Do We Have Sexual Chemistry?
Do you ever wonder what sort of chemistry you might have with your crush or your partner? Do sparks fly? If you got together, would your chemistry be a lit match or a wildfire? We’re here to help you find out.
Just think of that special someone and answer these intimate questions, and we’ll run the numbers on your sexual chemistry.
Questions Overview
- Totally electric. Like I can almost see sparks between us.
- Warm and bright, like the sun is shining just for me.
- Satisfied and content, like I’m where I’m supposed to be.
- Bittersweet, like things are great, but I wonder if there’s more…
- All the time. Like almost every night.
- I definitely have dreams about them, but not super often.
- I've had one or two dreams about them, and I hope I have more!
- I haven't really ever dreamed about them.
- Yes, and it feels really charged.
- We hold contact, but not too long. I don't want to seem weird!
- I like catching their eye, but we haven’t held long contact.
- I tend to look away when our eyes meet.
- We laugh at everything together! Sometimes at things that aren't even funny.
- We laugh together, but a normal amount.
- We're pretty comfortable and can laugh together, but we keep it mostly cool.
- I don't think we're quite comfortable enough to laugh like that yet.
- Yes, we have a really playful vibe with each other.
- Sometimes.
- Not really. We don’t really have a playful energy with each other.
- No, I think we would just fight if we tried teasing each other.
- Yes, people are always saying we look great together.
- Sure, we've been told we'd make a good couple. It was a little embarrassing, though.
- Nobody has ever said it out loud, but I think we'd make a good pair.
- I don't know, or I don't remember.
- Yes! Even when we’re in a group, we end up sitting super close to each other.
- I guess now that you mention it, we do sometimes.
- No, I don’t think so. I don’t feel myself being drawn to them like that.
- No, definitely not. I think we both tend to stay pretty far from each other.
- I feel like I want alone time with them! More than with anyone else I know.
- I feel super attracted to them.
- I feel affectionate, but I wish I felt even more affectionate.
- I feel like there's something missing between us, honestly.
- Yes, and I want to do it again!
- No, but I think we both want to!
- Yes, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.
- No, and I'm not sure it will ever happen...
- Not really. I'm totally locked in and focused on spending time with them.
- Sometimes, but only for a moment before I'm right back in it.
- Sometimes, and it can be hard to stay focused on them.
- My thoughts wander often, or all the time.
- Absolutely. We definitely match each other's energy.
- Almost, but I'm maybe more into them than they are into me.
- Almost, but they're maybe more into me than I am into them.
- Not really. The relationship is sorta one-sided.
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If your relationship with this person isn\u2019t sexual, it might be worth making a move and seeing what happens! Just remember that sexual chemistry can be one-sided, so you shouldn't assume the other person\u2019s feelings based on these results. Respectfully ask if they might be into you\u2014if they\u2019re not, move on to someone who is. And if they are, then go explore the chemistry you two share (and remember, consent is a must!)!
And if you do have a sexual or romantic relationship with this person already, it sounds like sexual chemistry isn\u2019t a concern for you two. You know what each other likes, and neither of you is afraid to try new things. Most importantly, you have great boundaries and healthy communication, which is what sexual chemistry is all about. It means you trust each other enough to let loose, have fun, and just enjoy each other, without having to worry about the snags and hurdles of navigating a sexual relationship. Keep it up!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark","id":14388758,"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry","relUrl":"\/Sexual-Chemistry","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/97\/Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg","alt":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark"},{"title":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship","id":205114,"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","relUrl":"\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a5\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg","alt":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"Your sexual chemistry is just fine.","meaning":"Based on your answers, it's clear that you and this special someone have good chemistry, and enjoy being together. It seems like right now, your sexual chemistry might not be totally off the charts, but it is in a solid place (and it can be built up with time!).
If your relationship with this person isn\u2019t sexual right now, it might be worth making a move and seeing what happens! Just remember that sexual chemistry can be one-sided, so you shouldn't assume the other person\u2019s feelings based on these results. Try being a little flirtier with this person through fun teasing, jokes, and compliments, and see how they react. You might also consider respectfully asking if they\u2019re into you\u2014if they\u2019re not, move on to someone who is. And if they are, then go explore the chemistry you two share (and remember: consent is a must!)!
And if you do have a sexual or romantic relationship with this person already, it sounds like sexual chemistry isn\u2019t a big concern for you two. But if you want to turn your spark into a fire, know that open communication and clear boundaries are a great place to start. Take some time to talk to your partner in a relaxed setting, and express how much you enjoy their company. Then, tell them what you want next out of the relationship, whether that's new experiences in bed, or a closer emotional bond. Once your feelings are on the table, you can start thinking about how to elevate your spark, and even just having that conversation will strengthen your chemistry!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark","id":14388758,"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry","relUrl":"\/Sexual-Chemistry","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/97\/Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg","alt":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark"},{"title":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship","id":205114,"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","relUrl":"\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a5\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg","alt":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You could have better sexual chemistry.","meaning":"Based on your answers, it seems like you might not have great chemistry with this person. That\u2019s okay and totally normal! Whether you two have some kind of relationship or they\u2019re just a crush, we have tips that can help.
If you two don\u2019t have a sexual or romantic relationship, try building your connection with some flirtatious vibes! You could try complimenting them, If you\u2019re in a relationship with this person, the key to turning a spark into a passionate fire is open and honest communication and setting clear boundaries. Take some time to talk to your partner in a relaxed setting, and express how much you enjoy their company. Then, tell them what you want next out of the relationship, whether that's new experiences in bed, a closer emotional bond, or maybe even to take a step back. Once your feelings are on the table, you can start thinking about how to elevate your spark, and even just having that conversation will strengthen your chemistry.
Also, sexual chemistry can sometimes be one-sided, and you shouldn't assume what the other person wants just based on these results. If you haven't been intimate before, stay respectful, patient, and honest, and remember: consent is a must!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark","id":14388758,"url":"https:\/\/\/Sexual-Chemistry","relUrl":"\/Sexual-Chemistry","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/97\/Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Sexual-Chemistry-Step-20.jpg","alt":"Sexual Chemistry 101: Everything You Need to Know About That Sizzling Spark"},{"title":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship","id":205114,"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","relUrl":"\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a5\/Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Improve-Physical-Intimacy-Step-18.jpg","alt":"18 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in a Relationship"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/><\/picture>","alt":"Are You Best Friends Quiz"},{"title":"Am I a Good Friend Quiz","id":14165164,"url":"https:\/\/\/Are-You-A-Good-Friend","relUrl":"\/Are-You-A-Good-Friend","image":"
<\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Good Friend Quiz"},{"title":"Which Friend Am I Quiz","id":13964430,"url":"https:\/\/\/Relationships\/Which-Friend-Are-You","relUrl":"\/Relationships\/Which-Friend-Are-You","image":"
<\/picture>","alt":"Which Friend Am I Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Keeping it romantic with a special someone.","result":"Nice! Why not check out one of these steamy romantic quizzes?","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Am I Naughty Quiz","id":14516449,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Naughty","relUrl":"\/Am-I-Naughty","image":"
<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Naughty Quiz"},{"title":"Am I a Good Kisser Quiz","id":14240823,"url":"https:\/\/\/Relationships\/Am-I-a-Good-Kisser-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Relationships\/Am-I-a-Good-Kisser-Quiz","image":"
<\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Good Kisser Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Good at Flirting Quiz","id":14495133,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Good-at-Flirting-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Am-I-Good-at-Flirting-Quiz","image":"
<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Good at Flirting Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>
Increasing Your Sexual Chemistry
Sex is all about chemistry. After all, what’s the point if you don’t feel totally comfortable, relaxed, and like you’re having fun with your partner? But then, what is “chemistry,” exactly? What do we mean when we say that? Great question! Chemistry looks different for each and every couple or pairing, but there are a few key things to look for:
Fun: If you’re not having fun, then suddenly sex feels more like work than it feels like forging a meaningful connection, or even just doing something worthwhile. Healthy sex between partners that have chemistry is enjoyable and exciting, not a slog or an obligation.
Safety: Safety is every bit as important as fun, if not more. The truth is, sex isn’t just a game to play for a good time. There are health and emotional risks, and if your partner disregards those risks, then it places both of you in danger.
It takes two to tango! This is where “chemistry” really comes into play. Whether you think of sex as a give-and-take, or prefer to be more of a giver or more of a taker, it’s important that your partner is on board and understands your wants and needs, and also that you understand your partner’s wants and needs.
So how do you make sure your sexual chemistry checks those 3 boxes? Here’s where you should start:
Sex is something that often just happens, and if you’re lucky, you and your partner(s) will enjoy navigating it in the moment. But often, it’s not enough to just ride the moment, and that’s where communication
becomes important. If you’re not getting what you want or need, it’s okay to say so! Your partner can’t read your mind, so telling them outright is often the best way to go.
Set boundaries
Even if you feel like you and your partner are closer than two people could ever be, you still need boundaries. What’s on the table? What’s a line you won’t cross? Are you comfortable saying “no” to something? (Because you should always be comfortable saying no!) Setting boundaries
isn’t some sort of wet rag that totally kills the mood—instead, it helps you nurture the right mood and ensures that the mood won’t die because of a mistake that could’ve been avoided.
Play it safe
Sexual health is no joke. If you’re not totally sure of your partner’s sexual health, use protection to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease. Talk to your partner about the possibility of conception, and proceed accordingly. Get tested for STDs regularly—make it a bonding experience, if you like! And don’t forget to wash up before and after!
Enjoy each other! At the end of the day, sex should be something that brings you closer to your partner, whether your goal is to have fun, start a family, or just to learn more about each other. Remind yourself of why you’re doing it, and enjoy it for those reasons. And if you’re ever not enjoying it, step back and have that talk. Your physical and mental wellness are too precious to disregard like that.
Want to learn more?
For more information about sexual health, visit these valuable resources:
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