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Tracing is a great way to make a perfect drawing in a short time. [1] However, tracing or transfer paper can be expensive and hard to find. Dive in from step one to learn how you can trace any picture with only papers and pencils.

  1. You can find pictures of the things you want to draw, it can be a cartoon, a nature view or even selfies. Just make sure the photos you are printing are in black and white; that way you can see the lines better.
  2. Turn the printed image upside down, use a graphic pencil (5B<) and cover up the printed area. You don't have to be super perfect on this. [2]
  3. Turn the printed image back up, place the image on your drawing surface. You might want to draw a tiny triangle connecting both surfaces, in case you want to adjust the image. Now the shaded side should be facing down. You can use this method on almost anything, from office paper to acrylic canvas. [3]
    • Even a window can be a drawing surface. Put the printout on a window that receives lots of light. Take out masking tape and tape the corners of the printout onto the window. Place the paper you’ll use for your drawing over it and tape the corners.
  4. Follow the printed image and trace the outlines.
  5. Remove the printed image to review the perfect tracing.
    • If there are any small mistakes, don't worry! If you've got a small eraser, like a Tombow mono eraser, then you can rub away tiny details with lots of precision.
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  • Question
    Can I do this with crayons?
    Community Answer
    For shading, crayons should be fine but the result will probably be a lot lighter.
  • Question
    Can I do it with charcoal?
    Community Answer
    Yes. In fact, the result will show a lot more clearly.
  • Question
    Can you explain the second step?
    Community Answer
    Take your printed image and turn it over. Then, using a graphite pencil (preferably 4b or darker), scribble/shade all over the back as shown.
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        Sep 28, 2017

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