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Once the tuxedo of the Ancient Greeks, the toga is now a favorite dress of Fraternity and Sorority parties everywhere. Read below to learn numerous, no sew, ways to tie a toga.

  1. You can wear a traditional tunic, if you have one. But wear something under your toga. For men, a white T-shirt works well. For women, a tube top or strapless bra is a good choice. Both genders should wear shorts. You will want these undergarments to pin and secure your wrapped toga to when done, and prevent any unwanted exposure if the toga slips.
  2. A cotton twin flat bed sheet works well. Most use a white sheet but there is not a need to stay traditional. Considering standing out by using prints or an unexpected solid color like purple.
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Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Over-the-Shoulder Ties

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Classic Unisex Toga Wrap, Around the Back Variation

  1. Hold the sheet behind you. Take one end of your sheet and drape a few feet of it (back to front) over your left shoulder. The draped end should reach down to your waist.
  2. Take the long end of the sheet and wrap it across your back, under your right arm and across your chest.
  3. Toss long end of sheet, from under your right arm, across your chest and over your left shoulder - where other end of toga is draped.
    • This is the time to adjust the height of your toga. Fold, pin or bunch the material until it hits your legs where you want it. It may take a few passes until you feel it lays right.
  4. Spend some time smoothing the layers and folds. Then pin your wrapped toga in place to make sure that it doesn't fall.
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Classic Unisex Toga Wrap, Around the Front Variation

  1. Hold the sheet in front of you. Take one end of your sheet and drape a few feet of it, front to back, over your left shoulder. The draped end should reach down your back to your butt.
  2. Take the long end of the sheet and wrap it diagonally across your chest and under you right arm. [1] Then across your back, under your left arm, and around your chest.
  3. Tuck this long end (coming from under your left arm) under the end already across your chest. This is the time to adjust the height of your toga. Fold, pin or bunch the material until it hits your legs here you want it. It may take a few passes until you feel it lays right.
  4. Spend some time smoothing the layers and folds. Then pin your wrapped toga in place.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Sari-inspired Wrap

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  1. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until it is the proper length. It should cover from your waist to the ground.
  2. Holding the folded sheet horizontally behind you at your waist. Wrap a few feet of one end around your waist to make a skirt. Tuck this short length behind your back.
  3. Still holding the folded sheet horizontally behind you. Now wrap the longer end around to the front. when crossing your front, pin the upper rail of the two ends together at your waist. [2]
  4. Continue this longer end all the way around your body, across the front of your waist, under your arm, and across your the back. Then back to the front again, under your arm.
  5. Once the longer end is at the front again, cross over your chest and over the opposite shoulder. The end will drape over your shoulder and rest on your back.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Women's Strapless Ties

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Straight Waist

  1. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until it is the proper length. It should cover from your armpits to your legs. How much, or little, of your legs you cover, depends on what you want.
  2. Holding the folded sheet horizontally behind you, first wrap one side around your chest and then the other side - like a towel. [3]
  3. Spend some time smoothing the layers and folds. Then pin your wrapped toga in place.
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Empire Waist

  1. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until it is the proper length. It should cover from your armpits to your legs. How much, or little, of your legs you cover, depends on what you want.
  2. Holding the folded sheet horizontally behind you, first wrap one side around your chest and then the other side - like a towel.
  3. Spend some time smoothing the layers and folds. Then pin your wrapped toga in place.
  4. Tie a belt or rope just under the bust. This will help secure the wrap and make a flattering empire waist.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Women's Halter Tie

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  1. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until it is the proper length. It should cover from your armpits to your legs. How much, or little, of your legs you cover, depends on what you want.
  2. Holding the folded sheet horizontally in front of you, first wrap one side around your chest and then the other side - like a towel. Leave 3–4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) of one corner loose at the front of your body.
  3. Twist the 4 foot (1.2 m) length a few times to make a sort of rope. Run this twisted sheet over your shoulder and behind your neck. Tie the end of the twist to the sheet running across your chest.
  4. Spend some time smoothing the layers and folds. Then pin the toga onto your tube top. Take extra time to pin the halter securely.
  5. Tie a belt or rope just under the bust or at the natural waist.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Large piece of white fabric (may use flat sheet)
      • Safety pins
      • Optional: Roman-inspired or Greek-inspired brooches and jewelry
      • Optional: Cord, belt, or sash
      • Strappy sandals

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To tie a toga, start by draping one end of a sheet over your left shoulder so the end of it reaches down to your waist. Then, take the other end and wrap it under your right arm and around your back. Next, bring that end over your left shoulder and tie it to the other end that's draped over your shoulder. Finally, smooth out any folds and pin your toga into place. To learn how to tie other toga variations, scroll down!

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