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Good night sayings for boys, girls, & whoever you’re crushing on
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Looking to step up your flirting game in Spanish…especially around bedtime? Well, you can rest assured that this article will give you enough romantic expressions for every night of the week. You’ll be able to bid a buenas noches (boo-AYN-ahs NOH-chase) to your dinner date, fledgling crush, or long-term partner in no time—and you’ll be able to make them feel just as sweet and special as their dreams will be as they nod off thinking of you!

Saying a Flirty Goodnight in Spanish

To say a flirty “good night” in Spanish, use the phrase buenas noches (“good night”) followed by a term of endearment like hermosa (“beautiful”), guapo (“handsome”), cariño (“darling”), or amor (“love”). Alternatively, use another sweet and romantic phrase like dulces sueños .

Section 1 of 7:

Flirty or Romantic “Good Night” in Spanish

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  1. If you’re dating someone new or have a new crush on the horizon, then it might be time to pull out these flirtatious Spanish expressions. Whether you’re texting your bf or gf before bed or saying goodbye to your date at the end of a delightful evening, one of these flirty “good night” phrases is sure to set their heart aflutter: [1]

    Spanish English
    Buenas noches, bebé Good night, baby
    Buenas noches, mi rey Good night, my king
    Te extrañaré esta noche I’ll miss you tonight
    Buenas noches, guapo Good night, handsome
    Buenas noches, hermosa Good night, beautiful
    Buenas noches, mi reina Good night, my queen
    Soñaré contigo esta noche I’ll dream of you tonight
    Me duermo pensando en ti I fall asleep thinking of you
    ¿Puedo ser tu osito de peluche esta noche? Can I be your teddy bear tonight?
    Estoy celoso/a de tus pijamas que puedan dormir encima de ti I’m jealous of your pajamas for being able to sleep on top of you
    El médico me dijo que tengo que dormir a tu lado para curar mis pesadillas My doctor told me that sleeping next to you will cure my nightmares
  2. Spanish is pretty well known for being one of the romantic languages spoken ‘round the world, so why not put it to use while wooing your special someone? These Spanish “good night” expressions are flirty and romantic—and they’re sure to stoke the fuegos de pasión in your Spanish-speaking paramour: [2]

    Spanish English
    Buenas noches, mi amor Good night, my love
    Que duermes bien, mi alma Sleep well, my soul
    Dulces sueños, mi amor Sweet dreams, my love
    Buenas noches, mi corazón Good night, my heart
    Hasta mañana, mi tesoro Until tomorrow, my treasure
    Que sueñes con los angelitos I hope you dream with the angels
    Quisiera estar a tu lado esta noche I wish I could be by your side tonight
    Cada noche me enamoro más de ti I fall more in love with you every night
    Mis sueños son dulces porque estás en ellos My dreams are sweet because you’re in them
  3. Sometimes, being sweet and cutesy is just as fun as being sensual and romantic. To lean into your innocently flirtatious side, bust out an eyelash-batting and blush-worthy Spanish phrase to say “good night,” like the ones listed below. These expressions are especially good for someone you’re just developing feelings for—you can let them know of your affections without crossing the line: [3]

    Spanish English
    Descansa, mi vida Rest, my life
    Que sueñes conmigo Dream of me
    Descansa, mi cielo Rest, my heaven
    Buenas noches, cariño Good night, darling
    Buenas noches, lindura Good night, sweetie
    Buenas noches, preciosa Good night, lovely
    Buenas noches, princesa Good night, princess
    Buenas noches, mi príncipe Good night, my prince
    Que duermas como un bebé I hope you sleep like a baby
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Section 2 of 7:

Basic “Good Night” in Spanish

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  1. This expression, pronounced (boo-AYN-ahs NOH-chase), literally means “good night” or “good evening,” and it can be applied to practically any situation—from flirtatious or formal—and directed toward any person—from close friend to colleague. Similarly to the English “good night,” buenas noches can be used when parting ways before bedtime or when leaving at the end of an evening. There are also a few alternative ways to wish someone a “good night” in Spanish, both in casual and formal settings: [4]
    • Casual “Good Night” in Spanish:
      • Que descanses bien = Rest well.
      • Que duermas bien = Sleep well.
      • Hasta mañana = See you tomorrow.
      • Buenas noches, amigo = Good night, pal.
      • Adiós, buenas noche. = Bye, good night.
      • Nos vemos mañana = See you tomorrow.
      • Duerme bien = Sleep well.
      • Ya me voy a dormir = I’m going to sleep.
      • Ya me voy a descansar = I’m going to go rest.
    • Formal “Good Night” in Spanish:
      • Que tenga una buena noche = Have a good night.
      • Que pase buena noche = Have a good night. (more formal and less common)
      • Buenas noches a todos = Good night, everyone.
      • Linda noche = Have a nice night.
      • Feliz noche = Have a happy night.
      • Hora de irme a dormir = Time for me to go to sleep.
      • Que todos descansen y recarguen energías = May everyone rest and recharge their energy.
Section 3 of 7:

Slang Phrases for “Good Night” in Spanish”

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  1. Just like any language, Spanish has a variety of slang expressions to convey sleep-related ideas like “good night” and “good evening.” In fact, the slangy Spanish phrases below mean everything from “I’m going to bed” to “I slept very deeply” and “I’m really tired.” Plus, using these night time idioms will also make you sound extra fluent in Spanish, which is a definite added bonus! [5]

    Spanish Literal Slang
    Caí muerto I fell dead I slept very deeply
    Estoy reventado/a I’m exploded I’m really tired
    Estoy que me caigo I’m about to fall I’m really tired
    Ya me voy a tirar I’m going to throw I’m going to bed
    Dormí como un tronco I slept like a log I slept very deeply
    Me voy al sobre I’m going to the envelope I’m going to bed
    Me voy a pegar un sueño I’m going to catch a dream I’m going to bed
    Me voy al baile de las sábanas blancas I’m off to dance with the white sheets I’m going to bed
    Este muñeco cambia de aparador This doll is switching to a different dresser I’m going to bed
    Este osito de peluche se va para su estuche This teddy bear is going back to its box I’m going to bed
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Section 4 of 7:

Other Sleep-Related Spanish Expressions

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  1. If you’re mastering how to say a fun, casual, or flirty “good night” in Spanish, you may as well learn all of the other bedtime-related terms! Whether you want to express your sleepiness or share about las tonight’s dreams, this list of Spanish vocab will help you get your meaning across: [6]

    Spanish English
    Sueño Dream
    Dormir To sleep
    Tengo sueño I’m sleepy
    Hora de dormir Bedtime
    Estoy cansado/a I’m tired
    Vete a dormir Go to sleep
    No puedo dormir I can’t sleep
    Hay que dormirnos Let’s go to bed
    Me voy a acostar I’m going to lie down
    Se me están cerrando los ojos I’m falling asleep
    ¿Ya te quieres dormir? Do you want to go to bed?
    Quedarse despierto/a toda la noche To pull an all-nighter
Section 5 of 7:

“Good Night” in Spanish Example Dialogues

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  1. 1
    Dialogue 1: Romantic Partners If you really want to amp up your nighttime flirtation with a significant other or crush, study this sample Spanish dialogue between two romantic partners bidding each other good night:
    • Ainhoa: Estoy cansada, ya me voy a dormir. ¡Buenas noches, mi amor!
      Mateo: Buenas noches, princesa. Soñaré contigo esta noche. Te amo.
      • Ainhoa: I’m tired, I’m going to bed. Good night, my love!
        Mateo: Good night, princess. I’ll dream of you tonight. I love you.
  2. 2
    Dialogue 2: Casual Friends This sample dialogue works great for any casual acquaintances or friends. Use these phrases if you want to say “good night” in a relaxed yet friendly way, and also come across as a master Spanish speaker!
    • Samuel: Me voy para casa. ¡Hasta mañana!
      Carla: Vale, ¡que descanses bien!
      • Samuel: I’m headed home. See you tomorrow!
        Carla: Okay, rest well!
  3. 3
    Dialogue 3: Formal Acquaintances If you’re talking to your boss, your teacher, a stranger, or another formal acquaintance, you may want to speak in a more reserved and professional way. In this case, the expressions below may work better to formally wish someone a good night before bed or heading home:
    • Lorenzo: Gracias por su ayuda hoy, Lucas. Buenas noches.
      Lucas: De nada, jefe. Que tenga una buena noche.
      • Lorenzo: Thanks for your help today, Lucas. Good night.
        Lucas: You’re welcome, boss. Have a good night.
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Section 6 of 7:

Frequently Asked Questions About “Good Night” in Spanish

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  1. “Good evening” translates to buenas noches in Spanish. For example, if you wanted to say “Good evening, are you having a good time?” in Spanish, you’d say Buenas noches, ¿estás pasándolo bien? [7]
  2. Buenas noches means both “good evening” and “good night.” While English differentiates between these two phrases, Spanish does not. You can use buenas noches in place of both of these English phrases as either a greeting or a farewell. [8]
  3. The Spanish phrase for “good night” is buenas noches , which is a pluralized expression in Spanish ( noche s = “night s ”). There are a few different theories for the origins of this plural phrase, but the most common explanation is that it comes from the older phrase, buenas noches os dé Dios , which translates to “may God bestow good night upon you.” [9]
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Section 7 of 7:

More Easy & Effective Spanish Lessons

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  1. If you want to learn more native-like expressions to communicate (or flirt ) in Spanish, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got plenty of Spanish-speaking guides just like this one so that you can boost your dating prowess in any language! Get started by clicking on one of these links:

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      • Keep in mind that you should adjust the phrases and terms of endearment you use based on your relationship with the person you’re speaking to. Calling a colleague hermosa (“beautiful”) or guapo (“handsome”), for instance, may be considered inappropriate.
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