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As a soccer goalie, you’re your team’s last defense. The more fearless and aggressive you are, the better your chances of stopping the other team from scoring. The good news is that any goalie can become more fearless with practice, and we’ve put together some tips to help you get started. Use the steps below to take your goalkeeping to the next level this season!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Being in Control of the Ball

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  1. [1] Being the goalie is a tough job, stand confidently with your head up and shoulders back. Stay calm at all times and remember it is okay to get hit with the ball, so go for every shot! It’s easy to get discouraged by missing shots, so don't sweat it. Keep in mind how important your job is, and that all you can do is give it your best effort [2]
    • Understand that the goalie position is a very tough position. Accept the fact that you are going to get hit, kicked, and maybe even stepped on, but that it is all part of the game. Mentally preparing for the likelihood of physical injury will help you feel prepared for anything the game might throw at you, so you won't waste time thinking about the possibility of getting hurt and can focus on the game.
  2. Do not get scared and stand there waiting for your opponent to make a shot. If possible, attack and take control of the ball, this can help to startle them instead! You can scare the opponent by making your body looking bigger by moving up to the opponent. Or you can make a roar while the opponent is coming at you. The opponent will have a less chance of making a shot. But do not get discourage if you do. You will show your weakness and your lack of confidence will affect your game-play even worse, so keep your mind straight
  3. Being the goalie means you have the advantage of using your hands and arms. Don't be afraid to give it your all. Dive, lunge, and jump to block the ball if you have to.
    • If your opponent successfully gets the ball around you, run and slide diagonally toward their right-hand side. If they try to kick it to the right, your feet will block it. If they kick it to the left, stretch your hands out to catch it. Try to keep your legs closer to your opponent than your face to avoid injury. Being fearless doesn't mean you purposefully jeopardize your own safety for the sake of the game.
  4. Never try to kick the ball past an approaching opponent, this leaves your goal more vulnerable. Always kick it away from them if possible.
    • Make sure you have a teammate who is able to receive the ball before kicking or throwing it back into play.
  5. Penalty shots can be one of the most intimidating aspects of goalkeeping, mastering them will make you less fearful of them.
    • Never wait for the penalty shot on your heels; stay in the middle of the goal on your toes at all times so you can react faster. Remember, the player will have a chance to run up to the ball so there's a good chance the ball is not going to stay on the ground.
  6. When diving to block the ball, try to keep your arms stretched out as far as you can and remain ready to receive the ball.
    • Never close your eyes as you lunge or dive for the ball.
    • If you can't catch the ball, grab it. Be aggressive and quickly scoop the ball up before the opposing team approaches and tries another shot at the goal.
    • If you can't grab the ball either, then you can deflect the ball out by making a fist and punching the ball out of the goal, or you can use your palms to palm it out. But it you do not think you have the reach to palm the ball, the use your fingertips.
    • Although the fingertips have small deflections and if your fingers are not locked, you can jam your fingers, so use hand clinches to strengthen your hands and fingers. It will make your deflections more effective during play time.
  7. 7
    Make your diving safer. It’s important to be cautious while your diving. Diving takes time to get used of it but there is no need to fear.
    • Never land on your knees. Your knees will start to ache and sore and it will affect you during play time
    • When you’re coming down from a dive, roll to your side to break your dive on high dives, and low dives
    • To dive further, lift from your leg your diving off of and launch yourself off of the ground.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Practicing Your Soccer Skills

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  1. Becoming a fearless goalie starts with practicing and perfecting basic soccer playing skills so you are more comfortable on the field. [3] As the goalkeeper you are the last line of defense for your team. During your training focus on your reflexes, reaction time, as well as your overall agility.
    • For reflex training, have your teammates line up in front of the goal each with their own ball. Have each of them kick the ball from different distances and at different speeds so that you have a variety of situations to deal with. This will get you used to high intensity game play, as well as work on the reflexes needed to be a fearless goalie.
    • To practice your reaction time, have your coach line up two rows of balls in front of the goal, one row closer to the goal than the other. Your coach will kick the balls into the goal (the closer ones will come off the ground a bit while the farther ones will stay lower, creating an erratic pattern). Your job is to keep all the balls from getting into the goal. [4]
  2. As with most sports, keeping your eye on the ball is key. [5] When training, use a smaller ball than your standard soccer ball. This will help you focus better and make it easier for you to catch, block, and maneuver the larger soccer ball once you're in the game. [6]
  3. Having quick feet is very important for the goalkeeper. You have to be able to move back and forth, jump, and move out of the way very quickly. [7] Make sure you master the two most common forms of footwork used by goalies, side-to-side and crossover. [8]
    • Side-to-side. Train for this kind of footwork by keeping the ball between your feet and quickly kicking it back and forth between the insides of your feet. Once comfortable with that movement start to practice keeping the ball moving from side to side between your feet while moving your whole body forward and backward. [9]
    • Crossover. This involves swiftly crossing one foot in front of the other to get the ball. [10] To practice this, bounce the ball off the top of your cleats about knee height back and forth, and then to waist height. Cross your right leg over the ball as it’s descending from waist height and try to catch the ball again with your other foot. [11]
    • Mastering these soccer drills during your training will help you gain confidence in your soccer playing abilities, and confidence leads to fearlessness! [12]
  4. Looking at your opponent's head specifically is key to helping you predict where the ball might be heading. If the player is looking down, there's a 99% chance that the ball will not leave the ground. If the player is looking straight ahead, the ball might come off the ground a bit, but will come at you straight and hard. If the player is leaning back as they kick the ball, the ball is going to leave the ground.
    • Pay attention to the position of your opponent's body and feet if you approach them. Most people are right-footed, and will likely kick it to your right hand side. Try to swing your right foot around, with the inside of your foot facing the ball to block it. This will help you anticipate what your opponent is likely to do, with less fear of unknown outcomes.
    • No one likes getting hit by an unexpected ball, having a good idea of where the ball is likely to come at you helps you brace for it and be less fearful of getting hit by it.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What do I do if the ball hits me in the stomach?
    Community Answer
    Your natural reflex is to hurl over, so look up as quickly as possible to see where the ball is and prevent any further shots.
  • Question
    When the opposing team has a corner kick, how can I get over my fear that if I go out and try to catch the ball I will concede a goal?
    Awesomeguyfla :D
    Community Answer
    No goalkeeper keeps a perfectly clean sheet, and sometimes you have to take the risk. If you can, tell your coach you want improve on corner-defending skills, and see if he has any drills that might help.
  • Question
    What if I am afraid I might hurt the opposing player?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid; the refs usually give the goalkeeper the benefit of the doubt and there usually won't be a consequence for you.
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      Reader Videos


      • If you dive for the ball, and it is on the ground, grab it and hold it with the "W" formation in front of your face. This should protect your body.
      • When you dive if you have pads MAKE SURE that you land on them
      • Studs can make it easier to dive because they dig into the ground giving you more grip, this will help you push off the ground.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • When diving towards oncoming players, trust they will avoid colliding and hurting you. Focus on your technique — don't let fear of contact hold you back from lunging for the ball.
      • As goalie, you rarely suffer serious injury if using proper form when engaging the ball. Have faith in your skills and training. Overthinking potential harm causes hesitation.
      • For free kicks near the box, set up a defensive wall between the ball and goal to block the shot. Align the wall with the nearest goal post, then cover the open side yourself.
      • Wear proper goalie gear like padded shirts and gloves to protect yourself, allowing you to dive without fear of injury. Protective equipment brings confidence.
      • When distributing the ball, only throw to open teammates not being marked to retain possession. Turnovers from rushed or risky passes lead to fast breaks.
      • Come off your line a little rather than staying glued to the goal mouth. Cutting down the shooter's angle gives you a better chance of saving shots.
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      • Do not let your anger get to you, it can cause a lot of trouble, but it also may empower you. Don't do anything overly violent, you will get a card.
      • Do not pointlessly sacrifice yourself, it is completely worthless to your team if you are hurt pointlessly, but if you get hurt saving a goal, more power to you.
      • Goalie is a very painful position to play. You have to have a lot of endurance and you will get hurt a bit. If you move up to higher levels of play, you WILL get kicked, hit, stepped on, and cut open with cleats. It may appear like goalkeeping is no fun, but the adrenaline helps to make saving a ball while bleeding a very rewarding and empowering experience.
      • Know your limits. If you have had your head stepped on repeatedly during a game (which can happen) you probably need to come off the field.


      1. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      2. http://soccer.epicsports.com/howto-soccer-goalie.html#question-4
      3. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      4. http://www.soccerpilot.com/soccermagazine/articles/goalkeeper-reflexes.html
      5. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      6. http://soccer.epicsports.com/howto-soccer-goalie.html#question-4
      7. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      8. http://soccer.epicsports.com/howto-soccer-goalie.html#goalie-rules
      9. http://soccer.epicsports.com/howto-soccer-goalie.html#question-4

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To be fearless as a soccer goalie, try to remember that it's OK if you get hit by the ball. After all, it's better to go for every shot than to miss shots because you're worried about being hit. To reduce your odds of getting hit, try to approach your opponents aggressively when they're taking a shot by moving up as close to them as possible. This will startle them and lower their chances of making a goal. You should also practice using your entire body to defend the goal since you'll block more shots if you're willing to dive, lunge, and jump at the ball. For more tips, like how to practice your soccer skills so you're ready for game time, keep reading!

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      • M. Matthews

        Jul 22, 2017

        "I'm a U13 goalie, but I've missed some pretty easy shots. Like one time, I was getting ready for a kick ..." more
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