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Mouth ulcers and canker sores aren’t dangerous, but they can be annoying and painful. Ulcers can appear anywhere on your lips, your inner cheeks, under your tongue, or your gums. You may get one if you accidentally bite your cheek or tongue or regularly eat acidic or spicy foods. A vitamin deficiency, chemotherapy, food allergies, or sensitivity to certain toothpastes can also cause irksome mouth sores. Natural topical treatments work best on ulcers on your lips, while mouthwashes are ideal for canker sores inside your mouth. We’ll walk you through easy, natural home remedies and other treatment options for fast pain relief and mouth ulcer prevention.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Applying Topical Treatments

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  1. Unpasteurized or unfiltered honey contains tons of wound-healing enzymes that can reduce the healing time of mouth sores. Use a clean finger to dab a drop or two of honey onto the ulcer. If the ulcer is on your lip, resist the urge to lick the honey off. [1]
    • Look for a bottle or jar of honey that says “raw” or “unfiltered” on the label.
    • Don't use regular honey because it's often heated before bottling, which removes its antioxidants and antibacterial properties.
  2. Medium-chain fatty acids give coconut oil its antimicrobial properties, helping get rid of bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. Scoop a pea-sized amount of coconut oil onto your clean finger or a cotton swab and rub it onto the ulcer. [2]
    • If the ulcer inside your mouth, try "pulling" with coconut oil by swishing it around your mouth for up to 15 minutes. Spit it out afterward just like you would mouthwash.
    • You can find coconut oil in natural health stores or in the baking aisle of most grocery stores.
  3. Wrap an ice cube in a clean paper towel and hold it onto the ulcer. Be careful not to touch the ice cube directly to the ulcer because it can irritate it or cause a burning sensation. The cold will help numb the area and any pain for a while. [3]
    • This is especially helpful if your ulcers are caused by oral mucositis as a result of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  4. Tannins in black tea are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. Soak a bag of black tea in boiling water for up to 1 minute before removing it and letting it cool. Hold the bag onto the ulcer for 5 minutes to relieve pain and decrease inflammation in the area. [4]
    • You can also do this with bags of green or chamomile tea.
  5. Apple cider vinegar can help heal your ulcer and keep it from getting infected. Dip a cotton swab into the bottle of apple cider vinegar to moisten the tip. Rub it onto the ulcer up to 3 times a day. [5]
    • It's normal to feel a slight sting from the vinegar for a few seconds.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Using Natural Mouthwash

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  1. Combine 1 tsp (4.2 g) of salt with 4 fluid ounces (120 mL) of water. Swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out. The salt will speed up the healing process and ease any pain. [6]
    • For the most pain relief, use hot or warm water.
    • Salt water will also help get rid of plaque and oral microbes that may have caused the ulcer.
    • As an alternative, use the same amount of baking soda instead of salt.
  2. Tea tree oil is a powerhouse when it comes to natural remedies because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Place 2 drops of tea tree oil into 16 fluid ounces (470 mL) of warm water and stir it around. Swish with the mixture for 30 seconds and spit it out. Do this up to 3 times a day and for no longer than 3 days. [7]
    • Add 4 tsp (17 g) of salt to the mixture for extra pain relief.
    • Do not swallow the mouthwash because tea tree oil can be harmful if you swallow it. [8]
  3. Sage has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it a great natural option for healing mouth sores. Swish it in your mouth 2 to 3 times a day after brushing your teeth. [9]
    • You can buy sage mouthwash online or at natural grocers and drug stores.
    • You can make a sage mouthwash by boiling 2 tbsp (30 g) of fresh sage leaves (about 20 to 30 leaves) in 16 fluid ounces (470 mL) of water for 10 minutes. Strain out the leaves and let the liquid cool to room temperature before swishing.
    • If you have chemo-induced mucositis, look for a sage mouthwash blend containing thyme and peppermint for the best healing power and pain relief. [10]
    • Other herbs that may be helpful include licorice and marshmallow root. [11] Talk to a naturopathic doctor or herbal medicine practitioner about how to use these herbs in mouthwashes or gargles to treat mucositis.
  4. 4
    Avoid toothpastes and mouthwashes containing sodium lauryl sulfate. Sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, is a common ingredient in oral hygiene products. For some people, this ingredient is associated with recurring mouth ulcers. [12] Check the ingredient list on your regular toothpaste or mouthwash to see if SLS is listed. If so, switch to another brand without SLS and see if your symptoms improve.
    • Look for toothpastes and mouthwashes with natural formulations or ones that are designed for people with sensitive teeth or gums.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Altering Your Diet to Promote Healing

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  1. Bland foods are best when you have an ulcer because too much spice or acidity can irritate the open wound and slow down the healing process. Citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, hot sauce, and spicy peppers will have to wait until the ulcer has healed. [13]
    • Beer, wine, liquor, and caffeinated or carbonated drinks may also irritate ulcers inside your mouth.
    • If you choose to have these kinds of foods and drinks, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards to minimize irritation.
  2. Hard or crunchy foods can irritate the ulcer, increasing the time it takes to heal. These foods may also cause you to chew more, pulling on the skin around the ulcer and making it worse (especially if you have one located on your inner cheek or tongue). Opt for soft foods like oats, rice, potatoes, yogurt, cottage cheese, soup, well-cooked pasta, and well-cooked vegetables. [14]
    • If you have an ulcer on your inner cheek or tongue, chop up foods like bread and meats as much as possible to decrease the amount of chewing you need to do.
    • Serve chewy or tougher foods with gravies or sauces to make them easier to eat.
    • Use a food processor to mash up fruits and vegetables to make them easier to eat.
    • Avoid eating things like chips, popcorn, crispy pizza, toast, raw vegetables, and nuts until your ulcer has healed.
  3. A weak immune system can slow healing and cause the ulcer to stick around longer. Check the label on the packet or bottle of lozenges to see how many milligrams are in each lozenge. Most varieties recommend up to 4 lozenges per day. [15]
    • For women, the daily recommended amount of zinc per day is 8 mg. Men should get 11 mg. It’s safe to take up to 40 mg per day.
    • If you choose to take zinc long-term, you will also need to take a copper supplement. Taking zinc over a long period of time will deplete your body’s natural copper stores.
    • You can buy zinc lozenges at most grocery or drug stores.
  4. Echinacea supports your immune system, helping your body heal the ulcer faster and decrease the risk of infection. Steep a bag of echinacea tea in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. Let it cool down to lukewarm or room temperature before enjoying it because hot liquids can irritate the ulcer. [16]
    • Toss a few ice cubes into the cup to cool it down to lukewarm or room temperature.
  5. B-12 helps your body make DNA and keeps your blood cells healthy. A diet low in this essential nutrient puts you at a higher risk of developing mouth ulcers. If you follow a plant-based diet, you're more likely to have a B-12 deficiency. If allergies or dietary restrictions prevent you from getting enough B-12 from food, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement. [17]
    • Vegan sources of B-12 include fortified nutritional yeast, fortified plant milk (almond, soy, coconut), fortified cereals, faux-meat products (fortified seitan, tempeh, and tofu), and nori (seaweed).
    • Animal products like fish, poultry, meat, eggs, milk, and milk products are all good sources of B-12.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Seeing a Doctor

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  1. If you notice the ulcer is getting painful or red, or if it lingers longer than 3 weeks, it could be a symptom of a larger condition. You may have a nutritional deficiency that requires a doctor’s supervision and treatment, a viral infection, or (less likely) Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel disease. [18]
    • Your dentist can assess the ulcer and suggest a course of treatment. However, it’s best to visit your doctor in case they need to take blood or perform other tests to determine the cause of the ulcer.
    • Bleeding and white patches around the ulcer are signs of an infection.
    • Recurring mouth ulcers can also be a symptom of Celiac disease. [19] Talk to your doctor about this possibility, especially if you also have symptoms such as chronic diarrhea or constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, nausea, or pale, foul-smelling stools. [20]
  2. If you suspect friction from a faulty filling or poorly fitting dentures or retainers has caused the ulcer, see your dentist. Replacing or refitting the filling can stop sharp edges of your teeth from irritating your sensitive mouth tissue. Likewise, getting refitted for a retainer or dentures will ease pressure on your gums and allow the ulcer to heal without further irritation. [21]
    • For instance, if the ulcer is located on your inner lip directly in front of where a filling has fallen out, it’s wise to assume that the sharp edges around the cavity have caused the ulcer.
  3. Oral lichen planus means that the tissues and mucous membranes in your mouth are inflamed. It will show up as a white, lacy pattern on the insides of your cheeks. Your doctor or dentist may give you a corticosteroid gel or injection to clear it up. [22]
    • In addition to white lacy spots, you may also have red swollen splotches or painful open sores.
    • It’s important to treat oral lichen planus because it could lead to gum disease—especially if you smoke and you don’t have great oral hygiene habits.
  4. Certain conditions like HIV and lupus can deplete your immune system, making it increasingly difficult for your body to heal the ulcer without extra support. They may prescribe medication or over-the-counter supplements to help boost your immune system. [23]
    • Always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement.
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      • If you have an ulcer on your gum line or tongue, avoid brushing it until it has healed. [24]
      • Avoid licking or poking at the ulcer with your tongue because doing so can irritate the wound and slow healing.
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      • If your ulcer starts to bleed or develop white patches around it, see your doctor as soon as you can because these could be signs the ulcer is infected. [25]

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      • Ayan Ahmed

        Oct 5, 2020

        "This article helped me a lot, I got rid of my mouth ulcers."
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