Q&A for How to Tell when Your Friend Is Lying

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    I have a friend who constantly gossips about people, and does things behind other people's backs. I want to find out if she's a real friend, so how can I do that?
    Community Answer
    If she's saying and doing harmful/hurtful things toward other people, then that's probably the type of person she is and it's very likely that she'll treat you the same way. Is this the kind of person you want to be associated with? You can do better.
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    My friend lies to me about being abused by her father, liking a television show that I like and some other things. How can I stop her?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have complete proof before you confront her. When you do confront her, tell her that she doesn't need to lie to you to get your friendship and support. Tell her everyone can see right through it, and you like her better for who she is than what she lies about. Make sure you tell her that it's not a joke or a game or funny to you, and being abused is a big deal so it's not good to lie about that.
  • Question
    How do I know if my friend is lying about being a vampire?
    Community Answer
    Vampires don't exist, so he/she is definitely lying. Remind them that vampires can't go outside in sunlight, can fly, drink blood, etc. Ask him/her to prove that they're a vampire. When they can't, you'll know for sure.
  • Question
    My friend lied to me about something that made me split up with my girlfriend later on. My heart is still broken and I don't know how to forgive her. What can I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Talking to your friend and letting them know exactly what you think and feel might go a long way. However, though your description of what happened is limited, there is a chance that this person might not be the right friend for you.
  • Question
    What if I said I didn't want to be their friend, but they're still acting like we're friends?
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    A friendship takes two people. If you don't want to be their friend, just ignore them, or tell them more forcefully, "I said I don't want to be friends with you, now please leave me alone."
  • Question
    What do I do if my friend lies about not wanting to be friends?
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    If you feel that your friend is lying to spare your feelings and truly does not want to be friends, then give them space. Allow them time to themselves, and then ask for a true answer. Make them feel comfortable in telling you the truth. Trust is important, and if your friend continually tells you that they do want to be friends, then you should accept their answer.
  • Question
    I have a friend that told me she had beagle puppies and I could have one. She sent online of the puppies. I don't want to call her out on lying to me in case she isn't. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    When adopting or buying a puppy, it is always important to see the puppy with its mother and the rest of the litter; you can see the temperament of the dog beforehand, and see if there are any health or behavioral issues that may be inherited by the puppy. You also may need to spend some time with the puppy to see if you will get along together. Use this as your reasoning for wanting to see the puppies in person. If your friend won't allow you to see them, ask why. This should give an indication if they are lying or not. You could also ask one of their relatives.
  • Question
    I like sports, and my friend is pretending she does, too. We signed up for BB, then she said she lost her contacts. The thing is, she said the same thing in PE to skip a test. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It sounds to me like you have a good friend there. It's not that she has to like sports before she's allowed to be friends with you. She's showing that she's willing to do things she may not like as much as you do just to be able to spend time with you and enjoy your friendship. In return, you could consider doing two things. You could let her off the hook on the sports things: "Hey, I really appreciate you taking an interest in my interests, but if you want, we can also hang out during non-sporty moments." You could also join her in an activity she's really into, even if you're not. In any case, at least let her know you appreciate her friendship.
  • Question
    My friends are telling me my crush is in the hospital, but they've told me that lie before. How do I outsmart them?
    Community Answer
    This is pretty easy - just text your crush something like, "Hey, my friends say you're in the hospital. How are you doing?" and if he says it's not true, you have proof.
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    My friend has been having stomach problems and said she had terminal stomach cancer. Then said she didn't have it because of a lab mistake, she then said that she had surgery for internal bleeding. All lies, how do I deal with her?
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    Go over to her house, and talk to her parent/guardian about the problem. The parents will tell you if any of what she is saying is real or not. If she has been lying, realize she was probably feeling a lot of pain and wanted attention. But if she keeps this up, tell her it's a terrible thing to lie about bad illnesses, and that some day she might really have one and nobody will believe her.
  • Question
    My friend is pretending to be in a gang, and she says that I can't tell anybody or else she will get hurt. She gets really mad when I question it. I don't want her to get hurt, but I think she is lying.
    Top Answerer
    Tell your friend not to talk about it around you anymore. If it is true, she is putting you in harm's way. If she is lying, you don't want to hear it anyway. If at any point you're legitimately concerned about your friend's safety, make sure you tell an adult.
  • Question
    I know my best friend is pregnant and when I asked she got offended. I can see her baby tummy. I went to her house she had a pregnancy test in her bathroom, it was positive. Why did she lie?
    Community Answer
    You have to remember that pregnancy is a huge point in anyone's life. It should be up to her to decide who and when she tells about the baby. It's also possible there are problems with the pregnancy, or she might not even be keeping it. In this case, it's extremely important you respect her privacy. She'll be honest with you when she's ready.
  • Question
    Why do my best friends lie to me at school?
    Community Answer
    If your best friends lie to you in a regular conversation, it might be that they are just teasing you in a fun, friendly way. However, if you catch them lying to you during serious conversations or find out that it is constant, they might be trying to tell you something. You should communicate with them and simply ask if the way they lie to you is a joke or not.
  • Question
    If my friend says she went to a concert in South Korea and got the first row, is she lying?
    Community Answer
    It's certainly possible she's telling the truth. She's the only one who knows. Just ask her in a friendly way.
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    My friend is really nice to me sometimes and then occasionally she will go and spread rumors about me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That doesn't seem like a very good friend... usually a friend that is fake nice to you for a while and then tries to hurt your reputation is probably either envious of or mad at you about something. You should probably talk to her. Say, "Hey, some rumors have been going on about me and I heard you started them." Wait for her reaction and if she tries to lie her way out of it, stop talking to her and stay away.
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