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If you don't want to give out your actual email address, you can create others. This wikiHow article teaches you how to set up a disposable email address.

    • If you are signing up for a website which you are not sure is completely credible or trustworthy, you can use a disposable email address to potentially avoid getting junk mail.
    • A disposable email address will help in ensuring that your online security is not compromised by lessening the personal information that you are required to give a website, such as your real email address.
    • A disposable email address can be set up for free, and can be kept active until the time that you do not require it anymore.
    • Most, if not all disposable email accounts have the option of message forwarding, in which you can have the messages received in your disposable email address forwarded to your primary email. This way, you would only have to manage your primary email account.
    • Some disposable email accounts can be set to have an expiration date, so that the email address would be automatically deleted after a specific length of time.
    • Major email service providers such as Yahoo Mail and Gmail give the users the option to set up disposable email addresses as an add-on feature.
    • Many other disposable email services are available for free and require no registration.
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    What phone number should I use on the disposable email address?
    Top Answerer
    You don't have to provide a phone number to set up an email on most accounts, so just leave the box blank.
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      • Keep a list of which disposable email address you have provided to which website.
      • Set up several different disposable addresses, in order to have unique email addresses to provide various websites which might require you to register.
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