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Discover the spirit guide that embodies your zodiac sign
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The fair-minded Libra is ruled by the romantic planet Venus. But even with their head in the clouds, the idealistic Libra is still deeply connected to Earth and its animals. Libras have several harmonious spirit animals that walk them through life, sharing their love of balance and showing them how to achieve it. Read on to learn about every Libra spirit animal, where they come from, and how to find and connect with yours.

Things You Should Know

  • Libra’s primary spirit animal is a grey wolf. Grey wolves share deep loyalty with the family-oriented Libra.
  • Like Libras, grey wolves are passionate about building and maintaining strong relationships with their loved ones.
  • Grey wolves and Libras also share protective qualities, as both are fierce protectors of their family and friends.
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Libra Spirit Animals

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  1. Wolves are pack animals that value family, loyalty, and the greater good. Like the grey wolf spirit guide, Libras pour all their energy into maintaining and protecting their relationships with loved ones. Whether blood-related or not, Libras will fiercely defend the people they see as family and stand by them always. [1]
  2. Dogs are lovable, loyal, and honest, all qualities the fair-minded and idealistic Libra shares. The Dog correlates to the Libra in Western astrology in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Year of the Dog is seen as a time of fairness and equality, just like the Libra symbolizes justice and integrity. [2]
  3. Rabbits are sweet and loving creatures, but they’re equally clever and quick-witted—just like a Libra. Libras are super generous and affectionate and enjoy spending time in groups with loved ones. Like a rabbit, Libras are loved by almost everyone they meet, but may run away from any disorganized or unbalanced social dynamics. [3]
  4. Butterflies are positive signs of transformation, symbolizing growth and beauty. Similarly, the harmony-focused Libra seeks balance in all things, even if they must grow and adapt to find that peace. The butterfly helps the Libra see change as a positive toward their harmonious goals. [4]
  5. Cranes are linked to kindness and wisdom. They are renowned for their high sense of perception and intuition. The Libra is also a great listener who values hearing everyone’s opinion and perspectives before drawing their own conclusions. They are caring and wise friends who give thorough and unselfish advice. [5]
  6. Owls symbolize wisdom and intuition, two qualities that the Libra also uses to assess the world around them. The owl is also a symbol of seeing the truth in every situation, a power that the Libra can harness to support their values of fairness and justice in all things. [6]
  7. Ravens are intelligent, charming, and peaceful creatures. They have sharp intellects and are quick to come up with creative solutions to restore peace in any situation. Libras also seek balance and harmony and are naturally skilled in interpersonal problem-solving, using their wit and diplomacy to navigate tricky dilemmas. [7]
  8. Similar to the raven, crows are messenger birds that symbolize transformation, creativity, and change. This bird must use its intelligence to constantly adapt to new situations and find creative solutions. For a Libra, a crow spirit animal can remind them to dig deeper and find the truth in any situation.
    • Crows also may remind Libras that it’s okay to be open-minded and adapt when trying to find balance. [8]
  9. Doves have long been viewed as peaceful, harmonious, and loving creatures. The Libra also seeks peace and harmony in all things, so the dove spirit animal serves as a reminder of that goal. Doves may appear to Libras to remind them to be patient and look for the positives in any situation. [9]
  10. Swans are beautiful, friendly, and elegant but can also be vain. Similarly, Libras tend toward vanity, but they also have an inner spirituality and grace that reflects their swan spirit animal. Both the swan and the Libra value romance and long-term partnerships. The Libra can look to the swan as a reminder to reconnect to their peaceful and pure inner selves. [10]
  11. Ospreys are skilled hunters: fearless, determined, and elegant. The natural grace and sophistication of the Libra obviously match the osprey. However, they also have something to learn from this powerful bird. The osprey spirit animal reminds Libras that they have the zeal, patience, and organization to reach their goals, even when they feel hopeless. [11]
  12. As a spirit animal, the meerkat symbolizes adaptability, creativity, and the strength of family, all traits exemplified by the Libra. However, the meerkat also reminds the idealistic and indecisive Libra that good things don’t always come easily—they may have to look outside the box for creative solutions that will serve the greater good. [12]
  13. Arctic foxes will appear to the Libra when facing a challenging or uncertain situation. Libras often need to be more decisive and may let their need for optimism and diplomacy get in the way of their needs. Rather than suffering under many responsibilities, seeing a fox reminds the Libra to find their own happiness and release themselves from everyday life's daily chores and burdens. [13]
    • The arctic fox also shares great intelligence and intellect with the Libra.
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Find & Connect With Your Spirit Animal

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  1. Meditate for at least 5 minutes daily, as spirit animals often reveal themselves when your mind is still. Keep a journal about the animals you encounter in meditation or your dreams . Look for patterns of animals: Does a certain animal repeatedly appear in your dreams, daily walks, or the TV shows you watch? [14]
    • Think back to your childhood: were there any animals you loved or had special connections to, as pets or otherwise?
    • Note animals that act strangely, such as running up to you or making strange noises. These instances could be signs of your spirit animal trying to connect with you.
    • Spending time in nature may also help you find your spirit animal.
  2. Bring it into your home as a pet if your spirit animal is domesticated, like a dog or rabbit. If your spirit animal is wild, like a wolf or raven, place representative objects like feathers, statues, or paintings around your house. [15]
    • Some people also wear spirit animal jewelry to closely connect with their spirit guide.
    • Acknowledge and honor your spirit animal by verbally expressing your gratitude: talk to your pet, animal sculpture, or amulet like it's a close friend and confidante.
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What is the origin of spirit animals?

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  1. However, Native Americans don’t use the term “spirit animal” as part of their practice. Rather, animals are sacred and important parts of their culture that are used to communicate their values and spiritual beliefs. Animals are also deeply tied to the creation stories of tribes and the personal stories of Native families. [16]
    • Do not use sacred imagery to represent your spirit animal, such as totem poles or pictographs. This is cultural appropriation.
    • Do not use the term “spirit animal” in connection to Native American spirituality. Their connection to animals differs from the modern, popular use of spirit animals.
    • Do honor how indigenous cultures respect the earth and its inhabitants by supporting your local environment and advocating for animal rights.
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Spirit Animal for All 12 Zodiac Signs

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  1. However, like the Libra has several possible spirit animals, so do all the other signs. If you don’t initially connect with the animal next to your sign below, do some reflective work to find your spirit animal . [17]
    • Aries is represented by the creative and expansive zebra.
    • Taurus is represented by the strong and dependable bear.
    • Gemini is represented by the confident and compassionate peacock.
    • Cancer is represented by the receptive and sensitive turtle.
    • Leo is represented by the exuberant and energetic cheetah.
    • Virgo is represented by the brilliant and adaptable fox.
    • Libra is represented by the loyal and just grey wolf.
    • Scorpio is represented by the transformative and cunning snake. [18]
    • Sagittarius is represented by the passionate and driven tarantula.
    • Capricorn is represented by the talented and strategic raccoon.
    • Aquarius is represented by the clairvoyant and independent owl.
    • Pisces is represented by the mystical and healing dolphin.
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