- Gaining Ammo |
- Getting a Gun |
- Q&A |
- Warnings
The Arms Dealer is one of the most important NPCs in Terraria. He sells you ammo, which can be hard to come by, and also sells items such as the Illegal Gun Parts, and the Minishark. Read on to find out how to gain this valuable NPC.
This method is easier, since it's less difficult to find a Gun than it is to find Ammo by itself.
Explore the Corruption. Go deep underground until you find a Shadow Orb. A Musket will most likely drop out, allowing you to get the Arms Dealer.
Explore the Crimson. There's a 100% chance of The Undertaker (a kind of pistol) dropping out of every first Crimson Heart you destroy.
Defeat Skeletron . Then, explore the Dungeon until you find the Handgun. The Handgun is slightly more difficult to obtain than the two guns mentioned above.
Get the Phoenix Blaster . The Phoenix Blaster is obtained by combining the Handgun and a few Hellstone bars at the Iron/Lead anvil.
Kill Golem in the Lizard Temple. There's a 20% chance that he'll drop the Stinger.
Once you get one of the guns mentioned above (or any unmentioned guns that fire bullets), the Arms Dealer will appear!
Community Q&A
QuestionDoes the spacegun work as a gun for the arms dealer to appear?Community AnswerNo. You need a bullet-firing gun to get him to show up.
QuestionHow do I spawn in Golem?Community AnswerYou either get a spawner or find the Lizard Temple located in the jungle and go to the bottom, he will spawn.
QuestionHow long do I need to wait for him?Epicgamer2248 :DCommunity AnswerIt depends. You must make a house for him, have a gun in your inventory, and it must be a day for him to spawn. You also must have the house off-screen by running away a couple of meters.
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- If you get a Magic gun, such as the Space Gun or Bee Gun, the Arms Dealer will NOT appear. You need a bullet firing Gun to get him to show up.Thanks
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