Play retro games like Pokémon Red and Blue with the Delta Emulator app
Released on the App Store in 2024, the Delta Game Emulator app has made it easier than ever to enjoy your favorite old-school Pokémon titles on your iPhone. We’ll walk you through each and every step so you can enjoy your favorite classic games on your phone. For an added bonus, we’ll even run down some other popular games produced by The Pokémon Company on the App Store, so you can keep all your options open.
Quick Steps
- Download the Delta emulator app.
- Download your desired Pokémon ROM file.
- Save the file to your Files app and unzip it.
- Open the Delta app and import the unzipped file.
- Tap the game file and hit Open .
- Tap the game’s art in your library to start playing.
Section 1 of 2:
Delta Emulator
Download and open Delta Emulator. Delta Game Emulator is a relatively new app that entered the App Store in 2024, which gives players the option to emulate a variety of games, including many Pokémon titles for game systems like:
- N64
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
- Nintendo DS
- Important note: You can’t emulate more recent Pokémon games from consoles like the Nintendo Switch, or even the GameCube and Wii.
Download the ROM file for the Pokémon game of your choosing. Google “[name of Pokémon game] rom” and download the file from a reputable site. Tap the Download button at the bottom of your screen to confirm and start the download process.
- Check out sites like Vimm’s Lair to get started.
- On ROM sites, you can find a variety of popular retro Pokémon games, like Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Red, Pokémon Crystal, and many more.
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Save the ROM file in your iPhone’s Files app. Tap Open in next to your download, and then tap Save to Files .
Tap the ROM file to unzip it. Chances are, the ROM file that you downloaded will be zipped/compressed. Simply tap on the zip folder from the ROM file to unzip it, revealing the game file.
- The file should feature the purple Delta icon, implying that the file can be opened with the emulator.
Open the Delta app and tap + followed by Files . You can find the + icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
Select the unzipped game file from your screen and hit Open . Navigate to the folder in your Files app where you downloaded and unzipped the game file. Tap on the game file so it’s highlighted, and then tap Open in the top-right corner of the screen.
- The game title and its corresponding art should now appear in your game library.
Tap on the game art to start playing. The emulator will now boot up with your desired Pokémon title. Enjoy the game!
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