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Eye bags occur when the skin underneath the eyes appears swollen and puffy. For some they are hereditary, and for others they are a result of the natural aging process. However, eye bags can also be caused by a host of other factors, including lifestyle, bad habits, allergies and even one’s environment. Surgery is an expensive and dangerous solution to eye bags, and one most would prefer to avoid. Luckily, there are many non-invasive solutions that everyone can incorporate into their lifestyle. These solutions range from quick cosmetic fixes and home remedies to more long-term strategies like lifestyle changes and medical procedures.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Modifying Your Lifestyle

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  1. Lack of sleep is one of the main causes of eye bags. It’s also one of the most treatable! Set a new sleep schedule for yourself and make sure you stick to it. Avoid late nights whenever possible.
    • Aim for a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night to reduce or prevent the appearance of eye bags and puffiness. [1]
    • The recommended amount of sleep for healthy adults is seven to eight hours per night, so if you can log more than seven hours, do it.
  2. Daily fluid intake varies from person to person, but getting at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids every day is a good rule of thumb to follow. Water is the best fluid source, but other beverages, such as milk, tea, coffee and juice, all contribute as well. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit to up your fluid intake even more, since both contain a significant amount of fluid. [2]
    • Since dehydration is a major factor in the appearance of eye bags, make sure to drink extra water before, during and after exercising to replace what you lost through sweat.
    • You also need to ingest additional fluids if you’ve been ill, if you live in a humid climate and if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
    • If you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is colorless or pale yellow, you are drinking enough water every day.
  3. Both of these can lead to fluid retention, which is your body’s automatic defense mechanism against dehydration. [3] Our bodies, expecting a drought, begin retaining as much fluid as possible, and some of that fluid pools beneath the eyes, causing puffiness and bags.
    • Whenever you do indulge, make sure to down a tall glass of water after. This will help to flush out your system and prevent fluid retention. [4]
    • You can also get rid of fluid retention by taking a diuretic.
    • Diuretics are available over the counter, but you should still speak to your doctor before taking one, especially if you’ve never taken one before.
  4. Gravity will cause fluid to pool underneath your eyes, causing bags. By sleeping on your back and elevating your head with an additional pillow, you are preventing gravity from causing this.
    • If you have an adjustable mattress, raise the head of your bed to get the same effects. [5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Immediate Results

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  1. There is an overwhelming range of skin products available, which makes it difficult to choose the right one for the job. To get rid of eye bags, look for topical products that contain Vitamin K, Vitamins C, D and E, retinol and caffeine. [6]
    • Add these products to your daily skin care routine and stick to it religiously.
    • Always moisturize the skin under your eyes before applying makeup.
    • Freshly hydrated skin helps the products go on more easily and look better on your skin once in place.
  2. Makeup is only a short term solution to eye bags, but sometimes you need a quick fix and makeup provides the fastest results. Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone or, if you have dark circles along with your bags, you can go one shade lighter. Pat the concealer gently beneath your eyes, starting at the corners and working your way out to the edge of your eye, using your fingertip or a cotton ball.
    • Avoid rubbing the concealer into your skin, since you want the concealer to sit on your skin’s surface for visible results.
    • Highlighter and brightening primer are also effective makeup products for getting rid of eye bags. [7]
  3. Tannin, a natural substance found in tea, can help reduce the look of discoloration caused by eye bags. Dampen two tea bags with cold water and place them over your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Get in a horizontal position for the easiest application experience.
    • Skip the decaf and choose a tea that is caffeinated for best results.
    • Add this to your morning routine, since the most effective strategy is daily application.
  4. Place two spoons in the freezer overnight. When you wake up the next morning, apply the frozen spoons to your eye bags for about 30-45 seconds. Keep your eyes closed and make sure you apply the spoons with the scooped side facing the ceiling.
    • The cold temperature will reduce swelling and puffiness underneath your eyes. [8]
    • Add this to your morning routine, since the most effective strategy is daily application.
  5. Use cool water to wet a clean, soft washcloth. Get into an upright sitting position and apply the washcloth to the eye area using gentle pressure. Keep the cool compress in place for a few minutes. [9]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Employing Long-Term Solutions

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  1. [10] Allergies can cause severe eye puffiness. Avoid allergens whenever possible and if you suffer from seasonal allergies, take an over-the-counter antihistamine every morning. After about two weeks, you’ll notice that your eye bags and under eye puffiness have diminished. [11]
    • Try using a neti pot to flush out excess moisture from your sinuses caused by allergies, colds, or infections.
    • Speak with your doctor about prescription allergy medication if over-the-counter medications doesn’t help.
    • A doctor can also help you develop prevention strategies and will thoroughly investigate the source of your allergies. [12]
  2. Avoiding rubbing your eyes during the day, which can irritate them. Invest in a good makeup remover and always remove your makeup every night before you go to sleep, since the chemicals or remaining traces of it can cause eye irritation and swelling. [13]
    • When you wash your face, do it gently and pat your skin softly with a towel to dry it. Don’t scrub the surface of your face dry with the towel.
    • Wash your face twice per day – morning and evening – and apply moisturizers under your eyes thoroughly.
    • The skin under your eyes is very fragile and should be treated with care to avoid eye bags.

    Joanna Kula

    Licensed Esthetician
    Joanna Kula is a Licensed Esthetician, Owner and Founder of Skin Devotee Facial Studio in Philadelphia. With over 10 years of experience in skincare, Joanna specializes in transformative facial treatments to help clients achieve a lifetime of healthy, beautiful, and radiant skin. She is also a contributing author for the prestigious Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa magazine and has been featured in a number of magazines including InStyle.
    Joanna Kula
    Licensed Esthetician

    Reduce bags under your eyes by maintaining a proper pH balance. Harsh products alter the pH balance of your skin. Use gentle cleansers and products to allow your skin to re-balance itself.

  3. There are procedures available to treat eye bags that don’t involve surgery. Laser therapy, injectable skin fillers, chemical peels and botox injections are all options that your dermatologist can provide, along with more information and an extensive evaluation. [14]
    • Research these methods thoroughly before seeing your doctor. There are (usually temporary) side effects involved with most of them.
    • Keep in mind that these procedures are generally quite expensive and not covered by medical insurance. [15]
    • Always have these procedures performed by a licensed dermatologist or plastic surgeon. There are black market skin fillers and botox products available, especially via the internet, but these products are extremely dangerous and not recommended.
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