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Use one simple HTML tag to share your website with the world
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This article explains how to use HTML tags, which would help you post a comment giving a link to a relevant web site be it a blog or a site.

Embedding Links in Blog Comments with HTML

  1. Read the blog post to check the guidelines for leaving a comment.
  2. Confirm you can use HTML tags in the comment box.
  3. Draft your response and include the website URL you want to embed.
  4. Add the following HTML code to the URL: <a href="URL">link text</a>
  5. Proofread for grammar and formatting before publishing.
  1. Read the do's and don'ts for posting a comment on the blog.
  2. Generally, either the blogger or the website owner posts instructions there to let the commenter know what is accepted and what is NOT accepted.
  3. It is here in brackets (<a href="URL">link text</a>).
  4. Check for grammar mistakes. Proofread and spell check and lastly, preview before publish
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

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    Does posting a comment with a link increase searchability?
    Anar Kazimov
    Digital Marketing Expert
    Anar Kazimov is a Digital Marketing Expert based in Vancouver, Canada. He is the Owner and Marketing Director of Pixel Prodigies, a company created to help business owners achieve more sales by revamping their digital portfolio. He has helped the NIH, IBM, Canadian film studios, Rolex dealerships, and many other firms in their marketing campaigns. He previously had a career in the IT industry and worked at Freelancer.com. He received a BS in Computer Science from the University of Victoria.
    Digital Marketing Expert
    Expert Answer
    Commenting a link on other blogs can have some impact, but it won't drastically boost the website’s searchability on its own. Search engines like Google prioritize high-quality, relevant backlinks from credible sources. So if the blog where you post the link has strong authority and your comment adds meaningful value to the conversation, it can help because it has relevance.
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