Q&A for How to Care for a Butterfly with a Broken Wing

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    If a butterfly comes out of its cocoon and its wings are bent while it is drying, how do I fix that?
    Top Answerer
    That is normal; leaving it alone should let it have time to straighten.
  • Question
    Do the wings come back if they're damaged?
    Community Answer
    No, the wings will not grow back.
  • Question
    Will the butterfly's wings break if I grab it by the wings?
    Community Answer
    If you gently take it by the tips of the wings, the wings won't break, but you must be very careful, because the wings can be very easily torn.
  • Question
    What if the butterfly doesn't move when I try to set it free?
    Community Answer
    Just give it some time. If it still doesn't move, you can give the butterfly a light nudge to encourage it. (Be very gentle though.)
  • Question
    Should I let the butterfly be in the sun?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I think the butterfly would like that very much!
  • Question
    Where should I keep my butterfly?
    Community Answer
    Any container should do, but make sure it is ventilated, at least 3 times bigger than the butterfly, escape proof, and filled with leaves and twigs.
  • Question
    Will cutting the wing hurt the butterfly?
    Community Answer
    No, there are no nerve endings in the wing.
  • Question
    If a very small butterfly is injured, could I still treat it?
    Squirtle Turtle678
    Community Answer
    Yes, just use more concentration and a smaller loop. You may need a magnifying glass for that, and be extra careful.
  • Question
    I have a butterfly that I accidentally injured with the metal rim of my net by taking off a piece of its wing. It also won't fly. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You can usually just keep it as a pet. It may never fly again.
  • Question
    What about if the butterfly used to live in a tree?
    Community Answer
    Any kind of butterfly can be fixed this way, though you may have more trouble with some of the more delicate varieties.
  • Question
    Why doesn't mine move when I give it sugar?
    Community Answer
    It may be nervous. Give the butterfly some time with the sugar, maybe leave it in its cage with the butterfly and walk away. It may feel intimidated with you watching.
  • Question
    Can I use rubber cement instead of contact adhesive?
    Community Answer
    No, it may be toxic to the butterfly and the environment. Only use contact adhesive.
  • Question
    I have a dragonfly with one of the tips of the back wing bent. Could this work for it? The tip is starting to fall off.
    Community Answer
    This CAN work, but dragonflies can't be chilled. They are cold-blooded, and have a scaly flesh similar to reptiles and beetles. if you want to calm it, leave it in a jar with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol for 2-3 minuets. If you notice it's starting to become drowsy, take it out and do the work quickly. Don't leave it in for more that 3 minutes or you will kill it.
  • Question
    Do the clothes hangers have to be metal?
    Community Answer
    No! Just make sure the hangers don't have any sharp edges and make sure they're heavy enough to hold the butterfly down.
  • Question
    What do I do if the butterfly won't drink the water and sugar solution?
    Community Answer
    If you can't get the butterfly to eat the sugar water solution, try finding flowers. if you can't find any flowers that it'll eat, try hummingbird feed. You should be able to find it at Walmart.
  • Question
    What can I use as a good contact adhesive that is non-toxic to the butterfly and the environment?
    Community Answer
    Nail glue can work, but be sure to dilute it with some cold water before using it, or else the chemicals in it will bond with the wing and burn it.
  • Question
    Do I have to cut the wing?
    Community Answer
    That depends on the damage. If most of the wing is damaged, you could cut it off and replace it with another wing (i.e. from a dead butterfly); if only a little is damaged, there is no need to cut it at all.
  • Question
    What if the water still doesn't dissolve when caring for a butterfly with a broken wing?
    Community Answer
    Use less sugar or add more water, sugar will dissolve into water with the right ratio and the right temperature.
  • Question
    I found a butterfly that has a ripped wing and was thrashing around about a minute ago, but is not moving very much now. Is it dying?
    Community Answer
    It could be. Butterflies are very delicate and are not likely to survive when wounded.
  • Question
    I found a butterfly on the back of a mattress in my garage and accidentally injured it. The wings are intact, but the tips have gone a little grey, like the colors have come off. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You've removed the scales off the ends of the wings. It probably won't fly again, so you could try to keep it as a pet.
  • Question
    Is there a substitute material for a real wing piece? I have a monarch with most of one wing missing, but don't have any dead ones to donate a wing.
    Community Answer
    No. Any kind of cloth would be extremely heavy. Paper would make little sense and would disrupt the wing symmetry, so you would have accomplished nothing. It's like if you lost an arm and someone gave you a glass one. It doesn't really work.
  • Question
    What do I do if my butterfly is missing most of its scales?
    Community Answer
    Butterflies can still fly with missing scales, just be extremely careful when picking it up, or else the butterfly will lose the rest of its scales. If your butterfly still can't fly with the scales it already has, try caring for it as a pet.
  • Question
    How do I care for a butterfly that just came out of its cocoon and has something covering its face?
    Community Answer
    It's normal for butterflies to have something covering their faces! It's similar to the placenta that babies have. Just let the butterfly dry out and it should be fine!
  • Question
    What if the butterfly has deformed its wings by falling just after it comes out of the pupa?
    Community Answer
    It is not deformed, its just drying its wings because their cocoons are moist inside. Leave it alone so the wings can dry on their own but feel free to observe.
  • Question
    How do I help my monarch wings open if it's just hatched?
    Community Answer
    Don't touch it, they will open by themselves. After they hatch, the wings are kind of crumpled. After a bit of time, they'll unfurl themselves as they dry out.
  • Question
    How can I care for a butterfly that has two broken wings?
    Community Answer
    You can use the same feeding and caring method as above; however, it probably won't be able to fly again.
  • Question
    Do butterflies sleep?
    Community Answer
    Butterflies don't actually sleep. Instead they rest, or become quiescent, at night or during the day when it's cloudy or cool. They rest with eyes open, typically hidden amid the foliage and hanging upside down from leaves or twigs in trees and shrubs. They wait for the sun to come out before moving again next day, as they need its warmth to wake up properly.
  • Question
    What should I do if my butterfly gets sugar water on its wings?
    Community Answer
    Butterfly wings get wet a lot. You probably should let the wing dry. Dabbing the wing may break or injure it, so don't touch it.
  • Question
    Are butterflies able to heal wings naturally in the wild?
    Community Answer
    Not normally, butterflies can't grow wings back and when they have torn wings, they become easier for prey for other insect predators and birds to catch.
  • Question
    A butterfly hit my window and bent its wing close to the base. Would a splint still be enough for that?
    Community Answer
    Yes, freeze it as the paragraph said, then just flip the wing the right way, then put the splint on. It should be enough for the butterfly.
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