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Breaking down this Gen Z term and its meme-ful history
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So, you’re scrolling through TikTok when the word “rizzler” pops up. Huh? What does that even mean? “Rizzler” is slang for someone who radiates confidence. They’re exceptionally charming and good at flirting. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the meaning of this popular internet slang term (and even tell you how to become a rizzler yourself).

“Rizzler” Definition

A “rizzler” is an extremely confident, charming, and seductive person. This individual has the confidence (or “rizz”) to approach anyone and ask them out or spark a conversation. Calling someone a “rizzler” can be a compliment or a sarcastic remark.

Section 1 of 6:

What is a “rizzler”?

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  1. This internet slang term comes from another popular slang word: “rizz,” which is short for “charisma.” [1] If someone has “rizz,” they’re likely extremely confident, charming, and seductive—you can’t deny their allure! So, with this in mind, a “rizzler” is an individual with confident qualities.
  2. 2
    Calling someone a “rizzler” could be an insult. While having “rizz” can be seen as a strength, in some cases, it can also be cringey. Influencer and content creator Aaron Makelky elaborates that the term is often used by Gen Z (those born from 1996 to 2010) and Gen Alpha (those born from 2010 to 2024) “sarcastically to mean someone who tries too hard.”
    • Similarly, Makelky also explains that calling yourself a “rizzler” can be even more cringey or embarrassing because you're assuming you have game or a confident presence (even if you don't).
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Section 2 of 6:

Where does “rizzler” come from?

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  1. The term “rizz” became popular on TikTok and X (formerly Twitter) in 2022 after Twitch streamers Kai Cenat and Silky coined the term. [2] Since then, Gen Z and social media users have personified the verb and noun “rizz” into “rizzler” to describe someone with lots of charisma.
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How to Use “Rizzler”

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  1. If you know someone who’s extremely confident, charming, or flirtatious, they’re a “rizzler.” You can use this slang term when discussing a close friend, acquaintance, or influencer you like.
    • “You’re such a rizzler, Jeffrey.”
    • “The original rizzler? Troy Bolton. Hands down.”
    • “You give off rizzler energy. Did you know that?”
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    Use “rizzler” sarcastically if someone is being cringey or awkward. If someone is trying to hit on someone or flirt obnoxiously, tell your friends they're a “rizzler.” This signals that they're "trying too hard" or being a bit too forward with their advances.
    • “That profile pic and prompt? I'm sorry, but he seems like a rizzler to me.”
    • “They're such a rizzler. Like, I'm not interested.”
    • “Bless his rizzler heart. He's trying so hard, and she's just not into it.”
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“Sticking Out Your Gyatt for the Rizzler” Meaning

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  1. This Gen Z and Alpha slang phrase can be heard on TikTok or in regular conversation. “Gyatt” is slang for “God damn” when used to say someone has a nice butt. So, when you combine “gyatt” and “rizzler,” it means you’re sticking your butt out for someone charming.
    • For example, say someone hot winks at you. You may turn to a friend and say, “I would stick out my gyatt for that rizzler any day.”
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How to Be a Rizzler

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  1. The number one rule of being a rizzler? Having confidence . In order to be called a “rizzler,” you must radiate confidence and charm. So, boost your self-esteem—you can do anything! Here’s what you can do:
    • Be kind to yourself. While it may sound cliché, treating yourself like a friend can help you feel more assured. [3]
    • Be assertive. It’s okay to state your opinion and stand by it.
    • Treat yourself. Doing what you enjoy can help you feel like you’re on top of the world. [4]
    Ashley Graham, Model & Activist

    Build your confidence through daily affirmations. "Confidence is not something that happens overnight. I have been working on it for a long time. I look in the mirror and do affirmations: 'You are bold. You are brilliant. You are beautiful."

  2. To have rizz, you have to carry yourself confidently. Walk and sit with your shoulders back, hold your chin high, and smile. This radiates confidence and makes people think, “Wow, they know what’s up.” [5]
  3. A rizzler will go out of their way to make someone else feel special. So, if there’s someone you have your eye on, don’t hesitate to do something meaningful for them. Plus, you never know—it might just lead to a future date or outing. [6]
    • Try surprising them with their favorite drink or snack.
    • Gift them something that made you think of them.
    • Invite them to do something you know they love doing.
  4. Rizzlers aren’t afraid to say what they like, so go for it! If you like your crush’s shirt or smile, tell them so—don’t be afraid to compliment them . This is an excellent way to show confidence and subtle interest. [7]
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Section 6 of 6:

Who is Alan the Rizzler, and how old is he?

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  1. With over 60 million likes and 1.5 million followers, content creator @alansleftnu (also known as Alan Sito) has been deemed the Rizz King because of his thirst traps and good looks. [8] There is much speculation on the clock app about how old Alan really is. And while Alan hasn’t officially confirmed anything, it’s believed that he’s around 16 years old and still in high school. [9]

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