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Q&A for How to Ask Dua
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QuestionIs it acceptable to make dua for my parents who passed away?Community AnswerYes. It is very important to make dua for those who passed away. All your duas will reach and benefit the dead ones.
QuestionWhat does "repent and try to make amends" mean?Hammad AbdullahCommunity AnswerIt means to return back to Allah and ask for forgiveness. No matter what you have done, no matter how much bad you have done, if you ask forgiveness from Allah, from the bottom of your heart sincerely, he will definitely 100% forgive you. As he says in the Quran "he is oft forgiving."
QuestionCan I make dua in my own language and then send blessings to the prophet in Arabic?SobiTop AnswererShaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said that it is permissible to make du’aa’ in Arabic and in languages other than Arabic. Allaah knows the intention of the supplicant and what he wants, no matter what language he speaks, because He hears all the voices in all different languages, asking for all kinds of needs.
QuestionCan I pray against non-Muslims?SobiTop AnswererYou should not wish for harm or bad against any person, Muslim or non-Muslim. You should pray for them to be guided to Islam, but nothing harmful or spiteful.
QuestionCan I ask dua for my grandson and my children?Community AnswerYou may make dua for anyone, whether it's strangers on the street or your nearest family.
QuestionWhat should I read if I want my kids to respect their parents or other older people?SobiTop AnswererAny du'a will work, as the du'a of a parent for their child is surely accepted.
QuestionIs there any Dua to help sharpen my memory?Community AnswerThere is a Dua to recite before studying, it will help you to learn easily. It is ''allah humma rabbi ziddni ilmi".
QuestionCan I say dua to improve my memory and concentration skills?Community AnswerYou may make dua for whatever you please, but the best thing for memory is to make Salawat: "Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa Ala aleh Muhammadin wa sallim."
QuestionHow can a new Muslim learn to recite Dua?Community AnswerHave a sheet of paper next to you while you ask dua to use as a guide until you feel more comfortable saying dua on your own. You can also ask your imam for advice.
QuestionWhy is Allah not answering my dua or my prayers?Community AnswerYou have to be patient, say the prayer/dua right, and be a proper Muslim. It may also be that you are asking for something that you are not meant to have in the first place.
QuestionIs there a dua to forget bad thought and intentions?Community AnswerReciting aazobillahi minash-shaitaunrajeem will help you to clear your bad thoughts, which are coming from Saitaan.
QuestionI have been praying every mentioned way, but my prayers are not answered, why?AnoushaTop AnswererAllah hears all duas. It happen sometimes that Allah has planned better for us, or our dua would have to be accepted at another time that is more appropriate. We should be patient while waiting for the acceptance our dua.
QuestionI am a newly converted Muslim, I want to join the prayer in Masjid for this coming Eid al Adha, please advise on the way I should pray.SobiTop AnswererTo Perform Eid Salah , you pray as normal, but there are seven extra takbeerat in the first rak'ah and five extra takbeerat in the second rak'ah. There are no other specific details for the Eid prayer; the rest is the same as normal prayer .
QuestionCan I ask a Dua to refuse a proposal that I don't like?Community AnswerYes, you surely can.
QuestionHow many times should I say dua in a day?Community AnswerYou should say dua after your prayers. But you can say it as often as you wish, following the instructions above.
QuestionCan I ask Dua for anything?SobiTop AnswererAnything you want, as long as it is not about enmity or wishing harm upon someone.
QuestionCan I ask to get good grades on exams?Community AnswerInshaAllah, seeking knowledge is a praiseworthy thing. Ask Dua for any good thing.
QuestionI hate someone because he abused me sexually. How can I get free of this hatred by dua?Community AnswerPray for yourself. Ask Allah for protection. You need to know if that person does not get punishment in this world, he will be getting punishment in the hereafter. Bear with patience, stay bold and avoid the person.
QuestionHow do Muslims repent?Community AnswerMuslims repent by asking forgiveness from Allah and asking for paradise. A repentant person needs to know his mistake or sin and be deeply grieved by it; ask Allah for forgiving with a sincere heart; and promise to never do it again.
QuestionIs it wrong if I ask Allah to guide a non-Muslim to the path of Islam?SobiTop AnswererOf course not. We are always encouraged to make du'a to guide non-Muslims to Islam.
QuestionAs a non-Muslim, can I make dua?SobiTop AnswererDu'a is a supplication to Allah. If you believe in and put your faith in Allah, you are a Muslim, so I don't think one can be a non-Muslim yet supplicate to Allah.
QuestionCan I say a dua to improve a skill, such as sports?AnoushaTop AnswererYou can ask dua for anything, but it is preferable if you ask dua for religious improvement along with it.
QuestionIs it necessary to cry?Community AnswerNo, it is definitely not necessary to cry.
QuestionCan I make dua in any language?Community AnswerYes, but it's better to do it in the language you know best so you can pour your heart out to Allah.
QuestionWhen I am doing my dua, do I have to cry?Community AnswerIf you feel like crying, you can let it out, but do not force yourself to cry.
QuestionCan I ask for dua if I'm not a Muslim, but I believe in Allah?Community AnswerYes, you can.
QuestionIs it acceptable to ask Allah to make a person Muslim?AnoushaTop AnswererNo, in fact it is very good of you ask dua for it. You can ask for any dua you want, whatever it is and however impossible it seems, for everything is possible by Allah.
QuestionIs there a dua to memorize the Quran?Community AnswerStart by reciting this dua. ''Allah humma rabbi ziddni ilmi". It helps with memorization and learning, in general, the rest belongs to your faith. MaShaAllah.
QuestionI'm a non-Muslim. Can I recite dua for my Muslim friend?SobiTop AnswererDu'a is a Muslim act of worship, so as a non-Muslim, it would not be permissible for you to invoke Allah for help or support (because that is a Muslim way of worship). You are able to supplicate differently depending on what religion you follow.
QuestionCan I make dua for a non-Muslim relative or my child?Community AnswerYes. You can make dua for anyone in the world, whether it be yourself for a test, your non-Muslim friend or even a murderer. Allah is with everyone.
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