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Find your MetroCard balance online, over the phone, or at a station
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If you're using the public transportation system in New York City, Adelaide, Tokyo, or New Zealand, we're here to help you check your MetroCard balance. Each city or country has its own system for accessing MetroCard balances. Depending on the system, you can check your balance online, at a local station, while boarding the transportation vehicle, or by calling an information line. We'll explain how to access your card balance quickly and easily below.

NYC Subway Card Balance Check

Check the balance of your NYC MetroCard at your closest subway station. Find a MetroCard machine and insert your MetroCard in the designated slot. Click “Get Info” to check your card balance. Or, swipe your MetroCard at the turnstile to see its remaining balance. Unfortunately, you can't check your balance online.

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Checking Your NYC MetroCard Balance

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  1. Locate a MetroCard booth reader and swipe your card in the corresponding slot. On the booth reader's screen, you can read information about your card's balance, time window, and expiration date. [1]
    • If you need help finding a booth reader, ask a subway employee or find a blue Help Point intercom. Press the green button at a Help Point to request information. [2]
  2. Insert your card into the MetroCard machine to access the main menu. Click the “Start” button then → “Choose Language” → "Get Info." [3] From there, you can access your card type, balance, and expiration date.
    • Once you've found your MetroCard balance, click "OK" to return to the main menu.
  3. Every time you swipe your MetroCard balance on the subway turnstile, it will display the amount you paid and how much money you have left. Remember to check your card's balance as you swipe it if you need to know its current balance. [4]
    • This method does not work if you have an Unlimited Ride MetroCard. It only works for Pay-Per-Ride cards.
  4. When you swipe to pay your bus fare, look at the farebox screen. Your fare will be deducted automatically and your remaining balance will show on the screen. [5]
    • If you’re using an Unlimited Ride card, the screen will show the remaining time left on your card rather than a dollar balance.
  5. Currently, the New York City MetroCard does not offer an online method for checking your card balance. If you need to access your balance, you'll need to do so while at the subway station or using the bus.
    • There are, however, several unofficial apps that help you track your MetroCard balance so you can record it on your phone. You can find these apps by searching "MetroCard balance tracker" in your phone's app store.
    • You can also use OMNY, NYC’s contactless fare payment system. Instead of using a MetroCard, use a contactless credit or debit card, smartphone, or wearable device. You can keep track of your balance directly on your device. [6]
    • Open an OMNY account on their official website .
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Checking Your Adelaide Metrocard Balance

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  1. Create a Metrocard account here and either purchase a card or connect your existing card to your account. From there, you can check your balance by logging in and reading your account information. [7]
  2. You can access your card balance and other account details through the Metrocard info line. Prepare your account and card information to provide to the line representatives so they can find your balance. [8]
    • The Metrocard info line is: 1 300 311-108
  3. If you're at an Adelaide public transport station, you can visit the information center to check your card balance. Give the information center worker your card so they can look up your account and tell you how much money you have on it. [9]
    • If you need help finding the information center, ask an employee for directions.
  4. When you swipe or scan your card on the bus, train, or tram, the validator screen will display your card balance. Read the screen while boarding the vehicle and record the number for future reference. [10]
    • You can also check the card validator while entering or exiting the Adelaide Railway Station.
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Checking Your New Zealand Metrocard Balance

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  1. Create a Metrocard account and link it to your card, or log in if you've already made a Metrocard account. From there, you can access your balance in your account settings or on the site homepage. [11]
    • Log in to or create a Metrocard account here .
    • You can also add funds to your Metrocard after you've logged in.
  2. If you're using your Metrocard on the bus, you can read your account balance on the farebox screen after you swipe it. Otherwise, locate a Metro information counter so a customer service agent can look up your balance. [12]
    • Find the nearest Metro information counter here .
    • Have your card ready to give to the customer service agent so they can easily find your account.
  3. If you cannot currently go to a Metrocard station, you can call their information line to check your balance. Have your card information ready for the line representative so they can easily find your account. [13]
    • The New Zealand Metrocard phone number is: (03) 366-88-55.
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Checking Your Tokyo Metrocard Balance

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  1. 1
    Check the Tokyo Metrocard information when you swipe your card. You can find your balance displayed when you touch your card to the ticket gate or the onboarding machine while riding the bus. When you hear a beep, your card has been read and your fare will appear on screen. [14]
    • Tokyo uses a public transportation system that is interchangeably called the "Tokyo Metro" and "Tokyo Pasmo."
  2. You can access your remaining balance and access history on bus or subway ticket vending machines. Check your balance by inserting your card, selecting "Print Balance History," and taking the transaction receipt.
    • Transaction receipts display the 20 most recent card charges.
  3. Insert your card and select "Charge" from the menu. Select the amount you want to add to your card and insert that amount in cash into the machine. [15]
    • You can add between 1,000-10,000 ¥ at a time.
    • If you want to add money to your card on the bus, you can do so by asking your bus driver. They can transfer up to 1,000 ¥ to your card.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if you have no metrocard system in your city?
    Simeon Watson
    Community Answer
    Then you probably use either an app and/or a card. The card's balance can be checked on most ticket machines and by e.g. train conductors. The app usually shows the balance directly.
  • Question
    I found three metrocards. Is there any way to find out who they belong to?
    Community Answer
    The best thing would be to turn them into the closest metro station, they should be able to identify their owners.
  • Question
    How can I check my metro card balance online?
    Top Answerer
    There is no way to do that. However, you can check it at any subway station using a vending machine by selecting "Get Info," or by swiping your card at a station booth. If you’re using the bus, the farebox will show your remaining balance. You could switch to the OMNY system, which allows you to use a contactless card or smartphone to pay fares and track your balance.
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      • Although they may share the same name, every city's Metrocard system is different. Make sure you read the right instructions for your city so you can check your card's balance correctly.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Since you can't currently check your Metrocard balance online, you'll need to go to a subway station or check your balance on the bus. If you're at a New York subway station booth reader, swipe your card and read your balance and expiration date on the screen. In addition to booth readers, try inserting your card into the Metrocard machine, click on the “Get Info” button, and access your balance. If you have a Pay-Per-Ride card, you can also look at the balance every time you swipe your card at the turnstile. Similarly, if you use your card on the bus, check the farebox screen to see what’s left on your card. To learn how to check the balance on other types of Metrocards, keep reading!

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