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Explore the unique traits of a Capricorn-Aries person
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The Capricorn sun and the Aries moon are a study in contrasts. Capricorn is associated with slow and steady work, while Aries is fast-paced and dramatic. What this means is that anyone born with this sun-moon combo is likely to have a pretty dynamic and unique personality. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this powerful, compelling combination of signs, including who a Capricorn-Aries is most compatible with.

Things You Should Know

  • Capricorn-Aries folks tend to be active and ambitious. They move at a very fast pace to achieve all of their goals.
  • People with this sun-moon combo can be spontaneous, but they're also diligent workers who know how to focus on the task at hand.
  • Capricorn-Aries can be powerful and efficient, but they sometimes have difficulty being impulsive or overly aggressive.
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Capricorn Sun-Aries Moon Overview

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  1. Your sun sign represents your ego and motivations, and someone born with the sun in Capricorn tends to be pretty hard-working and diligent. Your moon sign, on the other hand, governs your emotions. A person with the moon in Aries tends to be aggressive and spontaneous. Combine those two and you get a competitive, confident individual who's typically going at a mad dash all the time. [1]
    • Elements: earth (Capricorn), fire (Aries)
    • Planets: Saturn (Capricorn), Mars (Aries)
    • Capricorn Sun Traits: determination, ambition, practicality
    • Aries Moon Traits: aggression, energy, impulsiveness
    • Famous People: Lin-Manuel Miranda, LeBron James, Meghan Trainor, Bryce Dallas Howard, Stevie Nicks
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Personality Traits

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  1. The typical Capricorn-Aries person is 100% dedicated to their professional success. They may have lofty aspirations—they often intend to be at the top of their field—but if anyone can do it, it's someone with this sun-moon combo. They can be very work-oriented as a result and usually put their career ahead of anything else in their life.
    • A Capricorn-Aries tends to believe that higher education is essential for the success they crave, so they likely have at least one advanced degree.
    • Capricorn-Aries folks tend to have leadership skills to go along with their ambitions, which is great because they usually like to take charge.
  2. When it comes to their responsibilities, a Capricorn-Aries person typically isn't one to let things slide or do things slap-dash. On the contrary, they'll usually see a project or task through to the end before taking a break or moving on to something else.
    • Capricorn-Aries folks don't tend to get along very well with people they perceive as lazy or lacking in self-discipline—and they have pretty high standards as far as that's concerned.
  3. Some people are all about planning ahead, but your typical Capricorn-Aries is more likely to just go out and do whatever it is they want to do and let the chips fall where they may—this is the influence of the moon in Aries. This sun-moon combo tends to live life in the fast lane and they likely feel as though time spent thinking and planning is wasted time when they could already be doing the thing.
    • This sometimes means that a Capricorn-Aries won't consider the risks of doing something before they do it. Fortunately, they tend to handle adversity pretty well, so they'll usually find a way through any problems along the way.
  4. Thanks to the moon in Aries, the Capricorn-Aries person has a reputation for doing literally everything in top gear—they work fast, they type fast, they talk fast, they walk fast. If you have a Capricorn-Aries in your life, good luck keeping up with them! They aren't really ones to relax, either. As soon as they've finished one thing, they're likely to be immediately onto something else.
    • Because the typical Capricorn-Aries has energy to spare, don't be surprised if they take up high-energy endurance sports—they're also pretty competitive, so athletic challenges appeal to them.
  5. The sun in Capricorn gives your typical Capricorn-Aries person a strong work ethic. They're the one with their nose to the grindstone, doing what it takes to accomplish whatever they've set out to do. They're not likely to look up until they're done. In fact, they have a reputation for letting things around them fall by the wayside while they're focused on a task.
    • A Capricorn-Aries person also tends to be very detail-oriented as well. Even though they work at a fast pace, they're not rushing through anything—their work ethic demands quality.
  6. Capricorn-Aries folks usually want to take the path less traveled. They're not really interested in how everyone else has done something—they want to do it their way. They're independent and like to do things their way rather than following in someone else's footsteps.
    • Related to this, a Capricorn-Aries person typically puts a lot of value on independence and doing things on their own. They're not likely to ask anyone for help (even if they could really use it).
  7. The moon in Aries means this sun-moon combo typically has a flair for the dramatic—you'll definitely notice them when they walk into a room. That being said, thanks to the sun in Capricorn, they're also capable and efficient and willing to work hard to accomplish whatever they set out to do.
    • Capricorn-Aries folks are the type of folks that you can see really going places. They know how to set goals and how to accomplish those goals once they've made them.
  8. Here's the flip side of that flair for drama—when a Capricorn-Aries person feels slighted, they tend to go over the top about it. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet that represents aggression, and Capricorn-Aries folks have no qualms about going off on someone. [2]
    • If you're on the receiving end of some Capricorn-Aries aggression, try not to take it personally . Typically, they'll let it out in a burst and be fine after a minute or two. Then, it'll be like nothing happened at all.
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  1. With their unconventional attitudes, their ambitions, and their strong work ethic, Capricorn-Aries folks can be uniquely successful as entrepreneurs or top executives. The moon in Aries means they aren't afraid to go it alone and take risks . When combined with the sun in Capricorn, it means they also aren't afraid of hard work to accomplish their goals.
    • For example, a Capricorn-Aries might be the type of person to launch a tech startup to disrupt an established industry (like how AirBnB disrupted the hospitality industry).
    • Your typical Capricorn-Aries person also prefers to be the leader, so owning their own business ensures that they get to be the boss and do things their way.
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Love & Relationships

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  1. If you want to be in a relationship with your typical Capricorn-Aries, you need to be able to keep up with them! They're not really the Netflix-and-chill type, so if you'd prefer to sit at home, you're probably not going to be spending much time with them.
    • Because Capricorn-Aries folks tend to be really career-focused, they also need someone who's going to support them in their ambitions and not feel slighted if they come second to their partner's career goals.
  2. Capricorn-Aries has a reputation for being a bit of an authoritarian in a relationship—they tend to be a "my way or the highway" kind of person, although that's just fine as long as you're both on the same page. A more passive personality type would be less likely to butt heads with them.
    • Relationships can be tough for most Capricorn-Aries folks because they're just more focused on their careers than anything else. It will likely take them quite some time to find someone who they're willing to settle down with.
    • When the typical Capricorn-Aries does find someone they're smitten with, they tend to build that relationship from the ground up, as diligently as they pursue their career goals.
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  1. These moon signs express their emotions similarly, so Capricorn-Aries will feel at home with them. [3] Your moon sign compatibility tells you who you'll feel comfortable with and get along with on a gut level. It also covers how you express and handle your emotions. [4]
    • A Capricorn-Aries person typically isn't one to wear their heart on their sleeve, so they need a partner who's similarly unemotional.
    • People with their moon in signs that experience intense emotions and express them freely, such as the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are unlikely to get along well with Capricorn-Aries folks.
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Capricorn Sun Aries Moon Man

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  1. He usually has a deep sense of duty and is very serious when it comes to his work and responsibilities—but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have fun! He's typically very active and energetic and likely involved in a lot of different sports or activities.
    • Strengths: ambitious, practical, diligent in pursuit of his goals
    • Weaknesses: can be aggressive when bored, tends to be defiant of authority
    • In Love: builds relationships deliberately, doesn't display emotions openly
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Capricorn Sun Aries Moon Woman

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  1. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it! She's known for going against the grain, but this is just part of her charm. She has strong leadership qualities and a reputation for being independent. She typically has a strong need to be recognized, both for her achievements and her potential to achieve even greater things.
    • Strengths: sophisticated, determined, always in control
    • Weaknesses: prone to drama, can be impatient and impulsive
    • In Love: intensely emotional and direct in expressing her emotions, likes to go her own way

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