Virgo men can be shy and not always easy to get to know, but they make great friends and boyfriends -- their perfectionism makes for quite impressive dates! Found one that you have your eyes set on? Easy to see why -- they are smart, loyal, and down-to-earth. Here's what you need to know to date one of these men born between August 23 - September 22.
If you're interested in a Virgo man, be friends with him first. Virgos are not passionate, ready-to-jump-into-bed creatures. They like to know exactly what they're getting into. The will not get caught up in a whirlwind of romance. So be friends first! Show him that you're the real deal and his interest will spark.
Get him to respect you. The traditional Virgo man needs a woman who is classy. She's smart, can hold her own, and is very mature for her age. She has her act together. She's not one for gossip or trivial small talk just to hear her own voice. Don't try to get him to lust after you (the Virgo man knows that's a dime a dozen); get him to see you as a person worthy of his respect.
- Don't show him pretty lip gloss, well-timed hair flips, and batting eyelashes. Show him you . Show him a person that's awesome and that knows she's awesome. Be real with him. That's the only way you can truly gain his respect and loyalty.
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Be forward. The Virgo man isn't the most direct, gutsy sign there is, to say the least. You may need to give him some not-so-subtle hints that you're into him. He may need to know it's a sure thing before he takes any action. Can you blame him? No one likes rejection!
- Virgo is just as responsive to looks as he is to touch. So instead of touching him on the arm like every girl does, give him that look that screams, "Kiss me." You'll have him melting in no time flat.
Get ready for perfection. If there's one thing this guy is, it's a perfectionist. He notices every little detail and expects it. He makes sure his linen closet is arranged by color, size, date purchased, and thread count. He can tell when picture frames aren't exactly centered, when a curry is missing the right amount of spice. This has its ups and downs -- so concentrate on the ups!
- He's the type of person that will notice if you've gained half a pound. He's the type that will look at your hair and tell you when one strand is out of place. Give him the benefit of the doubt -- he's just trying to make everything perfect. He's also the type of guy who will make sure your time together is just how you want it . That makes up for those nitpicky comments, doesn't it?
Expect class. You know that thing about perfection? How can things be perfect if they aren't the best? This Virgo also expects things to be nice. Not necessarily the most expensive (actually quite the opposite -- more on that later), but definitely well-put together and thought out. He can take a simple t-shirt and jeans and make it look classy because of the thought behind it. That's how the relationship will go!
- Since he thinks everything out, your dates together will be planned and extravagant in their own way. He'll take you to a restaurant that he knows is good and knows exactly what to order and what to say to the staff to get the best table. He'll plan a night with the details so perfected that you wonder how he makes it look so effortless.
Keep your look simple. Wear simple hairstyles, clothes, makeup, and jewelry -- stay away from ALL excesses, because Virgo men like natural beauty. [1] X Expert Source Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer Expert Interview. 14 February 2022. You know that practical side of them? That's coming out here. They're not into "showy" or "artificial." What a breath of fresh air!- Virgo wants his partner to be real. Who wouldn't? While they like nice things, brands don't mean anything to them. Simple and chic resonate with them much more than accessorized and expensive. You should be the thing that shines strongest, not that shiny bracelet you're wearing.
- Reader Poll: We asked 515 wikiHow readers who've dated Virgo men, and 74% of them agreed that the their go-to style for attracting them is classy, fitted clothing. [Take Poll]
Be clean and tidy. Keep your personal hygiene and grooming as clean and neat as possible. [2] X Expert Source Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer Expert Interview. 14 February 2022. And as much as your body should be clean, your living situation should be too! If Virgo walks into your house and finds piles and piles of unsorted garbage, he will not be coming back anytime soon. Have a clean mantra when it comes to your entire life.- If you're not, you risk walking in on this guy organizing your bedroom floor. Suggesting a new soap for you try to get rid of that smell. Throwing out all the expired ranch dressing in your fridge. These are conversations that are better off being avoided!
Don't be extravagant and wasteful. Back to that dang practicality. Virgo knows exactly what he needs and exactly that he doesn't need anything more. Just the same as he doesn't do showy displays of affection, he's really not all that showy himself -- and wants his partner to have a similar mentality. Things needn't be complex and unnecessary. That's just more for him to worry about and sift through in his mind!
- If Virgo is cooking you dinner in your kitchen and runs across 6 jars of paprika, 5 of which are unopened, he'll wonder if you were too lazy to look through your cabinets before you went to the store and know that you're wasteful with your money. So do yourself and your budget a favor (and the environment!) and take a leaf out of his book.
Be stable. Virgo being an Earth sign and all, he expects his partner to be stable, too. Being capricious and prone to anger or mood swings is not his cup of tea. He likes life to be simple, remember? Dramatics don't have a place in his world. Emotions are fine when in appropriate dosages. Freak outs, gossip, and drama are not!
- This isn't to say don't tell him how you feel, if you're feeling particularly moody. Just try to be rational and logical about it. Instead of calling him, crying because your best friend is prettier than you are today, take a step back. Hang out with him that night and talk about your struggle with your image. He'll see that you're calm and receptive -- instead of flighty and incomprehensible.
Be ready to be pleased. While you shouldn't be expecting grand shows or intense theatrics in this relationship, you should expect to be pleased. Virgo loves everything being perfect and will therefore make sure you're happy. He doesn't know how to operate if you're not! If you give him something to do, he will do it to a T and then go a step further. That's one hell of a partner!
- He may not make a big deal of your relationship turning serious, but know that he's probably thinking about it. When he's opening up to you easily, trusting you, allowing you to be his rock, know that you're in. You may not get your name up in lights, but you'll get a constant love that is eternal.
Know that he's an Earth sign. Virgo (along with Taurus and Capricorn) are Earth signs. This means, generally, that they're very stable and resistant to change. Like the Earth! They are sturdy in their ways and know what they want and need. They're usually slow to open -- but once they do, it's permanent.
- Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning that these characteristics aren't tried-and-true. But if you want to place 'em all in one category, you'll find that they're generally solid people -- grounded, have a foundation upon which they build everything (thought or planning), and at their best when they're balanced.
Know that he may need reassurance. Virgos are often caught up in their heads. Because of this, they can get a little out of touch with reality, resulting in an unconscious tendency toward insecurity. When this time pops up, he may need reassurance. When he's acting inhibited with you, let him know that that's unneeded (not with your words, necessarily). Be overly welcoming. He may need that extra push.
- Take this and value it. Instead of wishing he were more open and confident, realize that this quality makes him down-to-earth, modest, loyal, and way less of a showy megalomaniac than the sign that precedes him, Leo. This sense of insecurity that flares up on occasion can be a relief!
Don't think of him as a know-it-all. Because he notices every little detail, many people can think of him as a know-it-all. He takes one look at your pie charts and tells you they're 1% off. Not only does he notice it, but he says something about it too. This can be irksome if you don't realize he's just trying to make everything the best it can be. And why shouldn't it be?
- The good thing about Virgo is that if you know your stuff too, he can take it! He is open to debate and loves talking about things he's learned and experienced. So the next time your Virgo corrects you on something, don't hesitate to say, "No! I did it this way on purpose!" and explain why.
Understand his hesitancy to act. Virgo, as described earlier, doesn't jump to anything -- from relationships to conclusions. He needs to plan everything out -- how else would he know if it's perfect and, above all, acceptable? So when he doesn't give you that grand display of love right off the bat, don't get your heart all a-flutter. He needs time. Allow him that.
- Your relationship may be slow-to-start. This is fine! It's just how Virgo rolls. It's not an indicator of a lack of passion or anything negative. He'll open up in time if you can be patient. Good things are worth waiting for, after all.
Know he's more practical than poetic. When it comes to romantic gestures, your Virgo man won't be into writing you songs about your left pinky toe. That's just not useful. Why would he waste his time doing that? But he will offer you his sweatshirt when you're cold; he will open the door for you; he will give you the perfect gift on your anniversary because those things actually are meaningful . That's the good stuff, anyway. Who wants a poem about their toe?
- This can be frustrating when you're looking for affection and you're feeling particularly feely. They won't reciprocate and don't seem to get it. If that's the case, you'll need to relax. Take a step back and realize that's just not how they operate. They'll show you their feelings in other ways soon enough.
Learn How to Date a Virgo Man with this Expert Series
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you please a Virgo man?Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.A brainy girl next door type might get them going, as they don’t want a bad girl — they just want the girl to be a little like their mother. That said, you should also hint at being possibly a little naughty in private.
- They hate when people act like something they are not. Who doesn't, really?Thanks
- Clean your home before inviting a Virgo man to visit. Virgos HATE dirt and messiness.Thanks
- If you give Virgo a task he will do it at his best. But he doesn't need money or anything else; he needs appreciation in return.Thanks
- Like Virgo women, Virgo men have NO tolerance for anyone who acts selfish and rude!Thanks
- Like Scorpio, Virgo men can be EXTREMELY private, jealous, and even bad-tempered.Thanks
- Virgo men can be highly critical and opinionated. Bear this in mind if you're prone to insecurity.Thanks
- ↑ Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 14 February 2022.
- ↑ Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 14 February 2022.
About This Article
Dating a Virgo man involves taking your time and attracting him with your sophisticated side. Virgos often like to take things slow and understand a person before they date, so get to know him as a friend first. While you’re getting to know him, demonstrate your class, intelligence, and independence, which Virgo men find much more attractive than showy or sultry displays. Wear something simple but stylish, and opt for a natural look to attract him. Once you’re close to him, you might need to drop some obvious hints that you’re interested, since Virgo males often need a little push. Virgos might not be the most outwardly romantic type, but look for his affection in the small details, like offering you his coat or giving you the perfect gift. For more tips, including how to get used to a Virgo man’s perfectionism, read on!
Reader Success Stories
- "I'm on a line of self entitlement almost, I guess it's the way I grew up. I hate on inconsiderate people who are simply too self involved, and to dumb to their surroundings to come close to considering others in their own environment! I notice people and my surroundings a lot, and I respect people who pay attention to what's around them. When I see another human being put consideration for another ahead of their own, it's wonderful. It gives me hope for people in this world. I am a Virgo." ..." more