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Today, many Muslims are so busy attending to worldly matters that they sometimes forget to be truly grateful for all the blessings that they have. However, it is incumbent upon all Muslims to feel and express their gratitude to Allah (glory be to Him) throughout every day, as it strengthens the faith and helps attain the goal of complete submission to His will. Below are some simple ways Muslims can become more grateful.

  1. After each prayer, spend a few minutes thanking Allah (glory be to Him) for some of the little and big things you have in your life. Acknowledge that Allah (glory be to Him) has created and sustains us, then give thanks for being chosen to be a Muslim, for giving us our faith and for keeping Shaitaan away.
    • Remember that Allah (glory be to Him) is always deserving of our thanks and feels displeasure when we are ungrateful.
    • Allah's displeasure (glory be to Him) with our ingratitude is not because He needs our thanks, but simply because He knows that a state of grateful servitude is best for us.
    • A state of gratitude to Allah (glory be to Him) should be the natural state of every Muslim.
    • Remember that Allah (glory be to Him) may decide to punish our ingratitude, either in this world by sending hardship, or in the next world by sending us to Jahannam (Hellfire), or both.
    • The feeling of gratitude comes from the heart and helps us to recognise just how completely dependent we all are upon Allah (glory be to Him).
    • Reflect on your own life and you will soon come to appreciate the many blessings that Allah (glory be to Him) has bestowed upon you.
  2. Set aside time throughout the day to repeat beautiful phrases from the Qur'an and Sunnah to help remind you of Allah (glory be to Him). These are known as dhikr, plural adhkar. Dhikr is nutrition for the soul because if we remember Allah (glory be to Him) in this life, then He will remember us in this life and the next.
    • Traveling or going about household chores are good times to make dhikr. Many Muslims commit to repeating beautiful phrases, such as "Subhaan-Allahi wa bihamdihi" (Allah is free from imperfection and all praise is due to Him) numerous times each day, to help them strengthen their faith. This must be done while contemplating the meaning but should not become an excessive burden.
    • A good Muslim should be constantly seeking to make opportunities to make dhikr throughout the day.
    • Every morning and evening remember Allah (glory be to Him) by following the regular practices of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), including reciting the Adhkar prescribed for the morning and evening, after each salat and before sleeping, including reciting Surah Yasin in the morning, Surah Mulk in the evening, praying Witr and sleeping on the side.
    • Even when enjoying nightly intercourse with your spouse, try to remember that this is both a gift from Allah (glory be to Him) and an act of worship, so it should be undertaken with gratitude and remembrance. Say the dua for intimacy, remember Allah (glory be to Him) in your heart (though not out loud) and make dua afterwards to thank Allah (glory be to Him) for allowing you to satisfy your desires in a lawful and pleasurable way.
  3. Acknowledge Allah's greatness and give thanks for making it through the night and for being alive. During the day, try to keep mindful of Allah (glory be to Him) by repeating phrases praising, glorifying and thanking Him.
    • Even simple phrases, such as "Astaghfirullah", repeated with sincerity, can help save us from the torment of the Fire.
    • Praise Allah (glory be to Him) for concealing our sins and for giving us Imaan.
    • Thank Allah (glory be to Him) for the limits, laws and punishments that He has set out in the Shariah to help ensure a safe and fair society, and promise to respect them as an expression of gratitude.
  4. Many people around the world would love to be able to hug their mum or dad but can't. Many wish to have friends to spend good times with, but do not have the opportunity.
    • Remember that every good Muslim is humble and grateful for what they have, even though their life may seem to be a struggle.
    • Accept that the struggles and sinful desires that we face are tests planned by Allah (glory be to Him) to strengthen our faith and guide us towards His obedience.
    • Keep a gratitude journal. Noting down just five blessings each day - things that has made you say "Alhamdulillah" - together with your reflections on how they have helped you, will help improve focus and strengthen your connection with Allah (glory be to Him).
    • Keep a note in your journal of your sins, however seemingly small, and acknowledge them to Allah (glory be to Him) and seek forgiveness.
  5. This means "God has willed". Know that jealousy is wrong in Islam, so don't envy the rich. Instead think about the less fortunate. There is always plenty to be grateful for in every life.
    • Parents should encourage their young children to recognise and be grateful for their blessings by teaching them to say "Alhamdulillah" and "Masha'Allah" at appropriate times throughout each day. Repeating "Allahu akbar" will help them to appreciate Allah's greatness (glory be to Him).
    • When a little older they should understand that Allah (glory be to Him) sees everything and will be displeased if we fail to show our gratitude. Teach them that Allah (glory be to Him) loves us but there will be consequences in this life or in the next world, or both, if we do not show gratitude for our blessings.
    • By the age of ten, children should regularly hurry to acknowledge Allah's gifts (glory be to Him) and know that they will be rewarded for doing so. Conversely, ingratitude should be addressed firstly through education, and if necessary through the mother's normal disciplinary process, just as if a child were to neglect salah.
    • Older children should regularly be reminded of the reality that Jahannam (the Fire) is the destiny for those that deny Allah (glory be to Him) His right to receive our gratitude. Allah (glory be to Him) tells us in the Qur'an that gratitude is a characteristic of all good Muslims: If you are grateful, I will certainly give you increase, but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is severe. (Surah Ibrahim: Verse 7)
  6. Use the blessings that Allah (glory be to Him) has conferred upon you to do good deeds that will please Him. Thanking Allah (glory be to Him) will only increase your blessings.
    • Thank Allah (glory be to Him) every day for making you a Muslim and ask Him to guide you to strengthen your faith and increase you in religious knowledge.
    • Our record of gratitude throughout our life will be carefully examined on the Day of Judgement and will play a significant part in determining our fate in the hereafter when we come to cross the Sirat Bridge.
    • Ingratitude is symptomatic of being too concerned with worldly affairs and will count heavily against us when the weight of our good and bad deeds are examined.
    • If you do recognize that you have been ungrateful, pray to Allah (glory be to Him) for forgiveness. Acknowledge your ingratitude, express regret, promise not to repeat it and ask for forgiveness. Try to offset your ingratitude with a good deed, for example extra prayers, an hour focused on Istighfar or a day of fasting.
  7. Gratitude is a beautiful way of acknowledging and obeying Allah (glory be to Him) and provides a wonderful opportunity to earn rewards in this life and the next.
    • Remember that worshiping Allah (glory be to Him) is the greatest way of expressing our gratitude to Him and obedience is a great form of worship.
    • Conversely, disobeying Allah (glory be unto Him) betrays ingratitude and may lead Allah's (glory be unto Him) punishment.
    • Try to establish as strong daily routine of worship including regular obligatory and voluntary prayers (salah), remembrance of Allah (glory be to Him) (dhikr), asking Allah (glory be to Him) for help (dua), Qur'an study and committing to follow the Shariah.
    • Regular fasting is a great way of reminding ourselves of Allah's generosity (glory be to Him) and dependence upon Him, and keeping gratitude and our dependence on Allah (glory be to Him) uppermost in our minds.
    • Surround yourself with Muslim friends that are naturally grateful, who will encourage you obey of Allah (glory be to Him).
    • Embracing the Islamic dress code is a good example of expressing gratitude to Allah (glory be to Him).
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I be a better Muslim?
    Shaykh Mekaeel is an Imam at the Islamic Community of Salinas in Salinas, California. He is the founder of the Voyagers of Knowledge YouTube channel, which creates Islamic educational content. He attended the Islamic University of Madinah and earned a degree from the school of Da'wah and Usuluddeen.
    Expert Answer
    The best thing to do to be a better Muslim is to get closer to Allah and to realize the Presence of Allah is there no matter what we do in our life. To get closer to Allah, you have to connect yourself with him. Use the Quran, the Words of Allah. Read it, try to comprehend it, and apply it to your daily life. Make sure to always do the five daily prayers, as there are no other acts of worship that we have to do daily.
  • Question
    Does Allah stop loving people when they become sinful?
    Top Answerer
    No, because Allah is the most forgiving and the most kind. The door of forgiveness never closes and chances are always given for you to repent.
  • Question
    I'm not satisfied in life, so can't feel like thanking Allah, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask yourself why you aren't satisfied. It's very important for you to understand your needs, but be grateful for what you do have: food, shelter, clean water, Internet access, and education. Never forget, Allah will never deprive you of what you deserve. Always keep in mind that Allah never misjudges. You, as a Muslim, should be believer in Taqdir, which means lot or fortune. What is lotted, cannot be blotted, but your hard work may urge Allah to bless you with nice fortune. Lastly, have Taqwa, which means fear and admiration to Allah. Allah loves you and wants to please you with his gifts and blessings.
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      • Give charity (known as zakat or "alms-giving") as a result to your gratefulness of what you have and what you are or what you've achieved.
      • Remember the good that Allah (glory be to Him) has brought upon you, and remember the certain 'miracles' that you've experienced - this may help motivate your gratefulness to Allah (glory be to Him).
      • Glorify Allah (glory be to Him) and submit humbly to Him.
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