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Studying alone can lead to boredom, distraction, and no one to turn to when you’re stuck. But the right study buddy can enliven your study sessions. It can be intimidating to ask someone to be your study buddy, but chances are there’s someone else out there who is looking for the same help studying you are. By knowing what you’re looking for, where to seek potential candidates, and how to ask the right questions, you can find the perfect study buddy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Approaching Your Potential Study Buddy

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  1. A simple way to begin conversation is by mentioning something that interested you during class. Introduce yourself and tell them what you’re studying or would like to study. Then you can ask them the same. [1]
    • You don’t have to ask them to be your study buddy right away. Take some time to get to know them first. That way, you’ll know if your personalities are a match.
    • Take interest in what they have to say, make eye contact, and pay attention. This will show them that you are interested in what they have to say. You’ll learn whether or not their personality and interests will complement yours.
  2. A good idea is to ask them to join you for lunch or a recreational activity you already had planned. This is a great opportunity to experience their personality, to ask them more questions, and learn about their interests and motivations. [2]
  3. This is a good no-pressure way to test whether they’d be a good study buddy for you, before permanently committing to it. It’s also a good way to test whether or not they are properly motivated or prone to distraction.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Finding a Good Potential Study Buddy

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  1. If there’s a particular place you like to study (cafe, library, etc.), keep an eye out for others who often study there as well. There’s a good chance that they have a schedule similar to yours, and they are likely to feel comfortable studying in the same environment.
  2. You may have people in your immediate social network who are also looking for a study buddy but haven’t spoken up. They may even be people that you already know well and feel comfortable around. Use all available resources:
    • Post a call for a study buddy on a bulletin board in a public building (classroom buildings, libraries, community centers, etc.). [3]
    • Post a request for a study buddy on social media.
    • Send a request for a study buddy to a class or departmental email list. This is a good way--especially for an introvert--to gauge people’s interest in obtaining a study buddy. [4] It’s also an efficient way to find someone with similar academic interests.
  3. An attentive teacher will have a good feel for other students’ strengths and weaknesses. They will know which other students share your interests and have the same level of motivation. Ask them for a recommendation.
  4. Ask yourself what kind of study buddy might be good for you, what kind of person you would like to study with, and where you would like to study.
  5. If there’s a particular classmate of yours that asks interesting questions, makes comments that intrigue you, or you already know you work well with, consider approaching them. Chances are, they have the same interests as you.
    • Also observe those who are in the same school clubs as you are or are interested in the same extra-curricular activities.
    • While you and your study buddy don’t necessarily have to have the same level of intelligence, you should share a similar level of commitment and get along well. [7] Remember, your energies will influence each other’s work habits.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Nailing Down the Details

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  1. Once you’ve hung out a couple of times, and you think you get along, you can begin asking questions to help you figure out whether they have the skills you’re looking for in a study buddy. Try some of the following questions:
    • ”Do you think you work best alone or with others?"
    • "Do you struggle with any subjects? Are you really good at any subjects?”
  2. At this point, you will be able to more comfortably share information and ask direct questions. You want to get a good feel for if they’re a practical fit for you. Try asking them some of these questions:
    • ”Are there places where you work better than others? Are there any places you absolutely wouldn’t study?”
    • ”Are you easily distracted while studying?”
    • ”Do you like to take a lot of breaks?”
    • ”Do you have any major time commitments that get in the way of studying?”
  3. The best way to ask someone for something is to be clear and direct about what you want. That way, they will know you’re sincere. They’re likely to be flattered as well. People usually feel complimented and excited--not burdened--when they’re asked for assistance. [8]
    • An example could be: “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you lately, and it seems like we really get along and have a lot in common. I’ve been looking for a study buddy recently. Would you be interested in being my study buddy?”
  4. Tell them about your expectations: what kind of help you may need from them, what kind of environments you like to study in, and your level of motivation. But also tell them what you can bring to the table!
  5. Don’t be offended if they turn you down. Not everyone will be a great study buddy for someone else, regardless of strengths. If they say no, simply thank them for considering it and move to your next possibility. If nothing else, you’ve made a new friend!
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  • Question
    I like to find someone to help me prepare for the part 107 drone certificate. I seem to lack motivation even though I really want to become a certificate drone pilot. I have all of the material.
    Coco Lim
    Community Answer
    Try calming down and write down the things that you have learned in school and university. If you have all the materials, then you are good to go. Find a close or a good friend if you want to them to help, also make sure that they know what they are doing. If you are fine with stranger friends or students, you can also make posters or ask a friend to help you find good partners.
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      • Don’t be discouraged if your study buddy turns out to be less than helpful. You may be doing both of you a favor by breaking it off and remaining just friends.
      • if you find a good study buddy, see if incorporating more people into your study circle helps you even more.
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      • You may be tempted to choose somebody who’s already a close friend as a study buddy, but they may provide more of a distraction than a helping hand.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To ask someone to be your study buddy, first take some time to get to know them. Ask if they’d like to grab lunch or join you in a recreational activity. Once you’ve seen that you get along, you can ask them questions about their study habits and schedule, such as which subjects they’re good at and where they like to work. Then you can ask them in a clear and direct manner if they would like to be your study buddy. For example, you can say, “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you. Would you be interested in being my study buddy?” For more advice, including how to find a good potential study buddy, read more!

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