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Unlock the hidden message and rewards the universe has for you
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If it feels like you’re seeing 12:44 on the clock way too often, it might not be just a coincidence—it could be the universe trying to tell you something important! Angel number 1244 is a very positive one, but it takes a little interpretation to figure out exactly what it means for you. In this article, we’ll show you what 1244 means for your love life, spirituality, and more, plus what to do to decode and apply its message. Let’s dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Angel number 1244 is a sign that you’re on the right track in life. Your guardian angels believe in your ability to achieve your goals and find happiness.
  • Romantically, 1244 means you’ll meet a new partner soon if you’re single (or deepen your relationship if you’re seeing somebody).
  • For twin flames, 1244 is a sign that your separation will end soon (or that you’ll meet your twin flame for the first time).
Section 1 of 7:

Angel Number 1244 Meaning

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  1. Angel numbers are encoded messages sent to you by your guardian angels (or the universe, or God, or whichever higher power you believe in). When you see 1244, it’s a sign from above to be confident in yourself and your abilities—you’re more than capable of overcoming your problems when you put your mind to it. [1]
    • Keep working hard to make your dreams a reality. The universe has good things in store for you—just be patient and trust that you’ll experience them when the time is right.
    • If you’re currently going through a hard time, 1244 is a sign that your struggles are nearing an end. Don’t give up!
    • Wondering what angel number 444 means? Check out wikiHow's "I'm seeing 444 everywhere. Any special meaning?" forum !
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Numerological Interpretation

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  1. Number 1 is the number of new beginnings, and seeing it hints that a new chapter of your life is about to start (or has already started). Number 2 is the number of commitment and balance, and it reflects your attentiveness to both your goals and personal life. Number 4 is a grounded number that represents inspiration and desire. It’s a reminder that through hard work and some practicality, any goal is attainable. [2]
    • The energy of number 4 is doubled in 1244. Number 44 is an indication to trust your intuition and to listen to your inner voice.
    • 1244 also vibrates with the energy of number 12. Number 12 is a reminder that you’re surrounded by loved ones who can help you live a fulfilling life.
    • Combined, all of these energies make 1244 a very positive number that gives you the confidence to focus on your desires and manifest what you want in life.
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Spiritual Meaning

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  1. When you see 1244 (or any angel number), know that your guardian angels are with you and prepared to help you find spiritual peace, happiness, and fulfillment. You’ve put in hard work and overcome challenges to become the person you are today, and the angels want to see you prosper—good times are coming your way soon! [3]
    • Remember that you’ve earned your good fortune through your choices and effort. The angels wouldn’t be helping you if you didn’t deserve it.
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Love & Relationships

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  1. If you’re seeing 1244 often, you’re likely a romantic, emotional, sensitive person looking for someone similar. Keep your eyes peeled for new love connections—you might meet someone completely new, or begin to see an old friend or acquaintance in a romantic light for the first time. Hold on and don’t give up! Your time of waiting and searching will end soon. [4]
    • Get out of your comfort zone and try new things, go new places, and meet new people. Put yourself out there to help the universe act faster.
    • Make finding love a priority if you really want it. 1244 is a reminder to get focused, put in the work, and stay optimistic .
  2. A 1244 sighting is a sign that your relationship will get stronger, but only if you take the steps to make it so. Get in touch with your feelings and communicate with your partner about theirs, too. Take the time to get to know each other on an even deeper level—the result will be more joy, passion, and romantic surprises for both of you.
    • Remember to put your pride aside and take responsibility for your mistakes when needed, too. No one is perfect all the time!
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Twin Flames

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  1. A twin flame is someone who shares or mirrors your soul—they follow a similar life path and can be a romantic partner or a platonic friend. If you’re currently separated from your twin flame, 1244 means you’ll see them again soon. Remember that they want to reunite with you as well, and the universe will bring you together again when the time is right for both of you.
    • If you haven’t met your twin flame yet, 1244 could be a sign that they’ll come into your life soon.
    • The angels might be keeping you separated until you address underlying blockages that are holding you back spiritually. Work on yourself to heal these issues to reunite sooner.
    • If you’re currently united with your twin flame, take 1244 as a reminder that you’ll always be there for each other, even when you’re physically separated.
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Biblical Meaning

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  1. In the Bible, the number 1 often symbolizes God while the number 4 is an emblem of deity. In the number 1244, they serve as a reminder that you’re linked to heavenly powers and have the chance of a fresh start, no matter what challenges you’re facing. Some passages containing 1244 (like Mark 12:44) also reveal that your potential is endless when you dedicate your skills to a good cause with an open mindset.
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What To Do When You See 1244

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  1. Angel numbers can have different meanings based on your circumstances at the moment you see them. To decipher what 1244 means for you, jot down everything you can remember about your sightings—what you were doing, saying, feeling, and thinking. No detail is too small! For example:
    • Say you get a charming stranger’s phone number and see it ends in 1244. This could be a sign that they’re a potential new partner or even your twin flame.
    • Maybe you’re fantasizing about starting your own business at 12:44 p.m. That might be a sign to make a plan, get to work, and make your dream a reality.
  2. If you tend to give in to despair or pessimism, do your best to build a more positive mindset . When you project optimism, the universe is more likely to provide you with what you need. Remember that you have the power to change how you feel about and react to the world around you.
    • Try using positive affirmations to boost your view of yourself and the world.
    • Do your best to drop negative thoughts that limit what you feel capable of doing or changing in your life.
  3. Good things may be coming your way, and you’ll experience them sooner if you take steps to meet them. Create a detailed plan for attaining your goals and push yourself to stick with it. If you tend to procrastinate or downsize your goals to make them easier, focus on improving your self-discipline . The angels will make sure you see the rewards of your effort! [5]
    • Challenge yourself to try new things and think outside the box to make progress. It may feel risky, but repeating the same old methods may not improve your situation.
  4. It’s said that your intuition or your “gut feeling” is your connection to a higher power. Trust your gut when you’re faced with a choice, and don’t wait too long to come to a decision. The longer you wait, the more time you have to second-guess yourself and overthink things. Go with what feels right to you, and know that the angels support your choice. [6]
    • Obviously, try not to make careless or dangerous choices in the name of “going with your gut.” Listening to your intuition requires introspection and thought, whereas an impulsive decision uses neither.
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      • There are no bad signs associated with angel number 1244 (or any angel number). The changes that they accompany may be difficult, but they always serve to further your spiritual enlightenment and growth as a person.
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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about angel numbers, check out our in-depth interview with Michelle Arbeau .

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