Discover bus ticket programs for the homeless, youth, & more
When you need to get out of town quickly, a Greyhound bus is usually the fastest and easiest option. But bus fare can be expensive, especially for the homeless, youth, and people with no resources. Fortunately, there are several programs and organizations that will help you get your Greyhound bus ticket free or discounted. Read on to find out what those programs are and how to apply for them.
How do I get a bus ticket voucher?
- Ask your local Salvation Army if they offer free bus passes to the homeless.
- Reach out to Home Free for a free bus ride to your parent or guardian.
- Call Travelers Aid or the Red Cross to apply for discounted Greyhound tickets .
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How to Apply for Free or Discounted Greyhound Tickets
Find an organization, service, or program for which you're eligible. For example, if you're a youth, your best option might be Home Free. If you're a foreigner who lost their money and needs help getting to safety, Travelers Aid International may be better able to assist you.
- When in doubt, call 211 or get in touch with your local homeless shelter or social services to find a list of programs that can help you.
Reach out to the organization running the program. Look on their website or social media pages for a direct phone number to call. In some cases, you may be able to send them an email or start a live chat with a case worker online. If the organization has a physical building in your area, you can also go inside and make an appointment with a case worker face-to-face.
Fill out an application and provide all the required documentation. For example, some programs or organizations may require you to provide your ID and proof of income before they approve your application. This is so they can verify that the free bus tickets and discounts are going to people who actually need them. The process of getting your bus ticket will go much faster and smoother if you comply with their requests.
Wait for the application to be approved. Getting your application for bus travel assistance can take hours, days, or even weeks. It depends on factors like how overwhelmed the organization is with bus ticket requests; how much documentation you provided to verify your need; and the urgency of your situation.
Follow all the requirements for using your bus ticket. If your application is approved, you may be required to follow certain rules to use the Greyhound ticket. For example, if you go through Traveler's Aid or the Red Cross, those organizations provide you with a letter to show at the ticket booth to get a discount on your bus fare. You also have to buy a ticket for the destination as it's written in the letter; you can't change your mind and go somewhere else.
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