators, or caiman before approaching any bodies of water.
    • Take warning signs about the presence of crocodiles seriously.
    • Never go swimming outside of designated areas in regions where crocodilians are known to live. If a potential swimming area is unmarked, do not assume that it is safe.
    • Interestingly, almost 95% of recent crocodile attacks in northern Australia have involved locals. Don't let your familiarity with crocodilians lead you into a false sense of security around them.
  2. Over 90% of crocodile attacks occur in or near the water and you must use extreme care to avoid them. Crocodilians usually live in and around slow-moving water with a lot of mud and vegetation, and can most often be found in swamps and marshes. They can also inhabit lakes, ponds, rivers, estuaries, man-made canals and the occasional swimming pool. Saltwater crocodiles can also be found on ocean beaches, and even traversing the open sea! [1]
    • Swimming in water where crocodilians live is an obvious danger, but crocs also attack people who are fishing, gathering water, or wading at the water's edge.
    • Crocodiles, in particular, are also known to attack and overturn boats, and will even grab people off of boats and drag them into the water. [2]
  3. Crocodilians can attack at any time, but are most active and most dangerous at dusk and at night. [3] Try to be well away from the water before nightfall, but still remember to stay alert during the day.
    • If you are on or near infested water after dark, use a flashlight or headlamp to check the area frequently for eye-shine.
  4. Alligators and crocodiles are at their most dangerous during mating and breeding season when they are more aggressive. These animals are also more frequently encountered on land during this period, as they sometimes wander in search of a mate or suitable nesting site. Nesting mothers are especially ferocious, and will defend their nests viciously. [4]
    • The breeding season for crocodilians differs by species and location. If you live in an area where they live, familiarize yourself with the habits of the native population, and be especially on guard during breeding season.
    • Breeding season for freshwater crocodiles in Australia typically begins in July and August, with nesting season extending from September to April.
    • Florida's alligator population usually breeds beginning in May, with breeding and nesting season lasting for several months.
    • During breeding season, remember to use caution both on and around infested waters, and when walking through grass or vegetation near the water.
  5. If you must be on or near water where crocodilians live, remain vigilant at all times. Remember that crocodilians are experts at hiding, and even a giant croc might show nothing more than its nostrils above the surface of the water. Be especially wary around muddy or murky water, and where vegetation is present. It's safest to assume that even if you can't see the crocodilians, they are still there. [5]
    • Keep your distance from the water when walking on the shore, and avoid patches of vegetation where these animals could hide.
    • An alligator that feels threatened may hiss at you. If you hear a hissing alligator, try to determine where the sound is coming from, and then leave in the opposite direction as quietly and quickly as you can.
  6. Crocodilians are attracted to the sound and movement of small animals, and American alligators are reportedly quite fond of eating dogs. If you do walk your dog near the water, keep it on a leash and be on guard for any movement on or near the water. [6]
  7. Crocodilians prefer smaller prey and unfortunately, attacks on children are quite common. [7]
  8. Feeding these animals teaches them to lose their natural wariness around people and to associate people with food. Never feed them intentionally, and be careful not to feed them accidentally by throwing fish scrap and other edible refuse into the water. [8]
    • Only feeding young animals is not OK. Remember that a 2-foot long alligator will eventually grow up to be a 10-foot long alligator that might still expect humans to feed it. This is dangerous for both the animal and any humans it might meet.
  9. When camping in crocodile or alligator country, be sure to set up your camp far away from the water. You should pitch your tent at least 2 meters (6 feet) above the high water mark, and at least 50 meters (164 feet) from the water's edge. Check the area to make sure that previous campers have not left out food and garbage that may attract crocodilians to your location, and clean up any that you find. Store food securely, and dispose of all food scraps and garbage in secure cans away from your campsite. [9]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Reacting to a Crocodilian Encounter

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  1. If you do spot a crocodilian, keep as far from it as possible. Australian wildlife officials state that the minimum safe distance from crocodiles on the water is at least 25 meters (about 82 feet), and that boats should stay at least 10 meters (33 feet) away. [10] Large crocodilians can launch themselves through the water at speeds of up to 60 kmh (37 mph), faster than most people can react.
    • Crocodilians can also launch themselves vertically from the water. Don't stand on docks or low bridges over water, or lean over the side of boats or hang from trees over infested waters.
  2. If you spot baby crocodilians or a nest, leave the area as quickly and quietly as you can. Mother crocodilians will defend their young fearlessly and must not be provoked. [11]
    • Occasionally crocodilians wander into populated areas, especially when people live very close to the water. If you encounter a crocodilian in your backyard, pool, etc. first get to safety and then call the local authorities.
  3. Splashing around and shouting attracts attention from crocodilians and may incite them to attack. Swim or wade to the shore as quickly, quietly and calmly as you can, preferably staying below the water's surface to avoid splashing. [12]
  4. Do not try to approach the animal, attack it, or try to move it. If you spot one of these animals in a populated area, such as a backyard or parking lot, first get to a safe distance from the animal and then call local wildlife authorities to have it removed. [13]
  5. If a crocodilian snaps or charges at you on land, RUN . Should you accidentally happen upon an alligator or crocodile, or if one begins to move towards you, run away from the animal as quickly as you can. As fast as they are in the water, the top land speed for a crocodilian is only 17kmh (10 mph), a speed that most humans can surpass over short distances. [14]
    • Be sure to run away from the water to avoid running into the jaws of more crocodilians.
    • Forget the conventional wisdom about running in a zig-zag pattern to escape; the quickest way to escape an alligator or crocodile is in a straight line. This is because humans (and other animals) run faster in straight lines.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Surviving an Attack

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  1. Do your best to stay calm and fight back strategically. While the very notion of remaining calm during an animal attack may seem preposterous, doing so may be the only thing that saves your life. [15]
    • If the crocodilian merely bites you at first and lets go, this is probably a defensive attack. Don't wait or try to attack it, just run away as quickly as you can.
    • If the animal seizes hold of you, however, it will likely try to drag you into the water. In this case, you will need to attack it until it lets go.
  2. The eyes of the crocodilian are its most vulnerable part, and several croc-attack survivors have reported eye-gouging as their salvation. Attempt to gouge, kick, or poke the animal in the eye with your hands or whatever you can grab. Don't give up until you are free, you are literally fighting for your life. [16]
  3. If you land as many blows as possible on the animal's head, you stand a higher chance that it will let go. Bystanders observing a crocodilian attack can assist by striking at the animal with sticks, poles, oars, etc., and by kicking and even punching the animal, especially in the head.
  4. Crocodilians have a flap of tissue behind the tongue that covers their throats when they submerge in water. This flap prevents water from flowing into their throats and prevents the crocodile from drowning when its mouth is open. If the animal has dragged you under the water, grabbing hold of this valve may be your only choice. Once you get hold of the valve, it will cause water to flow into the crocodile's throat, forcing it to release you. [17]
    • Hard strikes to this valve may also cause the animal to release you.
  5. Not only do crocodilian attacks tend to cause a lot of tissue damage and blood loss, they can also quickly lead to infection. These animals harbor a massive amount of bacteria in their mouths, and even a minor bite from a small alligator or caiman can quickly lead to infection if not treated right away. [18]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Are saltwater crocodiles more aggressive than freshwater crocodiles?
    Clint Bartley
    Herpetology Expert
    Clint Bartley is a Herpetology Expert based in Chandler, Indiana. He has over 30 years of experience working with reptiles, and opened Metazotics in 2022, a large reptile breeding facility and specialty store where he oversees a breeding colony of nearly 500 reptiles. Metazotics specializes in reptiles such as colubrids, ball pythons, geckos, tortoises, and more, and serves a national audience with their state-of-the-art online merchandise platform. In particular, Clint is known as an industry leader in Asian rat snake and black rat snake mutations. Clint has successfully reproduced more than 60 species of reptiles in captivity. He was the second person in the United States to produce Archelaphe bella chapaensis (bell rat snakes), and the first person in the U.S. to produce them twice. Metazotics carries a comprehensive line of supplies and habitats, offers all bioactive enclosure needs, and works with local organizations to further their knowledge and understanding of reptiles.
    Herpetology Expert
    Expert Answer
    Saltwater crocodiles, also known as "salties," are widely regarded as more aggressive and dangerous towards humans compared to freshwater crocodiles. This heightened aggression is attributed to their larger size, territorial nature, and preference for a wide range of habitats, including estuaries, mangrove swamps, and coastal areas. Saltwater crocodiles are opportunistic predators known to ambush prey that ventures too close to the water's edge, including humans. Their powerful jaws and ability to strike swiftly make encounters with saltwater crocodiles particularly perilous. As a result, caution is advised when navigating waterways inhabited by saltwater crocodiles, especially in regions where they are prevalent, such as Northern Australia and Southeast Asia.
  • Question
    Can I push down on a crocodile's upper jaw if I spot it slowly coming towards me? I heard somewhere that crocodiles have weak jaw-raising muscles, is this true?
    Community Answer
    If a crocodile is approaching you, it's best to back away. They indeed do have very weak jaw opening muscles, but the muscles for closing their jaws are very strong, so be careful. They can also still attack you with their actual bodies.
  • Question
    If one of my friends is getting attacked in the water is there anything I can do?
    Community Answer
    You can attack the crocodile/alligator. If they are weakened or severely injured, you can try to hit its head and eyes while it attacks your friend. This way you have a better chance of landing hits, since they are occupied. Realize that in trying to help your friend you are at risk from that crocodile/alligator or other ones but a life without caring for others is no life at all.
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      • Crocodiles and alligators are extremely dangerous, so your safest bet is to stay as aware of and far away from them as possible.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • DO NOT attempt to climb on top of an crocodile/alligator as they can do something called a "death roll" where they roll over you and crush you. If they do this to you, you most likely won't survive! So simply play it safe and don't do this.
      • Block the crocodile's nose. It will need to take a breath and open its mouth toward the sky, allowing you to escape.
      • Crocodiles normally release grip for a better one. So be ready to get out once it reduces or relaxes its grip.
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about lizard care, check out our in-depth interview with Clint Bartley .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To survive an encounter with a crocodile or alligator if it snaps or charges at you on land, start running immediately. If the animal manages to grab onto you, try to stay calm and fight back strategically, aiming for the eyes first. Then, punch it in the head or strike it with an oar, stick, or pole. If it drags you into the water, try to grab or hit the palatal valve behind the animal's tongue, which will cause water to flow into the crocodile's throat and force it to release you. For tips on reacting when you fall into crocodile-infested waters, read on!

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