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Learn different ways to transfer or send data from one iPhone to another
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This wikiHow teaches you how to transfer your apps and personal data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone, as well as how to share individual files between iPhones using AirDrop.

Things You Should Know

  • Use an iCloud backup to restore a new phone to your old phone's settings and data.
  • To create an iCloud backup, go to "Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > iCloud Backup > Back Up Now".
  • To make your new iPhone have all the data and settings as your old iPhone, restore that backup as you're setting up the new phone.
  • If you're resetting a new iPhone, go to "General > Reset > Erase all content & settings," and use the other phone's backup when you're offered the restore option.
  • Alternatively, select AirDrop from the Share menu to transfer data without iCloud.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Creating an iCloud Backup

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  1. You’ll usually find this app on the home screen.
  2. It’s at the top of the screen, where you can see your name.
  3. You can do this with the switch on the right side of each item. Make sure the switch for each option you want to transfer is green.
  4. A pop-up message will appear.
  5. This saves all of your data as a backup to iCloud. When the backup is complete, see Restoring from iCloud Backup to learn how to transfer the selected data to the new iPhone.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Restoring from iCloud Backup

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  1. You’ll be greeted with the “Hello” screen.
    • Use this method after you’ve created an iCloud backup on your old iPhone.
    • If you’ve already set up the new iPhone, you will have to reset it so you can start from scratch. Here’s how:
      • Open your iPhone’s Settings
      • Tap General .
      • Tap Reset .
      • Tap Erase all content and settings . The iPhone will then reboot to the “Hello” screen.
  2. You’ll need to be online to restore from the iCloud backup.
  3. A login screen will appear.
  4. Use the same Apple ID and password you used to sign in on your old iPhone.
  5. This begins the restore process.
    • When the restore is finished, all of the data you backed up to iCloud will be available on your new iPhone.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Sending Files with AirDrop

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  1. If you only need to transfer a few files between iPhones, it’s easiest to use AirDrop. Here’s how to turn it on:
    • Swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to open Control Center.
    • Tap and hold any of the connection icons (Wi-Fi, data, or Bluetooth). A menu will appear.
    • Tap AirDrop .
    • Select whether you want to Receive Only , connect with Contacts Only , or Everyone .
    • If the other iPhone’s user’s Apple ID is not in your contact list, you won’t be able to see their phone if Contacts Only is selected. In this situation, either add the person as a contact or select Everyone .
  2. For example, if you want to send photos, open the Photos app.
  3. This opens it in the app.
    • You can select multiple items in most apps, such as in Photos. Just tap and hold one of the photos, then tap each additional photo you want to select.
  4. It’s usually at the bottom of the screen. A list of sharing options will appear.
    • The AirDrop section is at the top of the Sharing menu. People nearby (if you chose Everyone) with AirDrop on appear here.
  5. As long as both iPhones have the correct AirDrop settings enabled, the file will be transferred to the other iPhone.
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Join the Discussion...

I just got a new iPhone (yay) and now comes the task of transferring all my data over from my old phone (boo). Anyone have any quick tips for doing this in the least annoying and time-consuming way possible? Thank you!
Luigi Oppido
Computer & Tech Specialist
The quickest and easiest way is using the Quick Start feature. Bring both phones close together during setup and the new phone will recognize the old and ask if you want to transfer your data.

Another option is through the iCloud and iCloud backup. On the old phone, make sure a backup has been created, then close all applications and restart the phone. This allows a clean environment for the transfer to take place and minimizes issues.
Stan Kats
Cybersecurity Expert
The easiest way to transfer your data to a new phone is to enroll in iCloud on the old phone and make sure a backup has been created. Then for first-time setup of your new phone, provide your iPhone credentials and you should be able to easily migrate your data to your new phone.

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