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Discover bus ticket programs for the homeless, youth, & more
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When you need to get out of town quickly, a Greyhound bus is usually the fastest and easiest option. But bus fare can be expensive, especially for the homeless, youth, and people with no resources. Fortunately, there are several programs and organizations that will help you get your Greyhound bus ticket free or discounted. Read on to find out what those programs are and how to apply for them.

How do I get a bus ticket voucher?

  • Ask your local Salvation Army if they offer free bus passes to the homeless.
  • Reach out to Home Free for a free bus ride to your parent or guardian.
  • Call Travelers Aid or the Red Cross to apply for discounted Greyhound tickets .
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How to Get Free Greyhound Bus Tickets

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  1. A case worker or case manager at the homeless shelter will know what programs are available in your area. They may be able to help you get free Greyhound bus tickets or at least tell you about any discounts you may qualify for. Be sure to give them the details of your situation and why you need assistance so they can assess your eligibility for travel aid.
  2. Some counties and cities in the United States (like San Francisco) offer programs where they give free one-way bus tickets to homeless people of all ages. [1] The bus ticket can help you get home or go somewhere you have a support system. Not all areas offer this, but it's worth checking out!
    • To see what services your county or city offers to help homeless people, go to their official government website or get in touch with their social services department.
  3. If you're a youth or an adult who needs a ride on a Greyhound to get back to your family, a family reunification program may give you a free ticket. Sometimes these services are dedicated to helping immigrants and refugees from other countries reunite with their loved ones, but others (like the Unhoused Care program in San Diego) help anyone.
  4. Some Salvation Army locations offer free bus passes to homeless people and others in need who can't afford Greyhound tickets. The best thing to do is find a Salvation Army near you and ask them what resources they offer for travelers. If your location doesn't have the funding for bus passes, they may know of other local organizations that can help.
  5. If you're a homeless, runaway, or exploited youth under 21 years of age, you may be eligible for a free Greyhound ticket through the Home Free program . Home Free partners with Greyhound to provide free bus vouchers for youth in trouble and get them home to a parent or legal guardian. [2]
    • To apply : Call the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) and ask about the Home Free program. Explain your situation and provide your personal details and the name of your parent or legal guardian. If you're over 18, the representative may provide you with an alternative safe living arrangement (ALA).
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How to Get Discounted Greyhound Bus Tickets

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  1. Travelers Aid International helps needy Greyhound travelers who are going through a financial hardship, getting out of a tough life situation, or simply need help getting to their destination. That includes homeless people, troubled youth, abuse victims, people who need medical care but have no transportation, low-income families, and foreigners. [3]
    • To apply : Call 240-505-4255 or 202-878-9735 or visit your local Travelers Aid office. Let the agent know your situation and that you need help getting bus tickets. They may ask you to provide documents to verify your need, like proof of income. Once your application is approved, you'll receive a letter from Travelers Aid which you must show to the Greyhound ticket booth. This letter guarantees you a 25% discount on your bus fare. [4]
  2. Veterans who can't drive themselves to their health care appointments can get a 25% discount on a Greyhound ticket to the hospital. The discount is part of Greyhound's partnership with the Veterans Transportation Program (VTP), which is provided by Veteran Affairs (VA). [5]
    • To apply : Fill out a Veterans Administration Request for Reduced Rate Transportation Form (VA-Form 3068) and show it to the Greyhound ticket counter when you purchase your tickets. The form must include the name and location of the hospital, the name of the bus station you're departing, and the bus station where you'll be arriving.
    • The discount is for one-way bus tickets only. That means you'll need to buy 2 one-way Greyhound tickets: one to get to the hospital and the other to return home.
  3. The Red Cross sometimes provides survivors of natural disasters (like hurricanes and wildfires) with a coupon for 25% off the walkup price of a Greyhound bus ticket. In addition to the coupon, the traveler also needs a letter from the Red Cross with specific information about the traveler and where they're going. [6]
    • To apply : Find your local Red Cross chapter and ask a representative for help getting a Greyhound bus ticket. If they decide you're eligible for disaster relief, they'll ask you to provide your name, your travel destination, and the number of tickets you need (in case you have family traveling with you). Then they'll give you a letterhead containing the information you provided and a 25% coupon, which you can take to the nearest Greyhound ticket office.
  4. Sometimes veterans need to travel somewhere, but not for medical reasons. If that's the case, they can show their Military ID or Retired Military ID card at the Greyhound bus ticket office. This gets them 10% off their fare. It's not a huge discount, but a little goes a long way! [7]
  5. Churches and non-profit organizations in your area may be able to help you get a discount on your Greyhound ticket. They may also be able to help you find other modes of transportation, plus offer you housing, meals, and even job opportunities.
    • To apply : Dial 211 on your mobile phone and tell the agent your location and what kind of assistance you need. You can also go to 211.org , click "Your Local 211," and enter your zip code to find online resources and places to contact for help.
    • Churches that have offered free or discounted bus tickets in the past include Love INC and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul .
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How to Apply for Free or Discounted Greyhound Tickets

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  1. For example, if you're a youth, your best option might be Home Free. If you're a foreigner who lost their money and needs help getting to safety, Travelers Aid International may be better able to assist you.
    • When in doubt, call 211 or get in touch with your local homeless shelter or social services to find a list of programs that can help you.
  2. Look on their website or social media pages for a direct phone number to call. In some cases, you may be able to send them an email or start a live chat with a case worker online. If the organization has a physical building in your area, you can also go inside and make an appointment with a case worker face-to-face.
  3. For example, some programs or organizations may require you to provide your ID and proof of income before they approve your application. This is so they can verify that the free bus tickets and discounts are going to people who actually need them. The process of getting your bus ticket will go much faster and smoother if you comply with their requests.
  4. Getting your application for bus travel assistance can take hours, days, or even weeks. It depends on factors like how overwhelmed the organization is with bus ticket requests; how much documentation you provided to verify your need; and the urgency of your situation.
  5. If your application is approved, you may be required to follow certain rules to use the Greyhound ticket. For example, if you go through Traveler's Aid or the Red Cross, those organizations provide you with a letter to show at the ticket booth to get a discount on your bus fare. You also have to buy a ticket for the destination as it's written in the letter; you can't change your mind and go somewhere else.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  1. 1
    How do I get on a Greyhound for free? Contact your local county or city's social services department and ask about homelessness programs that may offer free bus tickets. You can also try reaching out to the Salvation Army or the nearest homeless shelter. If you're a youth between the ages of 12 and 21, you can call the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929).
  2. 2
    Does Greyhound offer discounted fares for people who aren't homeless but are low-income? Yes, Greyhound offers discounted bus fares to all needy travelers through organizations like Travelers Aid, Veterans Affairs, and the Red Cross.
  3. 3
    Does the Salvation Army help with Greyhound bus tickets? Some Salvation Army locations offer free bus passes if they receive enough funding for the service. Check with your local Salvation Army to find out if they can help you get Greyhound tickets.
  4. 4
    How long will it take to get a bus ticket after I apply for it? The time between applying for a free bus ticket and getting one is different depending on the program that offers it. If it's an urgent situation, tell the case worker helping you and see if it helps speed up the process.
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