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Looking for something to do? It’s time to send out that group invite because you’re about to have plans. With our help, you’ll never run out of things to do. Whether you’re flush with cash or want to have fun for free, we’ve got you covered with this definitive list of places to hang out with your friends.

The Best Places to Go with Friends

  • Hang out at a coffee shop, mall, park, or library.
  • Go to a bowling alley, escape room , mini golf course , or arcade.
  • Head to the movies, a museum, or a local pond, lake, or beach.

Coffee Shop

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  1. Coffee houses are a great place to chat, play board games, or study. Additionally, a lot of coffee shops offer themed events on certain nights of the week. [1] Check your coffee shop’s calendar so you can attend events like:
    • Open mic nights.
    • Poetry readings.
    • Live music.
    • Movie nights.
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  1. Stroll around the mall and do some window shopping, or buy yourself something new from your favorite store. While you’re there, pick up a snack or drink from the food court. You might even gather around a table and chat with your friends while you eat. [2]
    • Go on a scavenger hunt inside the mall! You and your friends will have a blast competing against each other or working together as a team. [3]

Movie Theater

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  1. Get to the theater early so you can enjoy the ambiance and look at the movie posters. Grab some snacks, then get comfortable in your assigned theater. After the movie, talk about it with your friends and share your personal reviews.
    • You might follow with a visit to a restaurant or coffee shop to talk about the film. You could also meet at someone’s home to chat and sip on soda or coffee.
    • Save money on your theater tickets by going during the matinee. [4] Most theaters have lower prices from opening until the late afternoon.
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Bowling Alley

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  1. In between turns, sit around your lane and chat. If you like, order food like fries or pizza so you can snack between frames. You’ll be having so much fun that time will just fly by. [5]
    • Most bowling alleys offer special rates during their slow hours, like Tuesday evenings or early Sundays. You can save a lot of money by bowling during these times.

Escape Room

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  1. You and your friends will work together to solve puzzles and unlock clues to unravel a mystery and win the game. At the end, you’ll leave with an interesting story—and hopefully bragging rights.
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Laser Tag

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  1. You’ll find out which of your friends have good hand-eye coordination, and who is really good at hiding. At the end of your game, you’ll leave with a slew of funny stories and some great memories with your friends.
    • Some laser tag arenas share facilities with a mini golf course or arcade. You might be able to do several fun things all on the same day.

Mini Golf Course

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  1. It takes special skill to hit a golf ball into a dragon’s mouth. Fortunately, you’ll have fun even if you miss it. If it’s not busy, take your time and snap some photos along the way. If it’s allowed, you might even pose with a few of the obstacles on the course, like the dragon or windmill.
    • During busy times, courses typically have a stroke limit or group limit so there aren’t long delays. If this is the case, make sure you’re keeping pace with the other groups playing.
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  1. Watch each other play games or challenge each other to air hockey or basketball. You could also get snacks and take pics. At the end of your hang, you might get to exchange tickets you won playing games for some candy or a gift item.
    • Most arcades offer bonus game “tokens” if you buy a lot at one time. Consider combining your money so you can get free game plays by buying all of your “tokens” in one transaction.

Skating Rink

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  1. Grab your roller skates or rent a pair from the rink. Then, spend a few hours skating, listening to tunes, and laughing with your friends. You’ll have so much fun that you’ll be planning your next visit as you leave.
    • Most skating rinks also sell food, so you can eat lunch or dinner between skates.
    • Ask the DJ if you and your friends can request your favorite song.
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  1. Go through the museum slowly so you can talk about what you see and stretch out your hang. Afterwards, visit the gift shop to check out the unique items they have for sale. You might pick up a postcard to commemorate the day. [6]
    • Most museums are open during typical business hours. If you work or attend classes on weekdays, the weekend might be the best time to go.
    • If you’re on a budget, check your local museums to find out when they have free days.

Art Gallery

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  1. Most galleries let you peruse the art for free, and sometimes they even have special events. Enjoy an afternoon or evening of culture by checking out the artists’ latest works.
    • Try to go on the gallery’s opening night so you can enjoy free snacks and drinks. This is a great way to go out on a budget.
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Painting Studio

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  1. When it comes to pottery, you could paint something useful, like a mug , or something silly, such as a dinosaur . Alternatively, you might prefer the guidance of a painting instructor in a paint-and-sip class. At the end of your session, you’ll have had hours of fun and will leave with a unique piece of art.
    • A paint-and-sip is perfect for all ages. If you’re over 21, you can bring wine or beer to drink if you like. Otherwise, soda, tea, or seltzer are all great options if you want something other than water.
  1. In addition to browsing for new reading material, you can check out movies, CDs, and sometimes games. Additionally, the library usually has study areas where you can do homework or work on a project together. Most libraries also host community events, so check out their upcoming activities to see if there are any that appeal to you and your friends.
    • Try reserving a table or study room so you and your friends can work on a hobby. You might play a (quiet) board game , write stories and share them, or draw.
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Park or Yard

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  1. Walk to a nearby park or ask someone to drop you all off. If one of you has a yard, you could hang out there instead. Make the day more special by:


Sport Court or Field

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  1. Scout out open courts at local schools or parks and plan to meet your friends there. You might even bring some snacks to make the hangout more fun. [7]
    • You don’t have to be good at sports to have fun playing with your friends.
    • Most high schools allow community members to use the outdoor facilities after school hours, but check your local district’s rules.
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  1. Gather some snacks and drinks, then light a fire. Chill out and talk about what’s going on in your lives, or enjoy a fun activity. You might: [8]

Community Pool

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  1. Check your city’s website to see if there are any public pools in your area. You could also check with your friends to see if any of them have community pools in their neighborhood. Then, put on your bathing suits, pack up some drinks, and pretend you’re on vacation.
    • Some RV parks, hotels, apartment complexes, and natatoriums allow the public to swim in their pool for a low fee.
    • Only bring drinks that come in cans or plastic bottles because glass is typically forbidden at pools. If it breaks, glass becomes a major hazard.
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Beach, Lake, Pond, or River

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  1. Even if you don’t live near a major waterway, you can probably find a pond or lake at a local park. Enjoy the beauties of nature, as well as some fun water activities. You and your friends could:
    • Lounge on a blanket.
    • Go swimming.
    • Play beach volleyball.
    • Build a sandcastle.
    • Go fishing.
  1. Invite your friends to your place or take turns hosting each other. Spend your time doing something that interests all of you. Have fun at home by: [9]
    • Watching a movie marathon.
    • Playing board games.
    • Hosting a video game tournament.
    • Doing a homemade spa day .
    • Having a fancy dinner party.
    • Making crafts.
    • Redecorating your room.
    • Having a barbecue.
    • Learning a dance on TikTok or YouTube.

    Our Family Plays Games

    Board Game Experts
    Our Family Plays Games, LLC is a family-owned business based in Omaha, Nebraska. Launched in 2018, their mission is to promote growth and awareness of the modern board game hobby and bring more BIPOCs and families into the board game community. In June 2020 they were featured on Good Morning America and have since been featured on NBC News Online, Senet Magazine (UK), Ligadas.com (Brazil), a variety of YouTube programs, podcasts, and on local television. In January of 2022, they launched a second program on their channel, called OFPG Voices to highlight other underrepresented voices in the hobby. In addition, they make special appearances at board game conventions all around the country and work with board game publishers from around the world.
    Our Family Plays Games
    Board Game Experts

    Board games bring joy and connection. Board games are a great way for families and friends to spend time together, cultivating shared experiences and memories. We've even found community virtually through online board game nights on Zoom. If you are looking for something to do, dust off your favorite games!

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  1. You could meet up for brunch, lunch, or dinner, depending on your schedules. Take turns picking a restaurant so everyone gets a say in what you eat. Try to pick places that have a nice ambiance so you get a full experience.
    • It helps to set a price range so that no one picks a place that’s too expensive for someone in your group. For instance, you might make a rule that the restaurant must have a few entrees that are around $15 a plate or less.
  1. Share some drinks and chat about your lives. You could also play pool, challenge each other to darts, or dance the night away. Just make sure to designate a driver or to call a rideshare service so you get home safely. [10]
    • Go on a bar crawl! Travel between bars on foot or by rideshare service, depending on what’s easier in your city.
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School Events

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  1. If you’re a student, take advantage of your school’s after school clubs and programs because they’re a great place to hang out with friends. Plus, participating in extracurriculars can help you make more friends and have fun at school. [11]
    • Join a club.
    • Watch high school sports.
    • Go to a dance.
    • Audition for or attend a play.
    • Go to a school carnival.

Local Events

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  1. You could also check the cities near you so you have more options. Chances are, these events will be free or very inexpensive, so you’ll also save some cash. [12] Look for things like:
    • Outdoor movies
    • Festivals
    • Carnivals
    • Farmers markets
    • Live music
    • Parades
    • Fireworks
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Nonprofit Organization

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  1. Pick a cause that you all care about, then volunteer for a local nonprofit that’s dedicated to your cause. Here are some ideas you could try: [13]
    • Volunteer at your local animal shelter.
    • Serve food at a soup kitchen.
    • Read to small children or the elderly.
    • Deliver food for Meals-on-Wheels.
    • Build houses with Habitat for Humanity.

Religious Center

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  1. You might find events like youth groups, adult groups, basketball games, potlucks, and lock-ins. Attend the events that appeal to you, along with your friends. Your squad might even make a few new friends. [14]
    • If your religious center has a bulletin board or program, you’ll find the events calendar there. You could also ask an usher or the secretary.
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  1. Schedule a meetup on a video call app, then do something fun. Play a game, watch a movie, talk about a book, or just chat. [15] To learn how to use each service, just click on the link:

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is Roblox a fun activity?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. You can play Roblox with your friends or play it on your own.
  • Question
    Where can I go with my friends on a budget?
    Community Answer
    Parks, libraries, each other's houses, and community events are all good options. In some towns, there are occasional company picnics where everyone is welcome for free, and you can cook s'mores, get necklaces and sunglasses, play in the park, or sit by the fire pits and talk.
  • Question
    What are some conversation starters I can use with a new friend of the opposite gender in university dorms and classes?
    Community Answer
    Common ground is a good place to start. If you don't know them well, ask basic, non-invasive questions when you see them. You could discuss common themes in books and movies that you both like or are interested in.
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