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If you’re dealing with a leaky PVC pipe, there’s no need to worry—there are plenty of at-home fixes at your disposal. If you’re looking for a quick fix, pipe repair tape, sticky repair patches, fiberglass tape, and epoxy putty might be good options for you. If the damage is pretty severe, you can replace the pipe altogether. This process is a little more time-consuming, but isn’t too tricky as long as you have a few supplies on hand, like sandpaper, PVC solvent, and PVC glue.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Quick Fixes

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  1. Pipe repair tape helps compress the crack, which helps stop leaking. Cut off a long section of tape and wind it around the crack. Continue looping the tape to the left and right of the crack to make sure the leak is totally covered. [1]
  2. This product is basically a heavy-duty band-aid for your pipe. Remove the sticky patch from its packaging, and peel away a clear sheet—this is covering the sticky side. Press the patch over the crack, pressing your thumbs along the edges to hold it in place. [2]
    • You can find this type of patch online, or at a home improvement store.
  3. Fiberglass tape uses water to create a hard surface over the pipe. Wet the surface of the pipe with a damp towel so the resin tape sticks better. Then, wind the fiberglass resin tape over and around the crack until the leak is completely covered. Give the resin 15 minutes to harden all the way. [3]
    • Unlike the other options listed here, fiberglass tape isn’t a permanent fix—however, it’s a good solution if you’re in a pinch.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Epoxy Putty

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  1. You don’t want any water going through your pipes while you’re making repairs. [4] Your shut-off valve might be in your basement, or could be in a crawl space, depending on the layout of your home. [5]
  2. Grab a clean cloth and dry off any leftover leaks or spills from the surface, along with any dirt or grime. [6]
  3. Pick up a package of epoxy from your local hardware store. Epoxy often comes in a stick made with a hardener and a resin. Grab a pair of scissors and cut off the amount of epoxy you need to repair the crack in your PVC. Then, knead the resin and hardener together until it molds into a consistent color. [7]
    • Double-check the packaging for specific directions on how to knead the putty. [8]
  4. Stretch and mold the epoxy around the cracked area. Check that the crack is completely covered with the putty before letting it dry. Then, wait 10 minutes so the epoxy putty can cure. [9]
  5. Your epoxy putty will be hard to the touch in about 10 minutes. To be safe, wait an hour before resetting the water lines. [10]
    • If the pipe still seems leaky, try applying a little more epoxy putty!
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Pipe Replacement

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  1. Since you’ll be cutting out the old section of pipe, you don’t want any water flooding your workspace. [11] Your shut-off valve could possibly be in the crawl space or basement of your home. [12]
  2. Measure how long the crack in your pipe is. Add 1 in (2.5 cm) to each side, and cut off this entire length with a ratchet cutter or hacksaw. This helps ensure a thorough, sturdy repair. [13]
    • As you remove the piping, some leftover water might leak out, even if the water lines are shut off. That’s perfectly fine—just blot it with a clean towel.
    • A PVC cutter is a great way to cut your pipes, but a simple hacksaw also works just fine. [14]
  3. Keep buffing the surface until it feels mostly smooth. This process may seem a bit excessive, but it makes it easier to fit and install a new piece of pipe. [15]
  4. Measure between both cut ends of the PVC pipe. Using this measurement, cut a new section of PVC pipe that’s about the same size as the pipe you just removed. Cut this new section of pipe so it’s a few millimeters smaller than the gap—this way, you can slide the new pipe into the fittings easily. [16]
    • You could also measure the old piece of PVC that you just cut off.
  5. Most PVC pipe fittings have a groove or “stop” along the inside, which helps hold the fitting in place. Grab a half-round file and sand down this groove, so your fitting slides easily onto the pipe without stopping. [17]
    • Removing the inner groove offers a bit more flexibility as you install a new section of pipe.
  6. Spread a layer of PVC solvent along 1 of the exposed ends of your old PVC pipe. Then, spread a layer of PVC cement on top of the solvent. Slip the fitting onto 1 of the exposed ends of the original PVC. Hold it in place for about 15 seconds. [18]
    • PVC solvent helps prep the pipe for the glue. [19]
  7. Coat each pipe in 1 in (2.5 cm) sections along both ends, so the cement holds well. [20]
  8. Coat the cement all over the PVC solvent, along with the inside of the fitting. This helps ensure that your glue is really secure. [21]
  9. Slip the pipe completely into the fitting. Give the pipe a small twist, so the glue holds inside the pipe. Then, hold the pipe in place for 10 seconds. [22]
  10. Hold the new section of PVC pipe so it’s snug against the original PVC. Align the center of the unused, filed fitting next to where these 2 pipes meet. Mark off where the end of the PVC fitting lines up along the old section of PVC pipe, so you have a reference point. [23]
    • Since you’ve sanded this fitting down, there are no grooves to automatically “stop” the coupling from sliding too far down the pipe. This mark helps you know how far the new fitting needs to slide onto the old piping.
  11. As you did before, spread the solvent over the bottom 1 in (2.5 cm) or so of the pipe. [24] Then, grab the fitting that you filed down earlier and spread the solvent around inside, so the glue will hold really well. [25]
  12. Grab your PVC cement and spread it over the PVC solvent. Don’t put any inside the fitting—you’ll have enough on the ends of your pipes. [26]
  13. Slip the fitting along the new section of pipe first. Then, slide it onto the old, original PVC piping. Continue pushing and sliding the fitting up and down until it lines up with the reference point you drew earlier. [27]
  14. [28] Then, wait about 15-30 minutes for the adhesive to dry completely before turning your water back on and using your pipes again. [29]
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      Things You’ll Need

      Quick Fixes

      • Rubberized pipe repair tape
      • Sticky repair patch
      • Fiberglass tape

      Epoxy Putty

      • Clean cloth
      • Epoxy putty

      Pipe Replacement

      • Ratchet cutter or hacksaw
      • Clean cloth
      • PVC pipe
      • 100- to 220-grit sandpaper
      • 2 PVC pipe fittings
      • Half-round file
      • PVC solvent
      • PVC glue
      • Pen or marker

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