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Is your new puppy chewing on and eating stones? Puppies are naturally curious, and eating stones isn’t unheard of, but the behavior can be a health risk. Fortunately, it's possible to train your puppy to stop eating stones and start focusing all of their adorable puppy energy elsewhere. Keep reading to learn why puppies eat stones and how to stop it from happening.

Section 1 of 3:

Why do puppies eat stones?

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  1. Puppies are naturally curious and have a small attention span, which can be a tricky combination. They need to be entertained, or their curiosity can get them into trouble. Your puppy may be chewing rocks to get your attention as if to say, “Hey! I’m bored!” [1]
  2. Some puppies will chew rocks because they’re nervous or struggling with separation anxiety. Chewing rocks while they’re outside could be an anxious tick or form of destructive behavior. [2]
  3. Small rocks and pebbles can look a lot like kibble to a puppy. If a puppy lacks any nutrients, they may resort to eating rocks. Take this as a sign of them saying, “I’m feeling hungry.” [3]
  4. Pica is a disorder where dogs eat non-food items. Pica can be caused by a variety of things, like poor diet, anxiety, and more serious health conditions like gastrointestinal disease and liver disease. If your puppy starts vomiting or having trouble going to the bathroom, bring them to a vet as soon as possible. [4]
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Section 2 of 3:

How to Stop a Puppy from Eating Stones

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  1. Training your puppy to “leave it” can make your puppy leave stones behind. This command is especially important when training a puppy because it could be the difference between praise and a trip to the emergency clinic. The next time they reach for a stone, you can say, “leave it,” and watch them walk away. Follow these steps to teach your pup this simple command: [5]
    • Place a high-value treat in one hand and a basic treat in the other.
    • Make a fist with the hand holding the basic treat and let your pup sniff your fist.
    • Say “leave it” and wait for them to finish sniffing.
    • Say “yes” when they stop sniffing and give them the high-value treat.
    • Repeat until your pup stops sniffing when you say “leave it.”
    • Toss the high-value treat outside of reach.
    • Say “yes” when they reach the high-value treat.
    • Repeat until you start noticing your pup moving away when you say “leave it.”
  2. Training your puppy to drop stones can save them from potential health risks. The “drop it” command is great for multiple situations, including when your puppy is eating stones. When you notice them chewing on something they shouldn’t be, say in a stern voice, “Drop it.” Here’s how you can your puppy to “drop it”: [6]
    • Offer your pup a high-value toy.
    • Let them play for a few seconds.
    • Place a high-value treat in front of them.
    • Pick up the toy and hide it behind your back as they eat the treat.
    • Present the toy when they’ve finished eating and repeat.
    • Say “drop it” when your pup starts dropping the toy when you show the treat.
    • Keep repeating and then give the cue without showing treats.
  3. Puppies tend to chew on stones when they’re bored, so avoid this by being active with them . A game of fetch or tug-of-war or even taking them on a walk or hike will keep them occupied. And when your pup’s occupied, they’re less likely to pick up stones out of boredom. [7]
    • Play fetch to tire your puppy out before they go outside.
    • Fill a puzzle toy with treats or kibble to keep your puppy mentally stimulated. Find these toys online or try your hand at making your own. [8]
  4. One of the main reasons puppies chew is because they’re bored. Tossing a toy into their outdoor area will give them something besides stones to chew on when they’re looking for something to do.
    • Kong and Nylabone toys are great distraction and active toys that give your pup something to chew and play with. [9]
    • Keep your pup’s age in mind when buying toys. Most packaging will suggest what age range the toy is best for. [10]
  5. Some dogs will start eating stones because they’re nutrient deficient. Their bodies are looking for more food, so they turn to what looks most like it—rocks! Changing your puppy’s diet can help them live a happy and long life without the need to crunch stones. [11]
    • Chat with your vet to see what diet is best for your pup.
    • Every dog and breed is different, and their diet depends on their genetics and day-to-day lives.
    • Dog foods labeled “puppy food” will provide the important nutrients your puppy needs to grow. [12]
  6. Bitter tastes will keep a puppy away from just about anything. If your furry friend finds ways to sneak stones into their mouth, spritz the rocks or pebbles with anti-chewing spray. The bad taste will make them less likely to chew on and eat the stones.
    • Buy an anti-chew spray or try making your own.
    • To make your own spray, combine a 2:1 ratio of water and distilled white vinegar. Add 20 drops of an organic citrus essential oil like lemon or bergamot. [13]
  7. Puppies need a safe place they can roam without getting into trouble. Set up a playpen in an area of your yard, making sure to remove any stones inside the pen. This puppy-proof play area is perfect for keeping them out of trouble and from ingesting anything they shouldn’t.
    • Toss a few toys into their play area so they’re even less likely to chew on the pen’s bars or anything else they may find.
  8. If your puppy continues eating stones after you’ve tried these prevention methods, ask a veterinarian for help. They’ll be able to give your pup a physical examination and figure out why they like chewing on rocks. Plus, a vet can give you helpful tips that are specific to you and your puppy, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. [14]
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Section 3 of 3:

Do puppies grow out of eating stones?

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  1. Puppies are naturally curious as they’re experiencing the world for the very first time. It’s normal for them to chew things they shouldn’t as they learn what’s right and wrong. [15]
    • Help your pup grow out of their stone-eating habit with basic training.
    • Teaching basic commands and tricks can help them mature into the best and brightest non-stone-eating dog.

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      • Be patient with your pup! Puppies are bound to make mistakes—they’re exploring the world for the very first time. It’s natural for them to be a little destructive at first. But with repetitive commands, they can learn to behave in any situation.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about training a puppy, check out our in-depth interview with Amanda Marshall-Polimeni .

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