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All the rules you need to play this hilarious drinking game
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Cheers to the Governor is a super fun and simple drinking game—all you need are some friends, drinks, and your imagination! The goal of the game is to count to 21 around a circle while remembering the rules for each number. If you’re the one who says, “21,” you get to create a new rule and the count starts back at 1. Read on to learn how to play Cheers to the Governor and example rules to get the game going!

Things You Should Know

  • Sit in a circle and count to 21. The first person says, “1,” the person next to them says, “2,” and so on.
  • When you get to 21, say “Cheers to the Governor!” and drink. The person who says 21 gets to make a new rule, like dance on the number 5.
  • If you mess up or forget a rule, take a drink. Then, the person next to you starts the count back at 1.
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Cheers to the Governor Rules

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  1. 1. Sit in a circle and make sure everyone has a drink. To play Cheers to the Governor, you only need a handful of friends, a circle of chairs, and a beverage each to drink! [1]

    You can play with as many or as few people as you want—there is no minimum or maximum number of players.

    2. Count up to 21 around the circle. Choose someone to begin the game by saying, “1.” Then, the person next to them says, “2,” the person after says, “3,” and so on. The objective is to reach 21 without anyone breaking a rule. [2]

    Feel free to go around the circle clockwise or counterclockwise.

    To decide who goes first, you might ask for volunteers, roll a die, or choose whoever’s birthday is closest.

    3. Start with a rule to get the game going. To make things interesting in the first round, create an easy rule like switching 7 and 14 in the sequence. On 7, you say “14” and on 14, you say “7.” [3]

    4. Say, “Cheers to the Governor!” on 21 and drink. When you get to 21 around the circle, everyone raises their glasses and says, “Cheers to the Governor!” Then, you each take a swig of your drink. [4]

    Some players prefer to say “Cheers, Governor!” instead.

    For extra fun, make a rule about how to say, “Cheers to the Governor!” You might shout it, sing it, or have everyone say it in a bad, British accent.

    5. Make up a rule if you’re the one who says, “21.” Create a fun rule for a specific number in the sequence. For instance, you might make it a rule to do a little dance when you say “5” or take a drink after you say “18.” [5]

    Don’t worry—we’ve compiled a list of ideas below if you need inspiration!

    6. Take a drink and start back at 1 if you mess up a rule. If you forget the rule for the number you’re on, do the wrong rule, or say the wrong number, you have to take a sip of your drink. This ends the round and the person next to you starts the count back at 1. [6]

    To make things harder, make it against the rules to ask what number you’re on if you lose count.

    7. Keep playing until you want to stop. Whenever you get to 21, the count simply starts back up again with the new rule added. So, there’s no real end to the game! The fun part is trying to remember all the wacky rules while sipping on your drinks—it’s harder than you might think! [7]

    If you play for a long time and have rules for each number, either delete existing rules or double up on rules for a number.
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Fun Rule Ideas

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  1. Skip over a number. If you decide to skip over 12, on your turn you simply say nothing and take a drink.

    • Say a number in a different language. For instance, instead of saying “One” on 1, you have to say “Uno,” “Un,” “Eins,” and so on.

    • Say a different number. For a specific number like 6, you have to say any other number besides 6, like 10, 55, 1000, and so on.

    • Say a word that rhymes with the number. For example, instead of saying, “4” you have to say words like “Boar,” “Floor,” “Chore,” and so on.

    • Sing the number.

    • Take a drink. On a specific number, take a drink and then say the number.

    • Do a little jig. For example, instead of saying, “9,” get up and shimmy, do the robot, or floss.
      • Or, make the rule that you have to do a specific dance.

    • Sing a song lyric. Either sing your favorite song lyrics or sing songs from a specific genre, decade, or artist.

    • Compliment another person. In place of saying a number, you have to say something nice about a person in the circle.
      • Make it be the person to your left or right, or give the person the ability to choose.

    • Choose someone to drink.

    • Make an animal sound. For example, on 10 you have to oink like a pig or moo like a cow instead of saying, “10.”

    • Name a movie, song, food, or state. Instead of saying a number, choose a category and say a thing in the category.
      • Be specific to make this rule harder! Name animated TV shows, Taylor Swift songs, or types of fruit.

    • Tell a joke.

    • Make all the guys or girls drink. Or, choose a specific group of people to drink, like if you’re single, in a relationship, or your name starts with A.

    • Do an impression. For instance, on 17 you have to do a celebrity impersonation or act like your favorite movie character.

    • Say a curse word or dirty word.

    • Do a specific action. In place of saying a number, clap, whistle, snap your fingers, touch your toes, rub your belly and pat your head, do a pushup, and so on.

    • Say a silly phrase or quote. On a number, say something like, “How you doin’?” or “Welcome to Flavortown!” Or, make up your own funny quote.

    • Swap seats. For instance, on 15 trade seats with the person across from you. Or, make everyone get up and find a new spot.

    • Switch directions around the circle. Change the counting direction on a number so you now count clockwise instead of counterclockwise (or vice versa).

    • Choose a person to go next. For example, on 3 you have to name, point, wink, or kiss the person who goes next instead of going around the circle like normal.

    • Say the Roman numeral of the number. For instance, on 13 you have to say “X, I, I, I” instead of “Thirteen.”

    • Take a drink if you hesitate. If you pause to try to remember the number you’re on or any rules about it, you have to drink.

    • Count the numbers backward. Play a round (or until someone makes a new rule) by counting down from 21 to 1.

Expert Q&A

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      • While the objective is to get to 21, this game isn’t meant to be taken seriously. The real fun comes from creating funny and tricky rules that get people to mess up and keep you and your friends laughing.
      • The sky is truly the limit when it comes to playing Cheers to the Governor! You can make people run around the house, make a prank call, recite a poem, or tell an embarrassing fact about themselves.
      • You don’t have to play with alcohol for this game to be fun! There’s nothing wrong with taking swigs of soda, water, or juice or switching to a non-alcoholic beverage during the game.
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      • Always drink responsibly when you play a drinking game like Cheers to the Governor. Know your limits and pace your drinks. The CDC recommends 2 drinks for men and 1 for women. [8]
      • Eat something before you play and snack during the game. Have water with you to stay hydrated as you drink, too. [9]
      • Make a plan on how you’ll get home before you start the game. Ask a designated driver to take you home or get a taxi or ride-share service. Never drink and drive, as this is dangerous and illegal. [10]

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