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Windows 11 allows you to turn your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot. With this, you can broadcast your Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular data connection to allow other devices to connect to it. [1] If you would like to do this, then follow the steps in this wikiHow article to learn how!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Turning on the Mobile Hotspot

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  1. 2
    Select "Network & Internet" in the left panel.
  2. 3
    Click or touch the toggle switch in the box that says, "Mobile hotspot". This will enable the mobile hotspot.
  3. 4
    Click or touch the box that says "Mobile hotspot".
  4. 5
    Select "Properties" to expand the network information. This will show the network name and password, which you will need to connect to the network.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Configure the Mobile Hotspot

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  1. 2
    Select "Network & Internet" in the left panel.
  2. 3
    Click or touch the box that says "Mobile hotspot".
  3. 4
    Know that you can change two main properties of how the connection is shared:
    • You can select the "Share my internet connection from" dropdown box to change if the connection is shared via Ethernet (wired internet), Wi-Fi, or a cellular connection. The dropdown box will only show the connections that you have available.
    • You can select the "Share over" dropdown box to decide how you want to share the internet connection. You can share the connection over Wi-Fi, or over Bluetooth. The dropdown box will only show the options that are available. [2]
  4. 5
    Decide if you want power saving on. Power saving will automatically turn off the mobile hotspot if it detects that no devices are connected to it for a while. This can help save power on your PC to conserve battery power.
    • Note: If the power saver turns off the mobile hotspot, then it will not turn back on if you try to connect a device to it. You will have to go back into settings and turn it on manually.
  5. 6
    Select "Properties" to expand the network information.
  6. 7
    Click or touch Edit . This will bring up a dialog box that lets you edit the network name, password, and band. Change the text or options in the appropriate boxes to change that setting.
    • The network password must be at least eight characters long. You cannot have an open network (no password).
    • For the network band, 2.4 GHz is slower, but can go further. 5 GHz is faster, but cannot go as far, and older devices may not be able to connect to it. If you decide to choose a band, keep this in mind. [3]
  7. 8
    Click Save once you have configured the network settings.
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      • This is not a complete replacement for a normal Wi-Fi router, as it can only accept eight devices. Don't use it as your day-to-day Wi-Fi router.
      • Your PCs Wi-Fi card likely does not have the same power output as a router does, so the signal will not travel as far.

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