Maybe you’ve spotted the girl of your dreams in the lunch room. Or maybe you’re good friends with a girl and want to know how she really feels about you. In middle school, asking a girl out can be scary, especially if you aren’t sure if the girl will say yes. But there are a few methods you can try to see if the girl you’re into will respond in kind.
Notice if she glances at you constantly or tilts her head when she speaks to you. Most girls will stare at the guy they are interested in. Bolder girls will hold your gaze when caught glancing or staring at you. But shy girls may suddenly turn their heads away and act as though nothing happened. So notice if she tend to stare or glance at you during class or in a big group of friends. [1] X Research source
- If a girl tilts her head and smiles when she speaks to you, this could be a sign of interest. Smiling at you and moving her head to one side could mean she’s trying to flirt with you. [2] X Research source
Look for nervous gestures like playing with her hair or her jewelry. If she displays nervous gestures around you, like playing with strands of her hair or fidgeting with her necklace, this could means she is nervous because she is interested in you. [3] X Research sourceAdvertisement
Notice if she blushes when you talk to her. Blushing is a natural phenomenon, after all, and an involuntary sign that someone is embarrassed or nervous. If she turns red in your presence, this may be a sign she is nervous because of her feelings for you.
wikiHow Quiz: Does She Like Me?
Ask a friend to talk to her. Maybe there is a good friend of yours who is also friends with your crush. Or someone in your class who is known to be a good messenger between nervous girls and nervous guys. [4] X Research source
- Using a friend to find out if a girl likes you is a good way to avoid an awkward first conversation with her. It also gives you a chance to work up the courage to talk to her about your feelings once you know through a friend that she is interested in you. [5] X Research source
- Look for someone in your grade who gets along well with the girls and the guys in your class. You want to be sure the messenger you send will be able to talk to her about your feelings, and not embarrass you in the process!
Notice if her friends giggle or act nervous in front of you. No matter how shy the girl you are interested might be, her friends will likely know how she feels about you. So, pay attention to how her friends act around you. If they giggle nervously or glance quickly from her to you, these may be signs that she is interested in you. [6] X Research source
Talk to her friends about her. Ask them if she is single or interested in anyone in your grade. But don’t be too aggressive with your questions, as you don’t want to freak out her friends. If she is into you, her friends will likely indicate to you that you stand a good chance with her. [7] X Research source
Say hello to her and have a casual conversation. A girl is more comfortable and open with someone she knows, even in passing. So don’t be afraid to say “hi” in the hallway between classes or strike up a conversation during lunch. [8] X Research source [9] X Expert Source Connell Barrett
Dating Coach Expert Interview. 24 September 2019.- This will also keep you on her radar and remind her you are someone worth getting to know better.
- Use her name when you speak to her and use open body language like eye contact, arms by your sides, and smiling.
- This doesn’t mean you need to hound her with conversation every time you see her. A wave or “hello” in the halls is a casual way to focus her attention on you.
Pay attention to her in a group. If you are already friends with her, you may find yourself hanging out together in a group of friends. Take the time to talk to her one on one in the group and listen to her when she speaks. This will allow you to note her body language and attitude towards you. It will also show that you are interested in her, despite the other friends surrounding you. [10] X Research source
Don’t be afraid to flirt. Compliment her outfit or her hairstyle when you see her in the halls. Tease her about her texting habits, if you are both already friendly. Joke around about mutual friends you have or interests that you both share. Flirt with her in a way that is casual and friendly, rather than intense or creepy. If she responds with a compliment, a joke, or even blushing, she is likely flirting back, a sure sign she is interested in you. [11] X Research source [12] X Expert Source Connell Barrett
Dating Coach Expert Interview. 24 September 2019. -
Be brave enough to ask her out. Perhaps the most certain way to know for sure if she likes you is to bite the bullet and ask her out. [13] X Expert Source Connell Barrett
Dating Coach Expert Interview. 24 September 2019. Many girls appreciate someone who can be honest and confident enough to express their feelings and make a move.- Write a note about your feelings and pass them to her via a friend in class. Or ask her if she has a date for the upcoming dance or any plans after school.
- While you could easily text her and ask her out, talking to her in person shows you are willing to express your feelings to her face to face. [14] X Research source
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- Another way you can determine if she likes you is to take an online quiz or survey. [15] X Research source A high score on the quiz may be a good indication she likes you back.Thanks
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- "I really wanted to scream out to my crush that I like her! I went up to her during lunch and with all the guts and courage in me, told her I like her. Surprisingly, she like me back too! We went to Starbucks on our first date, and so our love story began." ..." more