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Q&A for How to Write a Table of Contents
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QuestionHow can I do this on a computer or laptop?Community AnswerMicrosoft Word has its own function to do this. Simply use the "Styles" section to make each section title a "Heading". Then click "Insert", and finally, "Table of Contents".
QuestionHow do I make a contents page for a magazine?Community AnswerFollow the instructions listed in the article above.
QuestionWhere in the book is the table of contents found?Community AnswerAt the front of the book. Some people put the ToC before the acknowledgements and introductions. Others put those at the end and start the ToC before the chapters.
QuestionMy introduction is two pages. What should I put in my table of contents?Community AnswerFor each heading, you only need to put in the page number where it begins, regardless of how long the section is.
QuestionShould the table of contents page be numbered?Community AnswerYes! You should always number the pages in the Table of Contents. That's the purpose of it -- to let people know what is where. How will they know if there are no page numbers?
QuestionHow do I get rid of the gray lines in the table of contents?Community AnswerIf you are talking about the heading, don't worry about it; once you print it, it will be gone. If you are talking about the subtitles, then just space it, don't put dashes.
QuestionDoes the table of contents include the bibliography?Community AnswerNo, the bibliography is at the very back and has all the sources and the websites you've looked at.
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