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Q&A for How to Be a Strong Independent Woman
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QuestionWhat do I do when my friends ditch me?Community AnswerMake your own plans and build new friendships with people who respect you and your time.
QuestionHow to become independent financially and in relationships?Community AnswerIf you want financial independence, try to get a job and save money for something important (like buying a house or a mode of transportation instead of a new outfit that you don't really need). If you want to be independent in a relationship, you can hang out with your friends without your partner or keep your money separate. This may seem a bit mean to not share money with someone if the relationship is serious, but if the relationship doesn't work out, the other person might take your money from you and keep you bound to them financially.
QuestionI saw "caretaking" on the list of what to avoid, but I enjoy helping others. Can I still help others and be a strong independent woman?Community AnswerOf course! One of the best qualities of a strong, independent, woman is that she has the strength and power to help others who are in need. There is a difference between acting like someone's servant and cleaning up after them because you are forced to do so, and taking care of someone because you enjoy doing so.
QuestionWhat do I do if I can't move on while I see that my boyfriend is taking advantage of me?Community AnswerBe confident that time will heal all wounds and that you will find someone else eventually if you choose to leave your boyfriend. The world is a big place with billions of people -- he isn't the only one who can make you happy, and from the sound of it, he's not even doing that much. You should think about what you deserve and and pursue it. Your future self will thank you.
QuestionCan a strong, independent woman fall in love without losing her independence?Community AnswerCertainly. Just fall for the right person who respects your independence and your strengths. Test this very early on this relationship so that you don't waste time with someone who is just going feel threatened by you or act tough or irritated by your independence. Also, be certain that this person isn't trying to take advantage of your strengths and independent spirit, especially if you run a business, earn a lot or can command a great deal of respect among many people. Other than that, you'll know when you meet the right person and can fall in love and stay strong and independent.
QuestionHow do I stop being so reliant on my boyfriend?Community AnswerStart with small things, like making decisions on how to spend your evenings, going to market yourself, choosing your own dress. Assert yourself in spending your time, energy, and money on what you want to do. Keep your major finances separate. Share things that you want to, but not as an obligation. Adjust to his needs and requirements but make sure you don't bend too much while he remains oblivious or negligent of your concerns.
QuestionHow can I be a strong, independent and confident teenager?Community AnswerReally, teenagers can follow these steps as well! Remember- anyone can be strong and independent!
QuestionWhat can I do if I was an independent woman, but after getting into a relationship, I feel too dependent and obsessed with my partner? I fall back to square one over and over.Community AnswerTry to think about positive attributes of your personality that are independent of your partner. What are the qualities that family, friends, colleagues, etc. appreciate about you? Think about your good memories of success, achievement, and happiness before you got into this relationship. Continually reminding yourself of these things will give you strength to believe that you are your own unique and accomplished person. Make sure to take time to be by yourself, and/or spend time with your friends away from your partner. You should have your own life.
QuestionWhy do I feel like no one understands me?Community AnswerEverybody feels this way at some point in their life. Let it pass and in the meantime, focus on other things like school, work, or hobbies you enjoy. It's a rut we all get in at some point. Just be patient. It can also be helpful to talk to a friend or family member about how you feel.
QuestionSaying no to things? Won't it sound rude?Tom De BackerTop AnswererNo, it is not rude. Imagine someone asks for your shoes. If you say no, you'd be rude (according to you), but if you say yes, you'll be the one who has to walk home barefoot. When asked a question, compare those two amounts of discomfort, them being rejected or your having to suffer. If your discomfort is larger, say no. In fact, it's rude to ask someone any question that causes them more discomfort. Feel free to politely refuse anything you don't like, it protects your self-esteem and builds respect for you.
QuestionHow can I empower women and help them to get justice?Community AnswerEncourage your female friends to be the very best they can be. If you see injustice, stand up and say, "I'm surprised a good person like you would say/do something like that to women." Also, try volunteering for a charity for women (make sure it is one that listens to them instead of speaking over them).
QuestionHow can I stop being so reliant on my husband?Community AnswerYou should start by building a community of supportive, like-minded, strong, independent female friends. Use this entourage to help you become self-reliant.
QuestionHow do I start a business as an independent woman?Community Answer1. Figure out what you're passionate about or what special talent you possess. 2. Research ways you can make money from your passion or talent. 3. Gather (free) resources online, at your public library, and business conventions/fairs. 4. Read as much as you can about how to start your own business. 5. Create a business plan (research how to create a business plan). 6. Find funds to start your business like loans, savings, tax returns, etc. 7. Start your business. (Start small initially, if successful consider expanding).
QuestionHow can I be a strong independent woman and not clingy to my husband?Community AnswerDon't ask for help with small things that you can do.Take care of some things yourself and gradually will be become more independent.
QuestionIf I am not a strong and independent woman yet, how can I attract a man with these kinds of good qualities?Community AnswerKeep working on yourself. Men are attracted to women who are constantly improving themselves.
QuestionI want to be independent and don't want to be in love, but my heart is falling for someone. What can I do?Community AnswerBeing independent doesn’t mean you live life alone. You can pursue this relationship, and take charge if it happens! Tell whoever you’re falling for that you like to be independent, but are still interested. If the relationship doesn’t work out, take a breath and move on with ease.
QuestionWhy do I cry so much?Community AnswerCrying is a way to release stress and excess emotions. Some people just naturally cry more than others. If you feel your crying is negatively influencing your life, or you suspect that you may be depressed, talk to your doctor about it.
QuestionHow can I make money from home (online)?Community AnswerThere are plenty of ways to do this. For example, you could become a pro in Photoshop or web design, or sell things on eBay. You just have to find out what you like to do.
QuestionHow can I find a supportive best friend?Community AnswerThe best way to get a supportive friend is to be one. Listen when your friends talk and offer to help out and be there for them when they need you. You can't expect to have a supportive friend if you aren't willing to be supportive as well.
QuestionHow can I stop being obsessed with my boyfriend and be a strong independent woman?Community AnswerIt's normal to be a little boy crazy, but understand that you do not need male approval to love yourself. Make sure you are spending time just with your friends and don't neglect your personal goals.
QuestionHow can I be strong and independent while sorting through serious medical issues?Community AnswerA strong, independent woman knows that must still ask for help sometimes, so make sure to get help from friends and family if you need it in your day-to-day life. You should also be your own advocate. If your health insurance situation allows it, see other doctors for second opinions on your condition, and even specialists if that applies. Remember that your medical issues do not define you, but also accept your limitations at this time.
QuestionHow do I regain my self confidence?Community AnswerBy working out, eating healthy, meditating, investing in yourself, surrounding yourself with positive people, doing what you love, stepping out of your comfort zone, loving yourself and feeling worthy.
QuestionHow do I live alone as a strong independent woman?Community AnswerBeing an independent woman means that you are able to find happiness on your own. You have self-confidence without having to rely on another person or society for validation. It means emotional independence and being able to have healthy relationships with others without falling into codependent patterns.
QuestionHow do I deal with mean people when being a strong independent woman?Galasy4969Top AnswererWith respect and dignity. Don't stoop to their level, call names or yell. If the situation comes to it, defend yourself. If all else fails, walk away.
QuestionHow do I not be mean to people who are mean to me when being a strong independent woman?Community AnswerIf someone is mean to you, say calmly, "I don't like it when you... because... Can you please stop?" It is a calm, collected way to express your feelings. If the person continues, simply walk away from the situation.
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