Am I an Annoying Person?

Take this quiz to find out!

Do you ever wish there was a way to figure out what people really think of you? While we can’t personally poll your friends, peers, and acquaintances for their personal opinions, we can help you take a closer look at the impression you typically leave on others.

And let’s face it: everyone’s annoying sometimes—that’s just what it means to be human! But if you want a little more insight, we’re here to give you the full scoop. Ready to begin? Hit “Start Quiz” to learn more.

An alarmed-looking man holds a finger to his lips in secrecy.

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Questions Overview

1. How would you describe the way you walk?
  1. My footsteps can be pretty loud.
  2. I can be kinda noisy when I walk, but it’s nothing major.
  3. My footsteps aren’t especially loud or quiet.
  4. I’m basically a ballerina—I’m totally quiet when I walk.
2. You and your friends are catching a movie this Friday. You’ll probably arrive:
  1. 30 minutes late…maybe an hour. It’s okay, I’ll just meet them at the theater.
  2. I’m known to show up 15 minutes late to things.
  3. I’ll arrive on time. I’ll try to, at least.
  4. Who, me? I’ll be there 15 minutes early.
3. Do your pals ever tell you to tone it down when you’re talking?
  1. All the time! I basically talk on a loop.
  2. Sometimes. I just get caught up in a story, you know?
  3. Hardly ever. I try to talk at a normal volume.
  4. Nope! If anything, I’m too quiet when I speak.
4. Do you tend to check your phone a lot?
  1. Yep, constantly. I might have an addiction…
  2. I check my phone at least once every 15 minutes.
  3. I definitely check it throughout the day, but not super frequently.
  4. Nah. Only if I get a notification!
5. You’re about to grab a seat at a super busy movie theater. Where do you put your bag?
  1. I put it on the seat next to me. Who cares if someone needs the spot eventually!
  2. I stash it on the seat next to me, but I’ll move it if someone needs a spot.
  3. I’ll place it at my feet.
  4. I’ll keep it on my lap.
6. How often do you share your accomplishments with others?
  1. Constantly. What can I say—I’m proud of myself!
  2. At least once a week, but I try to find a good segue to bring it up.
  3. Not super often. I only mention the big things that I’m really proud of.
  4. Almost never. If anything, my friends bring up my accomplishments for me!
7. Think fast: it’s your turn to order a smoothie. What do you say?
  1. “I want a smoothie.”
  2. “Can I get a smoothie?”
  3. “May I get a smoothie?”
  4. “May I get a smoothie, please?”
8. How often do you hold the door for the people behind you?
  1. Almost never. I don’t mean to be rude—I’m just always in a rush!
  2. I try to, but I don’t always remember.
  3. Typically, yes. It’s the least I can do.
  4. Yep! I’ll hold it even if the person is a good distance away.
9. Your friend just texted you. When do you reply?
  1. Eh... I’m not that great at replying to texts…
  2. Within 1-2 business days.
  3. I try to reply within an hour at the latest.
  4. I reply as soon as I possibly can. They're waiting for my response!
10. Whoops! You just used the last of the toilet paper. You:
  1. Flush, wash my hands, and leave. Someone else can replace it.
  2. Hurry out of the bathroom, but I tell myself I'll replace it later (if I remember...).
  3. I replace the toilet paper roll.
  4. I replace the toilet paper roll and make sure there’s a backup one nearby.
11. If you finish off the milk, do you put the carton back in the fridge?
  1. Yup. Someone’s gotta drink that last millimeter of milk!
  2. Yeah, usually. But I’m not proud of that.
  3. Not really—I’m pretty good at remembering to recycle.
  4. Nope! As soon as it’s finished, I recycle it. I would hate to leave that for someone else!
12. You’re binge-watching a TV show with a group of people. What do you do?
  1. I’m talking through the whole thing—I might even give away the end if I know what happens!
  2. I make my fair share of comments, but if people tell me to be quiet, I’ll stop.
  3. I talk occasionally, but I try to read the room first and make sure everyone’s okay with my chit-chatting.
  4. I’m super quiet the entire time.

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good<\/i> thing. When someone is having fun, letting loose, and being totally true to themselves without any care in the world, it can ruffle some people\u2019s feathers. To be sure that you\u2019re never<\/i> annoying anyone you\u2019d have to constantly worry about others\u2019 opinions, hold back your best jokes, and just all and all, be a little boring. And who wants that?

It\u2019s important to be true to yourself and your core values above all else. But it can definitely be frustrating to feel like you\u2019re getting on someone\u2019s nerves. Thankfully, we can help! There are a few super simple things you can do in every conversation that basically guarantee that you make a great impression, like:

How to Be Your Best Self

Let’s get one thing straight: you’re one cool cat, just the way you are. Words like “annoying” are so incredibly subjective, and aren’t a true metric of who you are as a person. At the end of the day, what you think and feel matters most. And if you’re happy with yourself, then that’s really all you need!

Still, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be liked by your peers. These days, it’s easier than ever to leave a great impression on the people around you—and these tips and tricks can help you get started.

  • Remember the little things. Maybe your classmate mentioned a cool trip they were taking on the weekend, or your coworker was nervous about an upcoming vet appointment. Making a meaningful effort to remember and follow up on these “little things” helps people feel seen and appreciated.
  • Smile when you walk past people you know. This isn’t to say you have to walk around with a grin plastered on your face, but a friendly smile and wave can go a long way in casual interactions.
  • Practice active listening . People feel special when the person they’re chatting with is invested in the conversation. Making eye contact, tuning into non-verbal gestures, and audibly confirming that you’re listening (e.g., saying “yeah” and “oh, really?”) are small ways to make someone feel valued.
  • Focus on what you have in common with others. Sports, music, weekend plans… it’s all fair game in the realm of casual conversation! Once you find something in common with someone, try to build on that and transform it into a meaningful dialogue.
  • Be empathetic . When someone is going through a tough time, really try to put yourself in their position and imagine what they’re going through. Use that perspective to inform the way you communicate and offer support!
  • Stay optimistic . Sure, complaining about homework or the weather can be great ways to build a rapport with someone, but being a constant source of negativity won’t score you points with many people. Instead, try to offer an encouraging and optimistic perspective when the situation calls for it.
  • Share your accomplishments in moderation. It’s totally understandable to be psyched when you accomplish something big—as you should be! But there’s a time and place for sharing good news. Instead of constantly bringing up your achievements in conversation, look for a good opening to give yourself a pat on the back.
  • See things from different perspectives . It’s important to have your opinions on various issues, but it isn’t always necessary to voice them. Before you launch into a debate, think about the other person’s perspective rather than assuming the worst.
  • Offer plenty of compliments . Think your coworker really nailed their presentation? Love the band T-shirt your lab partner wore to class? Let them know! Compliments are an amazing way to make someone feel special and appreciated.