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Q&A for How to Fold Paper for Tri Fold Brochures
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QuestionHow can I make my brochure creative and attractive?Community AnswerAdd color and make your words big on the front cover. Then, it will attract people and they will want to read.
QuestionShould both 'sides' of her leaflet be equal?Community AnswerThey should be equal so that the sides line up when the leaflet is folded.
QuestionHow do I write an advertisement after I folded the brochure?Community AnswerUse nice handwriting and format the advertisement to fit on one flap of the brochure.
QuestionHow do I make an engaging pamphlet?Community AnswerMake it interesting. Break up the text with images and/or graphs. Try to come up with an eye-catching title related to your subject and put it in large font on the front of the pamphlet.
QuestionDoes it matter if your front page is the left or right side?Community AnswerMost people use the left side but it does not really matter.
QuestionWhat should I put in the first panel of a brochure?Community AnswerIntroduce the topics covered in the rest of the brochure.
QuestionWhat goes in the second box?Nithya SureshCommunity AnswerA more detailed explanation of what is touched upon in the first panel. Try to answer a specific question your readers might have after going viewing that first panel.
QuestionHow can I make a brochure in my notebook?Nithya SureshCommunity AnswerMeasure the length of the page, then divide it into three. Draw vertical lines (lightly!), showing the divide between the three sections. Fold along those sections. Note: Because this is in your notebook, you can't fold the page into a brochure in the normal way without ripping the page out.
QuestionHow do you fit typed information into a brochure?Community AnswerGenerally you would have to have a folded example of what your brochure looks like. Then, using columns, type out how it should look. There are also templates especially for this kind of thing.
QuestionHow do I make sure all the sides are even without restarting?Community AnswerJust try your best to make them even. Slow and steady so you make the least amount of mistakes.
QuestionWhat if I only want to use four sides, not three?Community AnswerYou can fold it into quarters.
QuestionHow many inches are in each tri-fold panel on a 8.5x11 sheet?Community AnswerEach panel should be around 4 inches.
QuestionCan I write on the back of a trifold brochure?Community AnswerOnly if it helps your advertisement. I suggest you don't if you don't need to.
QuestionHow do I find the middle of a piece of paper without using a ruler?Community AnswerEstimate. Basically, the two (left and right) flaps just have to look equal.
QuestionDoes it matter how big or small the paper is?Community AnswerNot really, but the paper should be rectangular. Keep in mind that if you are designing a brochure digitally, you will need to adjust the widths of the panels accordingly.
QuestionWhat should I make the brochure about?Community AnswerBrochures advertise a place or service.
QuestionWhere do I start writing?Community AnswerYou can start by creating your title page on the front fold. You can then open your tri-fold brochure and start writing on the first fold on the far left. You can then carry your writing across all three panels.
QuestionIs it possible to do a two-sided brochure?Community AnswerYes. Just fold equally and you add what you want on the front and information in the inside.
QuestionWhat is a leaflet used for and how do I make it?Community AnswerLeaflets are used for advertising things.You make a leaflet by following the above steps/methods.
QuestionHow do I write a travel brochure?Community AnswerWrite about your destination, and include persuasive facts and pictures.
QuestionHow can I make brochure with two papers?Community AnswerYou could just fold them both in half and put one inside the other (using staples or whatever you want to attach them).
QuestionHow do I start my brochure?Community AnswerInformation about the place can help you oragnize where to put your information.
QuestionHow can I fold a six-sided brochure?Eager LearnerCommunity AnswerThe same way as this, but fold the first 1/6 and go along with the same pattern.
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