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OK, you have a married couple in Tomodachi Life. Now you want a baby. Having babies on Tomodachi Life can be a great way to create more excitement in the game. This wikiHow shows you how to obtain one.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Getting Started

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  1. Go to the Town Hall, and access your game's settings. The Town Hall is found between the houses and apartments on the map, and is represented by a blue icon. Tap the icon twice, or tap it once, then tap Enter . When you enter, select Options , found on the bottom right of the screen, with a silhouette of a spanner. Select Baby Settings and make sure it says "ON", otherwise no babies will be born on the island. If it says "OFF", change it so it says "ON".
    • By default Baby Settings will be on, so unless you have changed them, there is no need to worry, but it's worth checking anyway.
  2. They'll wonder if they want a baby. Select the first option, which should mean yes. A Mii will be more likely to want a baby if they are close to their spouse. Giving travel tickets is a great way to improve their relationship.
    • Only married Miis will want babies. To get two Miis married, see Get Married in Tomodachi Life .
    • Make sure to save the game after making the decision.
    • If you select "It's too soon.", the Mii will say "I guess you're right." and their happiness won't be affected. If you select "You should.", their happiness will increase.
  3. The baby is born two to three days after deciding. For some it's longer, others it's shorter. The player's cell-phone will ring, and one of the Miis will tell them they had a baby. This will happen at any point when you are viewing the town map. It will not happen if you are viewing a location.
    • You don't need to give a Mii a phone for them to have a baby.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Customizing the Baby

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  1. You will be asked if you'd prefer it to be a boy or girl. You can either select Girl , Boy , or I don't mind which. . If you select Girl or Boy , you will always get the one you prefer. If you select I don't mind which. , there is an even chance of it being a boy or girl.
    • Consider the gender ratio of your island (which you can find out at your apartment's office), seeing as Tomodachi Life only has heterosexual relationships, an even 50/50 ratio means that each Mii could have a partner.
  2. The baby is usually a hybrid between the two parents, meaning it will have physical traits of both parents. You will be asked if the baby looks the way you expected. If you want, you can change the baby's appearance. Change it to however you want!
    • If you edit the baby as it's born, its hair won't grow as the baby grows. If you leave it as it is, it will grow.
    • Once the Mii has grown up, you can change their appearance again.
  3. You can say, "OK," to the name they suggest, ask for another name, or suggest one yourself. If you ask for another name, they will keep suggesting more, until you are happy with one. By suggesting a name yourself, you can try out a name for the baby.
    • When the baby grows up, this will be its nickname. It cannot be changed until then.
    • When suggesting a name yourself, be aware that it won't accept potentially sensitive language.
  4. You can select, "Just like Dad" (in UK, "Just like daddy"), "Just like Mom" ("Just like mummy") "Hmm" ("Give a detailed explanation"), or, "Who knows!" ("Leave it to nature"). If you choose to make their personality "Just like Dad/Mom", it will mean their personality will be exactly like that parent. Giving a detailed explanation, means that you can choose exactly how you want their personality to be. Leaving it to nature, will create a random personality.
    • You can change their personality once the Mii has grown up.
    • Once this is over, you will go back outside, viewing your island.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:


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Sometimes you will be called to babysit the baby. This will happen sometimes when you are viewing the town map. You may also voluntarily babysit the infant when viewing their house.

  1. If you babysit yourself and you anger the baby, the parents will get upset. If they wanted your help and you can't make the baby happy, you can give up. You still receive a prize. If you win, you also get a prize. This will always be a gift, such as a mobile, travel ticket, or hair colour spray.
  2. Pat/tickle them on the head, face or body to make them sleep or happy. You can also select Peekaboo , in the top right-hand corner. Once again, giving up you will still get a prize; doing it wrong you won't, and cheering up the baby you get a prize.
    • Patting/tickling the baby when they are still startled from the peekaboo is a good way to cheer them up.
  3. When they're finally toddlers, you won't be called to babysit anymore, but you can still offer to babysit them. This time you must spin them around in the yard. If you spin them too fast, they will be dizzy and you won't get a prize.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Growing Up

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  1. The baby will eventually grow up to the point of where they can move out. You will get a phone call from one of parents at some point while viewing the island map. You can see how grown-up the baby is by viewing them in the house. The baby has three stars of growth before it's fully-grown.
  2. Travelers travel around other islands and camp there, sending feedback to their parents. If the Mii stays on the island, they will be treated like any other Mii, and can even have relationships and children of their own.
    • Once you've made your choice, there is no undoing it. So, be careful, and enjoy the child!
    • If the Mii lives on the island, it will say on their relationships page who their parents and siblings are.
    • A traveler can visit islands of any StreetPass encounters you have, who have Tomodachi Life.
    • You can have a maximum of 100 islanders living on your island, and a maximum of 50 explorers on your island.
  3. Visit the town hall, and select Kid Info . You can view a montage of the kid growing up, and you can see travelers' records.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I have a married couple, and the wife asked if they should have a baby. I said yes, but it's been two days, and I can't see the heart on their house window. What's going on?
    Top Answerer
    You get a heart when one of them is asking for a baby, but not when the baby is born. When the baby is born, you will get a phone call from one of the parents, which will pop up when you are viewing your town map. The baby will typically take 2-4 days to be born so you just have to be patient. If you have said yes to having a baby, one is guaranteed.
  • Question
    If my Mii asks for a baby, what if I say it's too soon?
    Top Answerer
    Nothing. This won't affect the relationship between the two Miis wanting a baby. They may also ask again in the future.
  • Question
    Can my lookalike have kids?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, all Miis living in your island are capable of having kids, including your own lookalike.
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      • Parents can have more than one baby, but not at the same time, meaning twins and triplets cannot be born.
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      • You can't edit the baby until they are old enough to move out. If they become travelers, you can only edit them once, and you can't give them a last name, a first name, nickname, birthday or favorite color.
      • Once you send them off as a traveler, you can never make them live on the island. The game saves automatically after this choice. Likewise, if they live on the island, you can never make them a traveler, and they'll live on the island forever... unless you delete them!

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        Jul 6, 2024

        "I wanted to know more about the process of babies and their growth in tomodachi life and this helped! My mii wants ..." more
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