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Easy options for rooting your Android when you're not near a computer
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Rooting your Android phone or tablet allows you to enjoy the benefits of extra memory, custom software installs, and much more. Rooting usually requires access to a PC, but some one-click rooting options are available for certain models. This wikiHow teaches you how root an Android phone or tablet using Framaroot or Universal Androot—two solutions that don't require access to a computer. Rooting your Android may cause it to stop working, and will almost always void your warranty. Proceed with caution.

Things You Should Know

  • Framaroot and Universal Androot can be installed from APK packages and not from the Google Play Store.
  • If you're using an older Android, you'll need to allow installations from unknown sources to allow APK installs.
  • Rooting your Android can open your phone or tablet up to malware and other security risks.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Framaroot

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  1. You'll find its gear icon in the app drawer.
    • Framaroot is capable of rooting many, but not all, Android models. To find out if yours is supported, try searching the internet for your phone or tablet model plus the word framaroot . If you don't find any info, there should be no harm in trying to install the app—if you get an error when running the app for the first time, try another method.
    • Framaroot is not available from Google Play Store and not recommended by Google. Install the app at your own risk.
  2. This option may also be called Security & Privacy on some Androids.
  3. The steps to do this vary by Android, and the menu option names may vary. [1]
    • Samsung Galaxy with Android 8 or later: Tap Install unknown apps , select the web browser from which you'll be downloading the Framaroot APK, and then toggle "Allow app installs" to the On position.
    • Other Androids with Android 8 or later: Tap More settings , then Install apps from external sources , and then toggle the "Allow app installs" to the On position.
    • Earlier Androids: Scroll to the "Device administration" area and toggle "Unknown Sources" to "On."
  4. You can get it by navigating to https://framarootappdownload.net in your web browser and selecting Download APK .
  5. You should find it in the app drawer.
    • If you don't see it, open any file manager, such as Samsung My Files , and navigate to the Downloads folder. [2]
    • If you do not have a file manager installed, launch Google Play Store and download the file manager of your choice.
  6. The file name may also contain a version number. You'll be asked if you want to install the app.
  7. It's at the bottom-right corner. This installs Framaroot on your Android and displays a confirmation message when finished. It also adds a Framaroot icon to your app drawer.
  8. If you already closed the confirmation window, just tap the icon labeled Framaroot in the app drawer. Several options will appear.
    • If you see a message that says your Android is "not vulnerable to exploit," you won't be able to use this method to root your Android. [3]
  9. This option installs an app called SuperSU on your Android that you can use to manage app permissions after rooting.
  10. If you didn't receive an error and the app didn't hang, you'll know your Android has been rooted. Restart your phone or tablet so it boots with the proper permissions.
    • If you received an error, you could try running the app again or use a different method.
  11. You'll find this app in your app drawer.
  12. If you see this option, tap it to complete the rooting process.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Universal AndRoot

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  1. You'll find its gear icon in the app drawer.
    • Universal AndRoot is capable of rooting many, but not all, Android models. To find out if yours is supported, try searching the internet for your phone or tablet model plus the word androot . If you don't find any info, there should be no harm in trying to install the app—if you get an error when running the app for the first time, try another method.
    • Universal Androot is not available from Google Play Store and not recommended by Google. Install the app at your own risk.
  2. This option may also be called Security & Privacy on some Androids.
  3. The steps to do this vary by Android and the menu option names may vary.
    • Samsung Galaxy with Android 8 or later: Tap Install unknown apps , select the web browser from which you'll be downloading the Universal Androot APK, and then toggle "'Allow app installs'" to the On position.
    • Other Androids with Android 8 or later: Tap More settings' , then Install apps from external sources , and then toggle the "Allow app installs" to the On position.
    • Earlier Androids: Scroll to the "Device administration" area and toggle "Unknown Sources" to "On."
  4. Go to https://universalandrootdl.com in your web browser. This is the official Universal Androot website.
  5. It's the blue oval button below the app info.
  6. This downloads the installer to your Android.
    • If the link doesn't work, try tapping the MIRROR LINK button below it instead.
  7. You should find it in the app drawer.
    • If you don't see it, open any file manager, such as Samsung My Files , and navigate to the Downloads folder.
    • If you do not have a file manager installed, launch Google Play Store and download the file manager of your choice.
  8. The file name may also contain a version number. You'll be asked if you want to install the app.
  9. It's at the bottom-right corner. This installs Universal Androot on your Android and displays a confirmation message when finished. It also adds an Androot icon to your app drawer.
  10. If you already closed the confirmation window, just tap the icon labeled Androot in the app drawer.
  11. This tells Universal Androot to install the proper version of Superuser for Android (the root app) on your phone or tablet. [4]
    • If you don’t know your version, open the Settings app and select About .
    • If you have a more recent version of Android than what's in the drop-down menu, just select the highest version number.
  12. This starts the process of rooting your phone or tablet. You should see a message of success when the root is complete.
    • If you received an error, you could try running the app again or use a different method.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I root an Oppo A37?
    Måns Arvidsson
    Community Answer
    Use Magisk Manager. It is one of the best Android rooting tool in the industry in these days.
  • Question
    What is the best and safest Android rooting tool?
    Community Answer
    Download KingoRoot, the safest rooting tool on earth. Just wait a few minutes and you have successfully rooted your device without blockading or breaking it.
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      • Root your Android device at your own risk, as rooting will void the manufacturer's warranty. You may not be able to exchange or return your Android for repairs if needed.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Allow app installs from unknown sources.
      2. Download the Framaroot APK.
      3. Open the APK.
      4. Tap INSTALL .
      5. Tap OPEN .
      6. Tap Install SuperSU .
      7. Reboot your Android.
      8. Open SuperSU and tap Update Binaries .

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