How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Be Sneaky
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QuestionHow could I make a secret project?Community AnswerKeep all the supplies for your project in your room; if they need to be stored in the fridge, then keep them towards the back or on a lower shelf. Also, keep it secret from your friends and family members if necessary; if you think that they can help you complete your project and keep it secret, then you can tell them about it.
QuestionWhat if I'm in the dark sneaking around? What should I do or wear?Community AnswerWear casual clothes. Don't try to be a ninja with the mask and all - a simple hoodie and joggers will do, as long as they are dark (not black)! If you're going to strike in the night, make sure you are right next to a good place where you can dash into the darkness and make your escape.
QuestionHow do you check if someone is looking at you without making it obvious?Community AnswerYou could use a compact mirror. Act like you're looking at yourself, but look at them instead.
QuestionWhy would you want to teach people how to lie, steal and be underhand in many other ways? The world has enough nastiness as it is.Community AnswerThis tutorial is just for fun. While it's understood and appreciated that you would like to rid the world of nastiness, nothing is black and white. What about a child who is scared of an abusive parent or friend, who needs sneak off to school or to get help from the police? It's best to never assume anything and if you don't like the topic, it's best to avoid it.
QuestionHow can I sneak something from a person's house when they're not home without them noticing it's gone?Community AnswerReplace it with something similar. My friend collects books. Whenever I go to his house for the weekend, I bring a book from my house that's roughly an inch thick, and a similar color to the others in my weekend bag. Whenever he leaves the room (e.g. to use the restroom) I get my book, and switch it with one of his that looks very similar. He has not yet noticed that about 20 of his 60ish books in his collection have gone missing, and it's been roughly a year since I began this prank. Being sneaky includes stealthiness and quick thinking, but it most of all includes patience.
QuestionWhat clothes are best to have on at night?Community AnswerIf you are sneaking, dark blue is the best.
QuestionHow do you take something without someone noticing?Community AnswerCreate a good distraction! Say something is happening in another room, and once the person is gone, snatch the item! In the case of multiple people, trick them all into thinking something that they like is outside or in another room, etc. Be sure to put it back when you're finished with your trick.
QuestionWhat should I do if natural movements sometimes cause a joint to pop as loud as someone snapping his fingers?UniverseCat131Community AnswerHide in the nearest area; for example, behind a door or tree, or under a table. If people can't see you, they will think they imagined it.
QuestionWhat if I need information and the person won't give it to me? What do I do?Community AnswerBlackmail them or bribe them. Find something they want (or don't want) and use that to get your information.
QuestionHow do I sneak out of a family reunion? My whole family is in the dining room and kitchen, and I'm considering going out the window. What do I do?Community AnswerSay you're going outside with your little cousin. Then play hide-and-seek, but never look for him.
QuestionShould I wear black clothes?Community AnswerIt depends on the environment that you are sneaking around in.
QuestionHow do I sneak so I can stay up all night without my parents knowing?Community AnswerIf you're using a device, keep one earbud in and one out (the ear closest to the door so you can hear if someone is coming). If you hear someone coming, hide your device under the blankets. Prepare ahead of time and and bring snacks, a charger, and anything else you think you might need to your room during the day so you won't have to go sneaking around at night.
QuestionAt my house I have a dog that barks/growls at any sign of movement and it is almost always at the place I'm trying to get to. How do I avoid this nuisance?Community AnswerDistract it by throwing something, or try to befriend it. The dog will most likely run towards whatever you threw, and it might not growl at you as much if you are friends.
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