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Clouds are visible mass of water that look like a collection of white smoke floating in the sky. This is a tutorial on how to draw a cartoon cloud and a realistic cloud. Check them out!

Sketching a Simple Cloud

Draw an elongated oval with a pencil to outline your cloud, then go over the outline with differently-sized arches and circles to add texture and dimension. Erase the original outline oval and shade the bottom edges with light gray to create realistic shadows.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Cartoon Cloud

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
    You can fill in a light gray color to put the shade of the cloud. [1]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Realistic Clouds

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  1. You can use this technique in drawing a realistic cloud.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
    Choose light gray for the shade of the clouds. The shades of the clouds are usually located at the bottom part of the clouds. However, shades always depend on where the light source is coming from. [2]
    • To make your clouds more realistic, study what real clouds look like. Notice that they have perspective, like boxes going back towards the horizon. Also notice the direction of the light, and where they are light or dark.
    • Study the color and brightness of clouds in relation to the sky. Generally, on a sunny day even the shadows in clouds are lighter than the sky. The exception is storm clouds and stormy skies.
    • The right brightness is important to make your clouds look like floating.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
    Using white oil pastels make circular strokes of the medium to the colored paper. [3]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
    Use your thumb or index finger in smudging the colors. Carefully wipe the colors with your finger, according to the shape of the cloud, to show the smudge effect. [4]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Draw Clouds
    Repeat the same circular strokes that you have done earlier. Only this time do not put too much pressure on the pastel strokes. Do it enough to show the actual shape of the clouds.
  6. Add light and few strokes of lavender on the bottom areas to show the shade of the clouds.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I not use my finger, but have the same effect?
    Community Answer
    There are erasers that either don't erase well or are specifically designed for smudging. They will produce similar results to smudging with a finger. Smudging erasers are found in art shops.
  • Question
    What color do I need to use for the cloud to be more realistic?
    Community Answer
    Use different shades of grey and white to make your cloud more realistic.
  • Question
    How do I draw realistically with a pencil?
    Community Answer
    Shade very lightly, and constantly erase and redo.
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      • If you don't have time to follow every single step for a full-quality cumulus cloud, just make tiny half-circles with your pencil and curve it so the line comes back to connect to where you started (it'll do in a pinch).
      • If you don't want your finger to get dirty, you can cover a dry extra piece of cloth on it and then smudge. It gives the same touch to your cloud.
      • You can also draw a cloud and use it as a stencil when making clouds in 3 dimensions.
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      • Have your clouds be a color the sky could logically turn, not neon green or something like that. (Unless alien sky is what you're aiming for, in which case carry on.)
      •  Do not add too many curvy lines.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about drawing, check out our in-depth interview with Kelly Medford .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To draw basic clouds, start by lightly sketching an elongated oval on a piece of paper, which will be the outline of your first cloud. Next, draw darker, arched lines along the outline sketch, all the way around the oval, to create a fluffy, cartoon-like cloud. Then, erase the sketched outline, color the cloud light gray or white, and make the background blue to represent the sky! For tips on drawing more realistic clouds, read on!

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      • Samantha McGregor

        Feb 12, 2017

        "It's easy to do those cartoon clouds, but it's a little tricky with the realistic clouds because you have ..." more
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