Save your favorite pages in desktop or mobile Chrome
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Whether bookmarking favorite sites you visit frequently, or obscure and quirky sites you just want to know you can find again with ease, using (and removing) bookmarks with Google Chrome is simple. Here's how to use bookmarks in Google Chrome using your computer, iPhone, iPad, or Android.
Quick Steps
- Open a webpage in Google Chrome.
- Click the star icon on the right of the address bar.
- Click Edit .
- Change the bookmark's name or folder.
- Click Done .
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I alphabetize the entries?Community AnswerClick the 3-bar menu button at the top right of the browser window, place your cursor over Bookmarks, then click Bookmark manager. This is also bound by default to Ctrl+Shift+O. Here, on the left sidebar, click the folder you want to alphabetize. Then, click Organize and select Reorder by title.
QuestionHow do I create sub-folders in Other Bookmarks in Chrome?Megm26Community AnswerYou will need to have something favorited in Other Bookmarks if you do not already. You will need to right-click "Other Bookmarks" and click "Add Folder..." From there, you will need to name your folder before you can start using it.
QuestionHow do I make a tab?Community AnswerThere are two easy ways to make a new tab. One way is to press the slanted rectangle on the top left of the window (the longer shape is a tab). Another way is holding "control" and pressing "t" for "tab."
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