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Have you fallen head over heels for a kind, intelligent, and hardworking Virgo? Then you’re probably wondering what Virgos are like in a relationship, and we’re here to help. Overall, these practical and dependable signs make for fantastic partners! This guide will give you a complete overview of a Virgo relationship and show you how to easily handle common issues that you might encounter when dating a Virgo native.

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 4:

Common Virgo Traits

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  1. This sign’s brainpower is off the charts, and they love to throw themselves into work and problem-solving. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Virgos also use their intellect to have deep, thoughtful conversations with other people. [1] They’re knowledgeable and love to learn, and they want to make sense of the world more than anything else.
    • Find out other Virgo personality traits on the wikiHow forum post , "What's the true personality of a Virgo?"
  2. You’ll never catch a Virgo partner playing mind games or bending the truth; they’ll do their best to speak sincerely and honestly with you no matter the circumstances. It’s important for a Virgo to maintain open lines of communication with their partner, so you’ll always know what this straightforward sign is thinking.
    • They also won’t sugarcoat the truth; Virgos tend to tell other people exactly how they feel about them to their face—even if it’s a negative opinion.
  3. They’re typically civic-minded and look for ways to make the world better. These signs are also compassionate and kind; once in a relationship, they’re dedicated to you with their whole heart. Virgo friend or partner will be the first in line to offer a helping hand, advice, or moral support if you need it.
    • Clever and logical, Virgos love to solve puzzles—and their favorite kind of puzzle is figuring out how they can be of service to other people.
    • Virgos are detail-oriented and will notice everything about you. They’ll also use this attention to detail to find ways they can assist you and make your life easier.
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Section 2 of 4:

Virgo Compatibility

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  1. Taurus will appreciate Virgo’s loyalty and attention to detail; their values align in nearly every way. Meanwhile, Capricorn and Virgo will also form a harmonious and unbreakable bond, with Capricorn falling for Virgo’s ambition and kind, thoughtful nature.
  2. Scorpio and Virgo think alike; both are smart and ambitious, and intense Scorpio brings out Virgo’s passionate side. Cancer and Virgo are both nurturers who can give one another the warmth and stability they crave. Pisces and Virgo are sensitive with a humanitarian outlook on life, and as opposite signs on the zodiac wheel, they share instant attraction!
  3. Virgo can appreciate the intellectual nature of both the air sign Aquarius and fire sign Sagittarius, but they might also come off as flighty and unreliable to a grounded Virgo. Sagittarius is often moody and impulsive, while Aquarius has their head up in the clouds and struggles with emotional connection.
    • If your sun sign doesn’t match your Virgo’s, don’t despair! It doesn’t mean you’re entirely incompatible—it just means you might have to work to understand one another.
    • Keep in mind that even if your sun sign has low compatibility with Virgo , you likely have other signs in your star charts that match up well.
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Section 3 of 4:

What are Virgos like in a relationship?

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  1. They need time to fully develop trust in you and may hide their feelings until they’re sure they like you. Be patient as you work to woo your Virgo sweetheart: you’ll have to be dedicated and work hard to show that you’re the one. However, it’ll be worth the wait; Virgos are serious and fully committed once they fall.
    • Take the initiative and ask your Virgo out on a date. Virgos tend to avoid being the instigator and rely on you to make the first move.
    • Show your Virgo that you can be a steady, dependable partner. Follow through on your promises and be there when they need you. If Virgo feels that you’re messy and unpredictable, they’ll back off.
  2. These signs may seem reserved on the surface, but their emotions run deep. They love fiercely and sincerely once in a relationship. Virgos are also surprisingly sexual; they’re highly energetic and become totally uninhibited in the bedroom. You’re sure to enjoy a whirlwind of passion when dating a Virgo!
    • To reach this level of passion with your Virgo, make them feel safe with you. Let them know you love and accept them for exactly who they are.
  3. Virgo is a practical and hardworking sign; as such, your Virgo lover will want to help you out all the time. It’s Virgo’s way of showing you how much they care. They might not vocalize their affection as openly as other signs, but they’ll always be ready to do something for you without expecting anything in return.
    • Make your Virgo feel appreciated by asking for help and advice. They’ll love having the chance to make your life easier (and maybe share their opinion!)
    • Virgos like to please in the bedroom, too. Not only do they have sexual stamina, but this sign wants nothing more than to channel it into making you happy.
  4. Virgo is highly adept at creating and sticking to their own schedule, and they’ll want everything in life meticulously planned out. This applies to daily life—work, recreation, dates—and the future. Your Virgo will have lofty goals in life and a plan for how to fulfill them all. You’ll know Virgo is committed when they start including you in those plans.
    • Virgo typically only enters a relationship they feel has long-term potential. They’ll probably ask you lots of personal questions initially, but it’s because they want a partner who can be a part of their future plans!
    • Your Virgo will remember every birthday and anniversary—and put their all into making every occasion feel special.
    • Discuss the future with your Virgo. Make plans a few weeks, and eventually months, in advance. They’ll feel more secure in the relationship when they see you’re just as dedicated as they are.
  5. The more you appeal to their mind, the more attractive Virgo will find you. Virgos are knowledgeable and analytical, with lots of carefully crafted opinions. They’re also eager conversationalists who love to read lots of books, learn new things, and make an effort to stay updated about what’s happening in the world.
    • Be prepared to do the same and speak intelligently about your interests with a Virgo partner. They appreciate a partner who can hold their own in an intelligent conversation or friendly debate.
  6. This sign is a problem-solver, a helpful trait when troubles in your daily life need fixing. However, a Virgo’s problem-solving tendencies can lead to them trying to “fix” you by offering advice and critiques that you didn’t ask for. If your Virgo tries to fix something you don’t see as a problem, this can be a problem and cause hurt feelings.
    • Ask them to relax when it comes to nit-picking. Life is messy sometimes, people aren’t perfect, and that’s okay.
  7. You’ll rarely find a mess in a Virgo’s space, as they prefer for everything to stay in its designated space. A Virgo doesn’t like clothes left on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, or a workspace with papers scattered around haphazardly. They don’t function well when surrounded by chaos and need partners who will make an effort at cleanliness.
    • Virgo’s high standards mean that they’re also hardcore perfectionists, so it can sometimes be hard to satisfy their needs.
  8. While they’re very social, they also need alone time to recharge their mental batteries. They like to do things alone, prefer having plenty of space, and cannot handle a clingy, needy relationship. If a Virgo feels smothered by their partner, they’ll pull away. Let them do their own thing and exercise your own independence; Virgo will love having freedom while in a relationship.
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Section 4 of 4:

Handling Relationship Problems with Virgo

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  1. Due to their perfectionism, your Virgo might try to fix something they don’t like about you. Show them that they’re over-extending their need to fix things and that you can decide for yourself what you need to do to change, if at all. It’s not Virgo’s job to solve other people’s problems, let alone yours.
    • Remind your Virgo they don’t need to change everything you do and tell them nicely when you don’t need their help. Remind them that problem-solving is a team effort in relationships, and your input matters too.
    • If you’re messy, make compromises. They shouldn’t expect you to follow all of their organizational rules, but you can still make an effort to be clean and hygienic around them.
  2. This sign’s intense perfectionism causes them to be critical of themselves more than anyone else. Your Virgo will probably feel insecure about a lot underneath their reserved mask, so be there for them when perfectionism rears its head. Assure them that you’re there, you believe in them, and that they’re amazing exactly as they are. [2]
    • Your Virgo may worry about the relationship and feel anxious or uncertain about where it’s heading. Try to be reassuring and let them know that you’re fully committed for the long haul.
    • When Virgo gets caught up in their perfectionism, remind them that nobody is perfect. All they can do is their best.
  3. When your Virgo gets a little too attached to their calendar, everything can feel too regimented, including the relationship. Show them that a bit of spontaneous behavior won’t upset their usual routine in bad ways. Bring them on an adventure and let Virgo see how nice it feels to take a well-deserved break from structured life!
    • Make small but significant changes, like encouraging your Virgo to try new food, a unique clothing style, or shift the furniture.
    • Whisk them away on a spontaneous trip to have some fun and dial up the romance.
    • Try something new in bed. Take the lead and show Virgo what to do; they’ll adjust in no time.
    • Remind your Virgo to reach out for help and not always assume they have to solve everything alone.
  4. The sign lives for order so if you act erratically they will become upset. Life happens, but you should have a valid explanation when you’re always late or forget to do a particular chore. Do your best to restore consistency in the relationship; discuss why things have changed and figure out how you can establish new routines that work for you both.
    • Remember to say what you mean at all times around your Virgo, even if you’re negotiating boundaries or discussing a problem. Don’t play mind games with Virgo, as they prefer plain honesty and won’t appreciate it.
  5. It’ll be hard to win back a Virgo if you’ve been disloyal or behaved dramatically over petty things because they value loyalty and stability. You’ll have to be patient and work hard to prove to Virgo that you can be trusted again. Show Virgo that you can change and that you have a plan to move forward—rather than repeating the same battles.
    • Because of their intuition, Virgos can usually tell when you’re lying. Be honest and sincere, telling them the truth at all times—even when it’s uncomfortable.
    • Trust and honesty are important for Virgo; if you lie to them, they’ll be less inclined to give you a second chance, even over something small.
  6. Virgo loves to dish out judgment, but they don’t take it nearly as well. Rather than openly critiquing your Virgo, be curious. When discussing an issue, use “I” statements to emphasize your own feelings rather than draw attention to whatever your Virgo may have done. Avoid harsh language, don’t label them, and refrain from calling names or insulting them.
  7. If any sign thinks they know best, it’s Virgo. Unfortunately, this sign also tends to judge anyone who doesn’t meet their standards—and because those are so high, they end up criticizing most people. If your Virgo feels that there’s a problem in the relationship, they may use logic instead of their heart to fix it and hurt your feelings in the process.
    • If you feel hurt or unfairly criticized by your Virgo’s words, tell them. They may not even realize they’ve offended you, as Virgos often think that they’re just being helpful when they critique someone.
    • Ask your Virgo to talk things through rather than make assumptions about your feelings; remind them that you’re a team, not a problem to be solved by them alone.
  8. Though this sign is down-to-earth and might come off as eternally serious when you meet them, they actually have a sharp sense of humor. Help them see the funnier side of things by injecting humor when appropriate. Watch comedies, do fun activities, and show Virgo that things won’t fall apart if you stop and laugh at them.
    • Virgos are often workaholics! Plan activities to show them that downtime is essential. For example, go for walks in nature, or book a weekend away (with no technology allowed) to help your Virgo relax.
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Join the Discussion...

I'm a Virgo, but I'm curious what other people's perception of this zodiac sign are and if they feel accurate to my experience. So, what is your impression of Virgos? In your opinion what traits do you associate with this sign?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Virgos like to think they know it all. They like to give advice, no matter how cringey. They are conscientious of cleanliness and hygiene. It is very hard to get a Virgo to open up, when they like someone they will stare at them from afar. They are shy and receptive, they like honesty, availability and cleanliness, and they love to pitch in to help.
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Virgo is staid and careful and cautious. Virgo is a very what I call "user-friendly" sign: if it's practical, they'll do it. Otherwise, they're going to screw you over. It's a very cold sign. Virgo's nobody's favorite sign, sorry!

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