Q&A for How to Ask a Girl out if You Are a Girl

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    Should I ask her if she wants to go on a date in person or through text?
    Consulting Criminal
    Community Answer
    In person is better normally, but if you think you can only do it through a text, that is fine. My girlfriend wrote me a letter to explain that she liked me and had a friend deliver it and I loved that. Just do what works for you.
  • Question
    When do you first kiss her?
    Community Answer
    Kiss her only if you think she likes you back and would accept the kiss. Being that it will be your first kiss with her, do it somewhere private, so if she welcomes it, it will be more special. However, if she doesn't accept it, nobody else will see if you get rejected. Don't let it be a huge surprise to her though; the key is timing. If it feels like it is right then it probably is but if not, then wait. Don't drown her in your kiss or go overboard - it is the first kiss. Eiither let her deepen it or wait for a more intimate kiss when the time is appropriate.
  • Question
    What are some signs that she likes me back?
    Community Answer
    Some signs may include: If she flirts with you or smiles and laughs a lot when she's around you. If she blushes or looks down shyly. However, you need a group of signs, not just one, before you can see a pattern of being liked enough.
  • Question
    Should I just start off with a small kiss on the cheek or go straight to making out?
    Community Answer
    You might want to talk about it ahead of time to make sure you're on the same page. My advice is to give her a small kiss on the lips and see if she smiles or gives you some other sign to proceed before you start making out.
  • Question
    How can I ask the girl out if she's cutting herself?
    Community Answer
    Be her friend first of all -- she is in a vulnerable place right now. Ask her why she feels the way she does. Tell her you would like to help her solve her problems, then help to get the needed help. When she is feeling better, that would be the right time, when she is stronger and happier.
  • Question
    What if you can't tell if she likes you or even knows if you like her or not?
    Community Answer
    Ask her if she has a crush or type? If she refers to a boy, she is probably straight or too shy to tell you she likes girls. Give her time and space until she's comfortable.
  • Question
    What if I have Social Anxiety Disorder and have tried, but ended up mumbling and she didn't hear?
    Community Answer
    Try sending her a note, telling her how you feel and asking her out. Explain that you have a disorder and a hard time talking to people; if she's nice, she'll understand. You can put the note in her locker, send as message on her social media, or text it to her, if you have her number.
  • Question
    What if I like this girl but we're not really friends, we just talk occasionally, and I'm really shy?
    Community Answer
    Everyone is shy when it comes to putting their feelings out there. Try to get to know her better, spend time with her and her group of friends. The more you talk to her, the easier it will get, and the better idea you will have about how she feels about you.
  • Question
    What happens if you have all of that but you do not want your parents to know?
    Community Answer
    You can tell your parents eventually, when you feel that the relationship is serious enough to warrant telling them. Pick the right time to tell them, then tell them you are lesbian and that you have a girlfriend. It might help to have supportive siblings with you.
  • Question
    I'm afraid to tell a girl I like her because I'm worried our friends will make fun of me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    After you tell her about your feelings, ask her what she thinks your friends will think. Talk to your friends about how this is important to you and they should support you.
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    What if I think she likes someone else and avoids me?
    Community Answer
    Play truth or dare, and ask her who she likes, to find out. If she does like someone, still remain friends with her. Your feelings may go away or she might stop liking someone else and you can make your move.
  • Question
    What if I ask and she turns out not to be lesbian and thinks I'm weird or spreads rumors?
    Community Answer
    If she's your friend, she shouldn't do that, and if it happens, you can tell her she's not being a good friend, and ask for help/support from your other parents or a trusted adult. You should make sure the person knows you're a lesbian well before you ask her out and accepts you as you are. Then you'll know she won't find it weird or be mean about it if you do ask her out; she'll simply tell you that that isn't her sexuality or that she's not interested.
  • Question
    How can I go out with a girl if her parents are homophobic?
    Community Answer
    That's a tough situation. This girl may be willing to be secretive about the relationship, hiding it from her parents, but relationships conducted that way tend to be stressful and end badly. What are your crush's thoughts on the matter? You might try to talk with them yourself and see if that makes any difference.
  • Question
    How do I get the girl I like away from her group of friends to tell her?
    Community Answer
    Tell her that you have to talk to her in private -- when you get her attention, tell her you have something private and secret to talk about. Tell her that you can just stay friends if she doesn't agree but you like her.
  • Question
    How can I ask a girl out if I am quiet and shy?
    Community Answer
    Take a deep breath, count to three in your head and just ask! Suggest an activity you can do together and hope that the answer is yes.
  • Question
    How do I ask if she is allowed to date?
    Community Answer
    Just bring up the topic of love and see how she reacts to it. If you ask her if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend and she says yes, then she is allowed, but probably isn't interested. If she says no, then ask her why.
  • Question
    What do I do if both my and her parents don't support us if we end up together?
    Community Answer
    Just take it slow. Go on one date and see how it goes. Then, if you start a relationship, your parents a more of a concern. But for now, just enjoy spending time together.
  • Question
    I like my friend and I thinks she likes me back, but sometimes she avoids me and then other times she touches me a lot. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    She could have mixed feelings about your relationship. If she does like you, she might feel defensive about it, like she doesn't want you to know. Maybe she's just shy, or maybe she isn't fully certain about her sexuality. You should just as her. If she's your friend, she'll be honest with you.
  • Question
    How do I tell my parents if they both hate the idea of it? I also self harm and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
    Community Answer
    You don't have to tell your parents at first. If you have any close siblings or friends you could tell them. Make sure that you have support in place before you tell your parents. You should really get help with your self harm, talk to a counselor at school or your doctor who can recommend a good mental health professional. A professional could also advise you about talking to your parents about your sexual preference. It may seem uncomfortable but they are there to help. The biggest thing to remember is you are not alone. Talk to people. There are people out there that can make you stronger.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my friend, who is a girl, likes me?
    Community Answer
    Just ask her! Be prepared for her answer either way, but the best way is to just be direct.
  • Question
    What if I know she has a boyfriend but I have liked her for a super long time and want to tell her my feelings for her?
    Community Answer
    It's best to let it go. If the girl you like is already with someone then interfering will only cause drama. You may hint to her that you are interested but do not make a move or tell her unless she is no longer with anybody. If she likes you and you tell her, then she could get together with you instead, but if her feelings aren't reciprocated, then you may lose your friendship with her. Back off a bit until she's available.
  • Question
    I like this girl who goes to my dance class, and every time I see her I get butterflies in my stomach. She is the most beautiful, funny, and talented girl I know in my life. What do I do?
    Rosie R
    Community Answer
    (That's super cute.) You can drop hints that you are bi/lesbian and talk about the LGBTQ+ community with her. You can always ask her what she thinks of lesbians, or you could just straight up ask if she is gay. You could also just try complimenting her or making a flirtatious remark or two and see how she responds.
  • Question
    I usually sleep naked. If another girl is visiting me and we're going to share a bed, should I wear pajamas?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should wear pajamas.
  • Question
    How do I know if she likes me? I can't figure it out because she's never shy, I've never seen her blush, and she's constantly happy around everyone.
    Community Answer
    Pay attention to the smallest things that she does. You can try counting how many things she does differently around you. If you get to 20 positive things, it may be time to try to tell her.
  • Question
    How do I ask out a very shy friend?
    Community Answer
    Try to make it more comfortable for them. Talk somewhat quietly when you ask them and be subtle with your body language. .
  • Question
    I am still in middle school, so how could I take her on a date if I can't go places on my own? And, how to I get my parents to let me go alone without knowing it's a date?
    Kaitlin Crepage
    Community Answer
    You could ask her to hang out at your house, or stay a while after school, if you go to the same school.
  • Question
    My friend is LGBT, but I can't really tell if she likes me. I want to tell her soon, but I don't want to risk making it awkward between us, as she was previously rejected. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try looking for signs that she likes you in a more than friendly way. Such signs could include: looking at your lips or staring at your eyes for longer than normal, increased heartbeat or dilated pupils around you (though this one is kind of hard to notice), or leaning and pointing her feet towards you even when she is not talking to you. If she displays all or most of these, then she probably likes you. If not, try asking another friend to bring up the subject with this girl (something like, "I think you and X would make such a cute couple!" or "I noticed that you and X spend a lot of time together, do you like her?") when you're not around. And if she responds positively, then try to ask her out!
  • Question
    We're still in elementary school and everyone gets in our business and/or hates gay people. How do I talk to her?
    Community Answer
    Just try to talk to her in private, or through email. Express your feelings to her. If she does not agree, do not push her. You can tell a school counselor about your feelings as well. Have confidence to tell the counselor and especially, your parents.
  • Question
    I do fantasize women and men both ,but when it comes to porn I like lesbian porn! I check out girls thoroughly and I've never had a stable relationship with any boy. Could I be a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't overthink it. Date the people you're attracted to. You don't need to put a label on your sexuality and then act accordingly.
  • Question
    How do I get my crush to like me? I'm 11 and she's 12. Shes questioning and has been for a while, but I'm sure I'm lesbian and have already confessed my feelings to her.
    Community Answer
    Just try flirting with her and spending more time with her. If you guys are friends already, ask her over for a sleepover. If you guys have class together, shoot her goofy looks across the classroom and try to make her laugh. Keep in mind that you ultimately can't control her sexuality, she has to figure that out for herself.
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