Q&A for How to Decide Whether to Marry a Man With Children

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    How should I handle kids who lost their mother?
    Top Answerer
    First, understand that you will never replace their mother, so do not try. Second, understand that the children are probably still grieving. Give them space while still being a step-parent. Continue making them meals and putting them to sleep. If they want to cry, let them. Listen to them. Some of them may throw temper tantrums. Remember, everyone grieves differently.
  • Question
    Can I marry a man who has three kids and I have a son?
    Community Answer
    Sure, as long as you both want it. Just make sure you have a clear, agreed-upon idea of what your family life is going to be like after this and what boundaries (if any) there are to be between you and each other's kids.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am in love with a man who has 8 kids with 5 women?
    Community Answer
    Think long and hard about if you are ready to take care of the kids, and be able to deal with all the women. It is a big job taking on someone else's family, and no one can fault you if you need to walk away. If you are up to that challenge, try living with them first and see how it goes.
  • Question
    What should I do if a man has a kid and his wife is dead?
    Community Answer
    Try to understand that the child will not agree for a while to him replacing his/her mom, but try to explain that you are there to help them both.
  • Question
    When should I meet my boyfriend's kids?
    Kaitlin Crepage
    Community Answer
    When the relationship begins to get serious, maybe after six months or more, would be a great time to meet his kids.
  • Question
    Can I marry a man that did traditional, church and court marriage if the woman is still alive?
    Brian Salazar-Prince
    Top Answerer
    In the majority of the USA, you may only be married to one person at one time. If the man was legally married but has not received a divorce decree, the marriage with you would be considered void ab initio - invalid from the start.
  • Question
    Before we met, my boyfriend gave a key to his place to his baby's mother. Does this mean I should trust him less?
    Jim J
    Community Answer
    I believe you're under the impression that his ex will come over one day, or at least the invitation is still open for her to come over anytime. Talk to him and let him know that it makes you uncomfortable that his ex still has access to his place. He should respond with an attempt to get the key back from her. If he becomes defensive or shrugs it off, I would certainly question his empathy and understanding toward you and your feelings.
  • Question
    What should I consider before marrying a man who has two kids from two ex-girlfriends?
    Community Answer
    You should consider if you want to welcome drama in your life by marrying a man who you know has exes who may not make things easy for you. It can also be incredibly difficult to take on the role of a stepparent, so you will need to consider all of the challenges you will be faced with by becoming a parent.
  • Question
    Should I marry a man who has two children and an ex not willing to let go of the past?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You're marrying neither the kids nor the ex, you're marrying the man you love. Of course you will have to love and take care of the children, at least for whatever role you have to play in that. And the ex is also an issue. But neither should affect your innermost emotion towards this man, and that emotion is the main thing to consider in your decision. If it were my choice, I'd say yes.
  • Question
    Should I marry my fiancee who goes behind my back to see his daughter who does not like me?
    Community Answer
    If he has to go behind your back to see his own daughter, there is definitely a problem. The two of you need to be able to be honest and communicate before you can dedicate your lives to one another. In any relationship, there are pitfalls, and family approval can be a hard one to get over. If you both love him, you and your fiancee's daughter should be able to work it out enough between the two of you to both be in his life without any dishonesty creating more problems.
  • Question
    Is it okay for my husband's two teen daughters to buy him expensive Christmas gifts with his ex's money?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course they can buy their father a Christmas gift. Where they get the money and how much it costs is none of your concern.
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    How do I stay together with someone who is divorced when I can't stand kids?
    Community Answer
    Either accept the person fully as they are, along with their children, or don't stay with the person. Their children certainly should not be stuck living with someone who can't stand them. You have to be unselfish and accept that the person's children need to be their top priority. If you really care about the person, do what is best for them. That means leave if you can't treat their children well or if you're going to be bitter with the person over their children.
  • Question
    How do I know if it's right to marry someone?
    Anika Shenoy
    Community Answer
    Make sure you are compatible, and that your partner is safe, loving, honest and reliable. Moreover, ask yourself if you could imagine spending the rest of your life with this person.
  • Question
    How do I marry a man who has children?
    Community Answer
    Fall in love and care for him and his children.
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    Should I marry aman that has three boys that don't respect him? They steal and do drugs and fight him and cuss me out all the time.
    Community Answer
    That is a very complicated question, and I don't have enough information to give you a real answer. You need to think carefully. Why don't the boys respect him? Is he a bad father? How does he respond to them? What would your life be like if you married him? Talk to people you trust about the situation.
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    Should I marry a man with three teenagers whose mother passed away, when I have two children of my own and his mother disapproves of our relationship?
    Community Answer
    You are both adults; communicate with him. It may help to find out why she doesn't like you, but it shouldn't be a determining factor.
  • Question
    I have two children and my partner has three children. And they still have their mother. And she uses them to come between me and their father.
    Community Answer
    It is not wrong on a wife's part to let her children know that their father is going to leave them for another woman. Don't worry about the truth. When you and their father have made the decision to be in a relationship, accept that they won't be very supportive at first, given that their mother is going to be left alone. Try being calm in front of his children and wife. Neither speak too much nor expect a favorable response from them. Let the father handle this aspect. In time, they'll become habituated to things as they have become.
  • Question
    Should I marry a man who has two children with different women, and one of them still loves him?
    Community Answer
    You might have been in a relationship with him despite his past and his wives. If you are okay with seeing your future with him and know how to be happy despite his other loving ex, you might be happy with him too. If you don't feel you could take such attention from his ex wife and it will bother you beyond control, make up your mind accordingly.
  • Question
    I am 22 with no child and my boyfriend is 36 ,with 6 kids from different mothers. He wants us to and start our own family. He pays maintenance for 2 kids and 2 stay with his aunts outside the home.
    Community Answer
    He has been honest about his wives and children. You are not in the dark. If you want to carry on with his plans, it is your decision, just as the decision to be his girlfriend was, despite his wives and six children. Ask yourself of you want to be in your boyfriend's life and bear children with him. Also, if you are concerned about finances, have an honest conversation with him about this.
  • Question
    I'm thinking of marrying a man with two children. Their mother left them five years ago. Should I?
    Community Answer
    The man is not just a father. You might have seen some qualities to date him at first place, knowing his past. If you are thinking of marrying him, you might have already committed to him. Having last moment jitters or doubts might be rooted in guilt or fears. Try to address your fears. If he is honest with you and if you see a future with him, then it is likely to be right. If you both are loyal and care for each other, then it can work.
  • Question
    How do I know if I should marry someone when they're separated and have children?
    Community Answer
    When they are separated, you don't have the worry of whether they will leave their spouse for you or not, since it's already done. It seems you've been in a relationship with them knowing their status. If they treat you well and you feel like this will be your future path, you can choose based on this reasoning. A happy married life requires respect and love.
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