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Discover the universe-approved matches for a Pisces
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Among the 12 zodiac signs, there are just a few who would make the perfect match for an empathetic and dreamy Pisces. When it comes to emotional connection, sexual chemistry, and trust, the signs Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn stand out as strongly compatible with this water sign. If you’re a Pisces searching for your soulmate or someone hoping for strong compatibility with a special Pisces in your life, keep reading to learn why these signs are a Pisces' perfect matches. We’ll also look into the signs that could be potential matches, plus the ones that may may be the least compatible.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • The signs that are most likely to be Pisces’ soulmate are Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
  • Signs that could potentially be Pisces’ soulmates with some communication and compromise are Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.
  • The signs least likely to be Pisces’ soulmates are Libra, Leo, and Gemini, with Gemini possibly being the least compatible match.
Section 1 of 3:

Most Likely Soulmates for Pisces

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  1. A Pisces-Cancer relationship is full of creativity and affection. Both Pisces and Cancer are incredibly empathetic signs, and a relationship between them would be filled with understanding and warmth. They are also both very loyal, and their differences in perspective can actually benefit one another. Pisces can introduce Cancer to a world of creativity, and Cancer’s practical thinking can help Pisces bring their many dreams and imaginings to fruition. [1]
    • Emotional connection: Exceptional. Both Pisces and Cancer are very empathetic, so it’s usually easy for them to read one another. They’re both on the more sensitive side and will be able to tune in to one another’s feelings naturally.
    • Sexual chemistry: Strong. The strength of their sexual intimacy is largely fueled by their emotional connection. They cherish one another and are respectful of each other’s desires and needs. [2]
    • Trust: Strong. Pisces and Cancer are able to build a safe place for one another. Pisces helps Cancer explore their more creative side, while Cancer’s logical thinking and empathetic nature create a safe space for Pisces to be more open and vulnerable.
    • Communication: Very strong. Both Pisces and Cancer are very receptive and compassionate signs. They’re both great listeners and will treat each other with respect and compassion. Pisces doesn’t usually like overly direct confrontations. This makes Cancer a perfect match since they often rely more on non-verbal cues. [3]
    • Possible challenges: As a cardinal sign, Cancers often like to follow plans and get things moving right away. On the other hand, Pisces is a mutable sign, and they usually prefer to go with the flow. In order to overcome their differences, Cancer needs to give Pisces space to explore their interests while Pisces needs to show Cancer that they’re capable of finishing the things they start.
  2. Pisces and Scorpio and respectful and understanding of each other. Since they’re both Water signs, Pisces and Scorpio share a unique and deep understanding of one another. They both have a tendency to get lost in their thoughts, with Scorpio being quite mysterious and Pisces being very dreamy and imaginative. A bond between them often leads to a committed and long-lasting relationship. [4]
    • Emotional connection: Exceptional. Ruled by Pluto, Scorpios have the ability to sense and read other’s emotions easily. Pisces are also incredibly empathetic individuals, and these two will treat each other with compassion, understanding, and respect.
    • Sexual chemistry: Very strong. Scorpio is one of the most sensual signs in the zodiac. They usually desire intimacy with their partner and like to experiment with new things in the bedroom. Pisces, as a very creative and adventurous sign, will likely be happy to go along with a Scorpio’s desires.
    • Trust: Strong. Scorpios tend to be a bit wary of others and don’t take betrayal well. Pisces can appear unreliable due to their free-spirited nature, but they’re loyal to the ones they hold close. If they can prove this loyalty to their Scorpio partner, their love and relationship will last a long time.
    • Communication: Strong. Both Scorpio and Pisces take a more emotional approach to life, and this can make communication between the two of them very smooth. They also both hold a deep fascination for the world around them, which can lead to exciting conversations.
    • Possible challenges: Scorpio can be a bit direct and blunt at times, which may end up negatively affecting a rather sensitive Pisces. A Scorpio must be mindful of their words, while a Pisces needs to be firm in setting boundaries and being more direct with stating their wants and needs.
    • It’s especially important that Pisces demonstrate their trustworthiness and honesty in this relationship, since Scorpios are so slow to trust others and value the truth above all else.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 300 wikiHow readers with the Scorpio zodiac sign, and 64% of them agreed that their biggest deal breaker is someone who lies . [Take Poll]
  3. A Pisces-Taurus bond is full of comfort and security. While Pisces tends to be a bit more dreamy and Taurus is more down-to-earth and practical, they both value stability and harmony in a relationship. As a water sign, Pisces can bring a bit of magic and imagination to Taurus’ practical approach. Meanwhile, Taurus, as an earth sign, can help bring a sense of stability to Pisces’ more sensitive nature. [5]
    • Emotional connection: Exceptional. Even though Pisces is a bit more sensitive while Taurus is more practical, the differences in their emotional approaches to life end up creating a harmonious balance. They’re two incredibly empathetic signs, which will help them understand one another even better.
    • Sexual chemistry: Exceptional. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and intimacy. They prioritize pleasure, and they make an effort to make sure their partner is always satisfied. Pisces’ creativity and willingness to try new things can make intimacy between them all the more exciting and passionate.
    • Trust: Very strong. Taurus provides a very stable and dependable presence in the relationship. Pisces tend to have a very idealistic view of love and relationships, and being in the presence of a Taurus can encourage them to really open up and be more vulnerable because of how secure they feel. When they’re together, they don’t feel the need to hide their true selves.
    • Communication: Very strong. These two signs often don’t need many words to communicate with and understand one another. They’re in tune with each other’s emotions and are also both very empathetic and patient listeners.
    • Possible challenges: Taurus can be stubborn at times, which can feel a bit stifling to a Pisces who likes to follow their intuition. Similarly, a Pisces can feel frustrated by a Taurus’ tendency to stick to the rules. Clear communication is key to making a relationship work, and these two should prioritize compromising when it comes time to make decisions.
  4. Pisces and Virgo have opposite traits that balance out well. These two signs are on opposite sides of the zodiac, meaning that they balance each other out and bring their own strengths where the other may be lacking. They’re both very easy-going signs who love to help others and each other. They adore one another and truly bring the best out of their partner when they’re together. [6]
    • Emotional connection: Strong. Pisces can be very sensitive and emotional at times, and Virgo will be there to support them and show eagerness to help them solve any problems they’re facing rather than judge them. Meanwhile, Pisces’ empathetic nature will help bring them closer to their Virgo partner.
    • Sexual chemistry: Exceptional. Pisces and Virgo often feel quite comfortable in each other’s presence, and this allows them to let go of any fears or insecurities they may be holding onto. As a result, physical intimacy between them is very passionate and may even feel instinctual. [7]
    • Trust: Strong. As an earth sign, Virgos tend to be more practical while Pisces, as water signs, like to follow their intuitions. However, Virgos can place a lot of trust in their Pisces partners, despite the fact that they don’t always stick to a plan like a Virgo might prefer.
    • Communication: Strong. Both Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, meaning that they like to go with the flow. This can lead to some fascinating conversations between the two. Virgo likes to place more emphasis on logic when communicating while Pisces speaks more to their feelings. These differences usually end up creating a good balance.
    • Possible challenges: Since both Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, it can be hard for both of them to confidently make a decision or take the lead. Both signs should work on making small decisions every single day to become more comfortable with it, whether it’s deciding where to eat, what to watch on TV, or what to do on the weekend.
  5. Pisces and Capricorn admire one another. A relationship between a Pisces and a Capricorn is filled with honesty and devotion. As an earth sign, Capricorn is more practical and has a strong work ethic while Pisces, as a water sign, is dreamy and imaginative. But these differences don’t drive them apart. If anything, each admires the other’s strengths. Capricorn admires Pisces’ kindness and gentle nature, and Pisces is drawn to Capricorn’s wittiness and drive. [8]
    • Emotional connection: Very strong. Despite their different personalities, the emotional connection between Pisces and Capricorn runs deep. They understand the importance of honesty, kindness, and dedication, and they know how to break through each other’s walls when someone is having a hard time.
    • Sexual chemistry: Very strong. Pisces and Capricorn often feel a strong attraction toward each other which can help them overcome their differences. Intimate moments between them are deeply emotional and they feel a lot of satisfaction when they’re together.
    • Trust: Very strong. Trust makes up part of the foundation of a Pisces-Capricorn relationship. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn—the planet of responsibility and dedication. Pisces tends to be drawn to Capricorn’s stability and dedication, and they’ll give their loyalty to their Capricorn partner.
    • Communication: Strong. These two have different communication styles, but they can easily make it work by listening to each other. Capricorns tend to be more direct while Pisces can sometimes be indecisive. So long as they listen to each other and work to compromise on decisions, their bond will remain strong.
    • Possible challenges: Their different approaches to life can cause a divide between a Pisces and a Capricorn if they aren’t able to communicate with each other clearly and empathize with one another. Capricorn’s tendency to prioritize organization and logic can clash with Pisces’ more dreamy and free-flowing approach. But their different personalities can also harmonize beautifully so long as they learn to compromise.
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Section 2 of 3:

Possible Soulmates for Pisces

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  1. While two of the same signs partnering up may not always work out for the best, two Pisces together have some potential. Their similarities will help them understand each other, and they can be there to offer support and encouragement to one another. The only issue lies within their abilities to communicate with one another. Pisces tend to have a hard time outright expressing their thoughts and feelings, so this can lead to confusion and frustration at times. [9]
    • Pisces also tend to change their minds frequently, so it may be hard for these two to trust each other at the beginning.
    • Strengthening communication is key to making a Pisces-Pisces relationship work. Speaking up when something’s wrong and being honest with their partners is what will help these two cement their bond.
  2. Pisces and Aries are different in many ways, but with good communication and compromise, they can balance each other out nicely. They tend to not have much in common, but they still enjoy learning from one another. However, Aries can sometimes unintentionally neglect a Pisces’ needs since they’re used to taking charge while Pisces prefers to follow. [10]
    • To make this relationship work, Pisces needs to work on trusting their Aries partner and opening up to them. In return, Aries needs to be receptive and practice patience since it may take some time for Pisces to feel comfortable enough to fully confide in them.
  3. These two signs can provide a lot of comfort to one another. Pisces helps Aquarius feel understood while Aquarius respects and admires Pisces’ dreamy nature. They both value independence and are very compassionate signs. However, their different approaches to relationships can cause issues. Aquarius tends to be wary of close relationships while Pisces will go all in when they feel a connection. This can potentially cause an Aquarius to feel smothered and a Pisces to feel neglected. [11]
    • Pisces needs to remember to give their Aquarius partner some space at times and be respectful of their boundaries. In return, Aquarius can help strengthen the bond by expressing gratitude toward their Pisces partner so they know how much they cherish them.
  4. A Pisces and Sagittarius together make a wildcard pair, but they have potential. They’re both optimistic signs who choose to see the best in people, and they both value independence and freedom. However, Sagittarius can be a bit blunt, which can end up hurting a sensitive Pisces. Also, Sagittarius has a lot of energy and they may become impatient with Pisces, who’s more passive and free-flowing. [12]
    • To make this match work, Sagittarius needs to be more patient with Pisces and do their best to empathize with them despite their differences. In return, Pisces can help by being more direct with communicating their wants and needs.
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Section 3 of 3:

Least Likely Soulmates for Pisces

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  1. While Pisces and Libra are similar in that they’re quite social and have more idealistic views on relationships and romance, they don’t have the best chemistry. Both Libra and Pisces can be very indecisive, which can lead to instances of miscommunication and misunderstanding of one another. Neither of them enjoys confrontation, so it’s likely that they’ll choose to sweep issues under the rug rather than deal with them directly. [13]
    • One thing that can cause a large divide between Libra and Pisces is how they judge situations. Libras value logic and like to look at situations from every angle. Meanwhile, Pisces tend to follow their intuition and are more likely to just go with the flow.
    • To make this relationship work, compromise and communication are very important. Each sign needs to open up their mind and listen to the other’s perspective. If they can listen to one another and be receptive, making decisions and solving conflicts can become much easier.
  2. Pisces and Leo don’t share many similarities aside from their creativity. Leos tend to be very bold and assertive while Pisces are more subtle and like to take their time with things. Where Pisces is more sensitive when expressing their emotions, Leo can be a bit more direct and end up overwhelming their Pisces partner. [14]
    • Making an effort to empathize with their Pisces partner can help a Leo strengthen their bond. Meanwhile, Pisces needs to be comfortable with being assertive so that their needs and opinions don’t go unheard.
  3. In general, Gemini might be the least compatible match in the zodiac for Pisces. They’re both very open-minded and can come up with plenty of interesting topics to talk about. However, Gemini’s emotional expression may be a bit too harsh for Pisces, while Pisces can appear too sentimental for a Gemini. They can have a hard time trusting one another and communicating in a constructive and productive way. [15]
    • Pisces and Gemini need to learn to respect each other’s way of thinking to make their relationship work. Pisces needs to recognize the value of Gemini’s logical approach to situations, while Gemini should make an effort to empathize with Pisces’ tendency to follow their intuition.
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